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Chapter 1263 King Qin? Who is the king?

Anastria, who was nearing the end of her life, took out the method of thunder after a long time.

When Sharlayan and Stellagosa noticed the abnormal arcane fluctuations from the north, Silvermoon City was already in chaos.

Spellbreakers, as the name suggests, this group of royal guards guarding the royal court has special means to target spellcasters.

Unless the strength gap between the two sides is too large, any spellcaster will be restrained in every way when facing a well-equipped and well-trained spellbreaker.

When the riot just started, the lawbreakers who were ordered to enforce the law acted fairly restrained, and only arrested those troublesome nobles who had been listed by Anasteria.

From the founding of Quel'Thalas to the present, except for the unprecedented severe punishment for clear treason and collaborating with the enemy during the troll war, the descendants of the great nobles have never encountered such a situation of arresting people on the spot.

In Sharlayan's view, these fat-brained, decadent nobles were raised too comfortably and couldn't recognize their names.

Rest with the country? Do you have the key? How many to match?

During the period when Quel'Thalas was first established, the high-level elf nobles who followed Dath'Remar to the east did contribute a lot, and they also received a generous reward from Dath'Remar, and received a gift that can be passed down from generation to generation. hereditary title.

However, thousands of years have passed, and the original minister of the brachial thigh has long since degenerated into a bad shape.

If they don't jump out and try to fight the royal family for power and cholera state affairs, Anasteria and Kael'thas don't mind raising this group of useless waste.

It's like buying a horse bone with a thousand dollars, and it can show Quel'Thalas how the royal family treats the descendants of meritorious people preferentially.

When the Silvermoon Council was still in existence, although Anasteria was very troubled by those difficult political enemies, those councilors still had real materials, at least to a certain extent, they could assist him in managing government affairs.

Today, the former Silver Moon Council has been reorganized into a cabinet, and the ministers holding important positions have completely changed.

With the fall of Dar'Khan Drathir, the founding nobles lost their last high-ranking voice willing to speak for them.

Even at this point, these guys still have no self-knowledge, and want to jump out and fight for power.

That being the case, Anasterian, who was about to go west, didn't want to leave these troubles to Kael'thas, and he decided to take them away before he died.

The pampered nobles had never been treated so "roughly" by the inferiors in their eyes before. The impartial law enforcement of the lawbreakers was like stabbing a hornet's nest, which immediately aroused fierce resistance from the troubled nobles.

And then... there's nothing more to say.

The big nobles with strong financial resources did hire a lot of guest ministers with fairly good combat power to protect their safety.

But anyone who knows with their ass knows that these self-proclaimed superior fools only have eyes for arcanists who are respected in Quel'Thalas.

And when an arcanist faced a spellbreaker who was specifically targeting spellcasters... it couldn't be said that they had no power to fight back, it could only be said that they didn't have any effect at all.

After encountering violent resistance to the law, the lawbreakers who had been prepared for a long time immediately launched the magic barrier.

The aristocratic arcanists, who had held their heads high and looked arrogant before, fell silent in an instant, waving the gorgeous staffs that turned into fire sticks in vain.


A lawbreaker mercilessly smashed a very beautiful golden anti-magic shield on the enemy's face, and the opponent's well-dressed handsome face was immediately disfigured, and his face was full of peach blossoms.


The lawbreaker glanced contemptuously at the slumped noble arcanist: "Incompetent waste...Take it away! Next!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the heads of the great noble families who were hiding behind and commanding by remote control panicked.

"Don't worry! Send someone to inform His Excellency Mattis and Petra, saying that Anasteria is stupid. He wants to clear all the nobles in Quel'Thalas before he dies, and let the two legion commanders immediately Lead the army into the city to serve the king!"

"King Qin? Why do you want to rebel?!"

"Bah! This is the end of the matter, don't you want to kill yourself? You might as well take out all the cards in your hole! Once you succeed, Quel'Thalas will be ours... Wooah!"

"There is no cure..."

Calpurnia, who was mixed in with the noble crowd, finally couldn't listen anymore. She raised her staff and fired an arcane missile, knocking out the noble patriarch who was trying to instigate a rebellion on the spot.

As the foreign minister of the cabinet, Calpurnia is recognized as a good dancer with long sleeves, and she often has a friendly smile on her face.

However, at this moment, there was no smile on Calpurnia's face, and a chilling coldness flickered in her eyes.

Solanlian, who was taciturn, also stood out from the crowd. About one-third of the noble patriarchs who followed the big army and shouted together stood behind them without hesitation.


Calpurnia sneered and blessed herself with multiple protective spells: "The times have changed, and now is no longer the era when you can just lie on the merits of your ancestors and wait to die."

"Do you really think that the four nobles who still hold important power in the kingdom will be so stupid as to join forces with you worthless trash?"

"King Qin? You are right, but you have mistaken the target of King Qin's army."


A series of heavy hoofbeats came from the direction of the shepherd's gate in Silvermoon City, and Liadrin, the countess in armor, rushed to the forefront in the lead.

Under the evacuation of the backlight blade that had been prepared for a long time, there were no ordinary people on the main road leading directly to the royal court, and the morning vanguard army that had entered the charge state was pointed at the center of chaos like sharp knives.

Behind the banner of the Dawn Vanguard, the flags of the Firewing Legion and the Firehawk Legion are also faintly visible.

Now, no matter how stupid people are, they can see that this farce has been a pig-killing game set up by the Sunstrider royal family from the very beginning.

If these arrogant nobles hadn't ordered their guests to resist arrest, at most they would be arrested and "calm down" in prison for a period of time.

But once the law enforcement officers who represent the majesty of the country are attacked, the nature is completely different.

Due to Dath'Remar's excessive preferential treatment to his old brothers who helped him establish his foundation, only the crime of rebellion can completely reshuffle the cards of these great nobles left over from the founding period.

Fortunately, Quel'Thalas is not popular with the Nine Clans Matching Music mentioned in the barrage.

After the turmoil subsides, Kael'thas will only pursue the crimes of those who participated in or assisted in the rebellion.

And most of these people are the pillars of the direct line of the family. After cutting off these already corrupted flesh and blood, Kael'thas will use the excuse of preferential treatment of meritorious families to support a group of capable family offshoots to succeed the big ones.

The founding aristocrats after a major change of blood can still continue their family name, but it is obviously impossible to imagine being as domineering as before.

"It's over..."

Seeing the military flags of the major legions appear one after another, the heads of the noble families who finally realized the seriousness of the problem turned pale and their hands and feet trembled.


Calpurnia's expression was still stern: "Responding now? It's too late!"

The faces of another group of time-savvy people following Calpurnia showed no joy, but only pity and worry about the uncertain future.

"Cough cough cough!!"

Seeing that the situation was going smoothly as planned, Anasteria also breathed a sigh of relief.

Raising his heart and suddenly letting go, the old king, who was already in poor health, suddenly bent over and coughed violently with a look of pain on his face.

The sudden change shattered the joy of the smooth progress of the plan, and the attendants beside the old king immediately helped him to sit down in a hurry.

After finally getting a breath, seeing Anasteria's pale face at this time, the hearts of all the people present who were paying attention to this matter sank.


Anasterian himself seemed very open-minded, he waved his hand calmly, signaling to his followers that they don't need to mess around anymore.

"It's about time. My age has already exceeded the theoretical limit lifespan of the high elves."

"I know in my own mind that my body is exhausted and cannot be reversed by human power. At most, I can persist for another ten and a half months."

"As long as I can see Kael'thas marry the queen with my own eyes, I will be satisfied."

"last of the last……"

He raised his turbid eyes and looked towards the gate of the Sunstrider Royal Court. Kael'thas, who got the news, put aside his state affairs and hurried over.

Anasteria smiled indifferently: "My son, when that day comes, remember to send my body back to the Sunwell, it will be regarded as the beginning and the end."

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