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Chapter 1264 The Law of Nature That Cannot Be Violated

When Sharlayan rushed back from sending the invitation letter from Kul Tiras, he happened to run into Valeera who had returned from Silvermoon City.


After learning the whole story from the solemn Valeera, Salayan sighed softly.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of nature that all mortals cannot escape. Compared with the previous two Sun Kings who died fighting to protect the country, Anasteria, who is about to die, is not bad."

It's not that Sharlayan didn't try to prolong Anasteria's lifespan. Back then, he specifically asked Elisande for the high-end magic wine specially produced in Suramar.

This magical wine is brewed with a high concentration of Nightwell energy, and the energy of the Nightwell comes from the Eye of Aman'Thul, the Pillar of Creation.

The artifact is known to possess the ability to peer into, and to some extent manipulate, time.

The high-grade magic wine brewed from high-concentration Nightwell energy has a special ability, which can slightly increase the life span of the drinker.

However, this method of increasing lifespan is relatively crude. It simply prolongs the survival time of drinkers and cannot reverse their physical condition.

As a veteran arcanist who has survived for more than 3,000 years, Anasteria knows his body better than anyone else. After trying magic wine once, he decisively gave up his long-term plan to drink it.

Because that doesn't make much sense, and continuing to prolong his life can only allow him to maintain his current bad state and linger on. No one is willing to take the initiative to prolong the time of suffering. It is better to go to the Shadow Realm and start a new life earlier.

Anasterian learned about the Shadowlands from Sharlayan.

Ordinary people will instinctively fear death, which is mainly due to the unknown, not knowing where they will go after death, and whether they will completely lose consciousness from then on.

Anasterian had merits and demerits in his life, and just winning the troll war was enough for him to brag about it for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Sharlayan can guarantee that there is definitely a lot of heart energy contained in his soul, and the four major kingdoms in the shadow world will all compete for important people.

In addition to Revendreth, Sharlayan has connections in Blazefield, Maldraxxus, and Ascension Bastion, and no matter where Anasteria is assigned, it will not start from scratch.

Judging from Anasteria's life, it should be impossible for him to be dispatched to Revendreth to atone for his sins. After all, he did not commit any sins worth mentioning during his lifetime.

Maldraxxus, the favorite realm of those who craved battle after death, was clearly not the place for the suave Anasterian.

Therefore, in the end, it should be a choice between Blazing Blue Fairy Field and Promotion Fortress.

If it was in the earlier years, Sharlayan would definitely use his relationship to entrust the Queen of Winter to bring the old king who had been taking good care of her in the early years to Blazing Fairy Fields.

A promotion fortress that will forcibly erase the memories of life? The dogs don't go.

With the eldest daughter Gristia abolishing this mandatory regulation after a painful experience, promotion to the fortress has also become a good place to go, it depends on how the AI ​​arbitrator decides.

Precisely because Anasteria had so many predictions about his life after death, he was not afraid of death.

To him, death is nothing more than ending this long journey of thousands of years and starting a new life in a different environment.

Therefore, Sharlayan will not feel too much sorrow for the old king whose life is about to come to an end... Anyway, as long as he needs it, he can go to the Shadow Realm to visit Anasteria at any time.


Sharlayan didn't bother to ask at all, it was just a farce with a preordained ending.

It doesn't matter even if something unexpected happens, Sharlayan can take action to suppress the situation at any time.

It was also because of Sharlayan, a demigod-level powerhouse, that Anasteria dared to carry out this radical plan.


As expected by all parties who knew the inside story in advance, the final counterattack of the old aristocracy ended in failure unsurprisingly.

All nobles who have participated in the rebellion will be sentenced to treason and will be executed after Kael'thas' wedding ceremony.

Although these people are not dead yet, this is just to prevent Kael'thas from adding too much color before the wedding, and the follow-up plan has begun to be implemented in an orderly manner.

Recently, the families of the big nobles have been in a turmoil, and each branch has shown its own talents in order to be the head of the family, and they have tried their best to show their value to the Sun King.

The nobles in the southern part of the Eversong Forest ate a big mouthful of melons contentedly, and were very glad that they did not rashly participate in this fishing operation, and Sharlayan's prestige was thus enhanced again.

With the last of the opposition gone, Kael'thas' marriage to the commoner queen was finally a foregone conclusion.

The domestic high elf commoners seem a little excited recently, and there are many people discussing this in various public places such as bars, restaurants, and coffee shops.

The decision-makers of Quel'Thalas, who knew Anveena's true identity, were also happy to see her become queen.

She is a commoner in name, but in fact, Anveena's identity is more noble than the Sunstrider royal family from a certain point of view, and Kael'thas is still considered a high ranking.

Recently, Sarlayan took his family to travel around the Eastern Kingdom by sending invitation letters to the heads of state.

After finally being able to go out and play openly, Little Tina was most excited.

Stellagosa listened to the persuasion of Salayan, Valeera and the others, and did not control Tinagosa too strictly recently.

To Little Xingxing's relief, her mischievous younger sister is indeed much more mature than before.

It is her nature to be lively and active. During this trip around the continent, although Tina Gosa was a little bluffed, at least she didn't cause any trouble.

The last stop of the invitation was to Dalaran, which was specially adjusted by Sharlayan, so that Jaina, who had been quite busy recently, could be taken home with her.

"Old friend, how are you doing?"

In the Violet Castle of Dalaran, Sharlayan smiled and asked Kirin Tor Speaker Rhonin, "That big humanist hasn't given up yet?"

"Not yet, but soon."

With the full help of Jaina and Aethas, both of the reformist faction, the pressure on Ronin was finally relieved a lot.

There is no solid political alliance between Modera, Ansrem, and Karaine. They each have different political demands, but temporarily have the same interest in suppressing Ronin's authority.

After the reformers headed by Ronin expressed their willingness to welcome Khadgar back, the three had to reconsider whether their positions under their buttocks could still be secure.

Khadgar is also a relatively open-minded reformer, and this guy also bears the two scary titles of Lord of Karazhan and Heir of Medivh.

Ordinary mages in Dalaran didn't know the inside story, but Modera, Ansrem, and Kalain, who were in high positions, knew it well.

With the rebuilt Council of Tirisfal right under Dalaran's nose, Medivh, Aegwynn, and Merry Winterwind are all potential supporters of Khadgar.

If Khadgar really expresses his desire to join the Kirin Tor Council, Aethas and Jaina, who represent Quel'Thalas and Kul Tiras, must not move, that is to say, Mode Among the three people pulling, there will inevitably be one with the weakest backstage who will be squeezed out.

So, who is this unlucky guy who gets squeezed out?

It's unknown for now, but all three hope it's not themselves.

With a trick in his hand, Luo Ning can join forces in a leisurely manner. To this day, he has dismantled the already fragile political alliance of the three, and is even expected to draw the two of them to his side except Modera. Come on, let them do a backstab with a jump.

From Sharlayan's standpoint, he didn't have any good feelings for Modera, a great humanist who had long bared her teeth at Quel'Thalas.

If given the chance, he definitely wouldn't mind stepping Modera into the dirt.

However, the specific situation still depends on how Luo Ning, the new speaker, decides. Sarlayan will not violate the taboo of blatantly interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.

Considering the future development of Dalaran, it is a matter of time for Khadgar, who has been honored with many honors, to join the Kirin Tor Council.

Even if Sharlayan doesn't push back, judging from the current situation, Modera, who danced the most happily before and is hard to turn back now, is still the one most likely to be kicked out.

"I have received the Sun King's invitation."

Luo Ning, who was in a good mood, raised his glass to Sharlayan with a smile on his face: "The Kirin Tor Council will definitely go to Silvermoon City to attend the Sun King's wedding on time, and congratulate Kael'thas on my behalf."

"And you?"

Sharlayan shook the red wine glass in his hand with a half-smile: "You're not too old, why don't you find someone to start a family with?"

Luo Ning smiled wryly and shook his head: "Busy, but you're right, when the dust settles in the parliament, it's time for me to consider getting married."


Sharlayan raised his eyebrows with great interest: "What do you you have someone you like?"

Thanks to "DevilCrying" for the reward.

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