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Chapter 1259 The Real Kael'thas

Kael'thas is not clinging to the old antiques of the past.

However, as the lord of a country, he needs to consider more things than Sharlayan.

For a new thing like a mobile phone that has just appeared, from the standpoint of the Sun King, one will unconsciously worry about whether some of its functions are not comprehensive enough.

For example... Anti-eavesdropping.


When he came to Kael'thas' study room and heard from him about the concerns about the function of the mobile phone, Sharlayan sighed helplessly.

"Your concern is not unfounded, but at least at this point in time it is a bit too advanced."

Although the mobile phone was made by Mimiron's hands tens of thousands of years ago, it is theoretically considered an ancient black technology.

But since the birth of mobile phones, this thing has never been passed on the market.

Yes, Mimiron, who already has experience, can indeed make a lot of them, but...who uses them?

The Guardian of Titan already has a set of more convenient and secure means of communication, and does not need the mobile phone made by Mimiron's "whim".

Unfortunately, Mimiron was caught by his own family many years ago without any precaution.

When mortal civilization began to rise, he had long been imprisoned in Ulduar and could not go out, and he also fell into a mentally retarded state of insanity.

"That is."

Sharlayan pointed to the mobile phone placed on the table by Kael'thas: "At the moment when Mimiron is not yet free, as long as you don't reveal its existence, no one can intercept the mobile phone's communication transmission signal at all. .”

"It's not that it's technically difficult, but that other people never imagined that there is such a thing in this world."

"How to guard against something that most people don't know? That's why I said you are thinking too far."


Sharlayan spread his hands: "This communication transmission method that uses a base station as a relay and uses a small terminal to receive signals can use countless arcane wave frequencies, which can be switched at any time."

"Except for our own people who already know the inside story, who has the spare time to conduct exhaustive tests on each frequency band?"

"According to Mimiron, the types of arcane frequency bands can be as many as five digits."

"Uh~ 5 digits..." Kael'thas showed a speechless expression on his face: "Is it necessary to do such an extreme thing?"

Sarlayan smiled noncommittally: "So, you can use your mobile phone with confidence. At worst, I will adjust the base station signal and change the frequency band every day."

"Unless there is an insider who informs, I really don't believe that someone can intercept the communication signal and eavesdrop."

Kael'thas smiled wryly and waved his hands: "Okay, let's stop this topic for now, let's get back to the point."

"That Anwena... what do you think of her?"


Sarlayan smiled meaningfully: "I've confirmed it, it looks like a prosperous man."

Kael'thas: "???"

"I'm not asking that! I her body structure really the same as that of a normal high elf?"

"Beforehand, I'm just considering the bloodline inheritance of the Sunstrider family... Can she give birth to offspring like a normal person?"

Sharlayan looked at Kael'thas with a strange expression on his face: " can be honest and don't beat around the bush like this. After all, this is related to the sexual happiness of your lower body, and there is nothing to hide."

"You want to ask her if she can..."


Kael'thas's handsome face flushed a little: "I understand everything, just give me the answer."

Sharlayan shrugged jokingly: "Okay, the answer is... yes."

"Anveena is indeed the incarnation of the Sunwell, but in terms of human body structure, she is no different from ordinary high elves."

Hearing this answer, Kael'thas was obviously relieved: "Phew~ that's good."

"By the way, what do you mean by Vanves you mentioned earlier?"

"literal meaning."

Sharlayan told Kael'thas that he had observed Anveena's traits, and then enjoyed the face-changing skill performed by the Sun King himself.

"The gift of the soul of the world, the sharing of souls, infinite magic power, immortal lifespan..."

Perhaps because the amount of information was too large, Kael'thas' expression changed constantly following Sharlayan's narration, and it took him a while to sort out his mood and return to calm.

"Hmm..." Kael'thas scratched his head and asked, "That is to say, if I merge with Anveena's soul, as long as there is no accident between her and Sunwell, theoretically, I can have an infinite lifespan?"

Sharlayan: "That's it, are you surprised?"

Kael'thas rubbed between his brows with a complicated expression: "This is really...surprised and delighted."

Kael'thas had a good idea of ​​Sharlayan's going and going. He knew that Sharlayan, who had been promoted to a demigod, could not stay in Quel'Thalas forever.

More precisely, Sharlayan is unlikely to remain in a fixed mortal civilization.

Today's Azeroth is in a period of many covets and disasters. Sharlayan will not think too much, and will only do his best to protect Azeroth, whose star soul is not yet mature.

But the days of constant disasters like this will end one day. As long as Azeroth, which is recognized as the strongest titan, officially obtains the body of the titan, most of the problems will be solved.

Even the high elves, who are long-lived species, have a short lifespan compared to the demigods who live as long as the heavens and the earth.

With the passage of time, the relatives and friends around Sharlayan who failed to step into the demigod realm will gradually pass away sooner or later, and the bond between him and Quel'Thalas will gradually decrease accordingly.

At that time, Sharlayan, who is willing to let go, will most likely pass on the title of Grand Duke to his descendants, and leave with his confidante who also have unlimited longevity.

The loss of such a powerful guardian and aloof overseer is never a good thing for Quel'Thalas.

Sharlayan himself is not obsessed with power and wealth. These things are just tools for him to achieve his goals, as long as he has enough.

But no one can guarantee that Sharlayan's descendants will be as indifferent to fame and wealth as he is.

As the saying goes, you can't be rich for three generations.

There is a similar proverb in Quel'Thalas, and the current ugly situation of the founding nobles is also confirming the correctness of this statement.

Kael'thas is self-aware of his talents.

Judging by the standards of the high elves, Kael'thas is undoubtedly a genius, and his talent in the arcane is still higher than that of his father Anasteria.

But that's all.

As the king in charge of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas had too few opportunities to devote himself to cultivation, and spent most of his time dealing with national affairs that seemed to never end.

Even with Sharlayan helping him step on the shortcut to the demigod, Kael'thas, who was always full of chores, didn't dare to pat his chest and say that he would definitely be able to cross that hurdle.

Kael'thas and Sharlayan are called monarchs and ministers, but they are actually close friends.

Once Kael'thas dies at the end of his life, the fetters that bind Sharlayan will be reduced by one more, and the time for him to leave Quel'Thalas will be one step closer.

And... though Kael'thas himself wouldn't say it, no king could resist the alluring notion of eternal kingship.

Didn't Tyrande Yufeng next door be the leader of the race for ten thousand years by virtue of the eternal life blessing of the World Tree?

Before learning Anveena's qualities from Sharlayan, Kael'thas was still hesitant to marry an incarnation of a well.

Now he doesn't have to hesitate any longer.

Even without the guarantee that Sharlayan made before, the benefits of merging with Anveena's soul alone are enough to make Kael'thas make up his mind.

Sharlayan understood the change in Kael'thas' attitude through the change in his eyes, and he was not surprised by it.

High elves do live long, but longevity does not mean eternal life. Human desire to survive is an instinct engraved in DNA, and no one will refuse to have a longer life span.

...unless he has been suffering all his long life.

As the Sun King of Quel'Thalas, although Kael'thas's daily work is very busy, he is definitely not suffering when he is in power, and it is understandable to pursue a longer-lasting rule.

"Look at your this settled?"

Kael'thas scratched his cheek in embarrassment: " have eliminated my last concern. No matter from which angle I think about it, I can't find a reason to refuse."

Sharlayan smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I will wait to participate in this national wedding. After the wedding, I have other things to do."


Speaking of business, Kael'thas quickly restrained his expression: "What is your next plan? Tell me."

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