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Chapter 1304 I am waiting for reinforcements, what are you waiting for?

Kotek also knew that he was not in the right position. As long as Sursis, the undisputed God-favored of Setaris, survived for a day, no matter how he shouted, the snake people would not recognize the legitimacy of his so-called "Great Emperor".

What worries Kotek the most is not that Sursis is not dead, but that someone of unknown origin helps the pious.

Judging from the opponent's easy killing of hundreds of assassination troops, this intervening person who doesn't know where he came from is definitely not a good person.

But up to now, the arrow is on the string and has to be launched.

Even though his heart was flustered and he couldn't find peace, Kotek still had no choice but to bite the bullet and launch a rebellion according to the original plan.

In his words, this is to allow the snake people to embark on a new future. They can no longer be attached to the dead Sethralis, and rely on their own strength to build a snake people empire that can stand up to the Zandalari trolls.

Just as Kotek was anxiously thinking about the follow-up plan, the person who stayed in the Temple of the Devout should send him the latest news.

Although Sursis didn't die, he was fatally wounded in the ambush, and a black-haired foreign woman happened to pass by and rescued him.

According to Neiying's observation, Sursis's injury must not be cured, and death is only a matter of time.

It's a pity that Kotek's insider didn't live long enough to deliver the second, more important piece of information.

While Warwick was busy preparing for the war and calming people's hearts, Onyxia kept watching the movement inside and outside the Temple of the Devout as a bystander.

Just as the nephew was about to deliver the letter again, he was caught by Onyxia who had been paying attention to it.

"Playing with me as a spy? You guys are too young."

Sharlayan temporarily stayed in the quiet room and continued to take care of Sursis who had just escaped from danger.

Considering the current state of panic in the temple of the faithful, the seasoned Onyxia predicted that there would definitely be spies of the unbelievers in the temple.

Sure enough, it did not exceed the expectations of the most senior old spy, the Black Dragon Princess.

The spy tried to kill himself by swallowing poison after being thrown in front of Warwick, but he failed under the watchful eyes of Onyxia, who had been prepared.

The corner of Warwick's mouth twitched as he looked at the unbelievers spy in front of him, his body movements and demeanor were completely out of line.

Warwick could tell that the spy had long been determined to die, but unfortunately, he couldn't control his body at the moment, and he was still doing a silly tap dance in place at the moment.

"His Royal Highness Princess Black Dragon, this is you..."


Onyxia, who has the power of shadow, played with the Dark Empire Blade in her hand with a half-smile.

"If you want to ask anything, please do it as soon as possible. This guy's soul resistance is very strong, and it is impossible to break free from control, but he will burn his brain due to excessive resistance in 10 minutes at most."

"...Although it doesn't mean anything to us, it's a big deal to let Sharlayan come over and perform a spirit spell to continue the torture."

Warwick smiled wryly and shook his head: "Of course it's best to ask living people. I've also heard about spiritism. If the spiritual confrontation is too intense during life, it seems that it will affect the integrity of the soul, right?"

Onyxia shrugged: "That's why I told you to hurry up, don't waste time, just ask."


The spy maintained an expression of despair and grief throughout the whole process. His body was not controlled by his brain at all, and he revealed all the information he knew in detail.

Knowing that Kotek had received the news that Sursis was seriously injured and dying, instead of getting angry, Warwick rested his chin on his hand and showed a thoughtful expression.

‘Heh~ no outstanding talents? You are too humble. '

The scheming Onyxia could see what Warwick was planning. It was nothing more than what Sharlayan said about building plank roads openly and keeping secrets in the dark. He used wrong information to mislead Kotek, and tried to pass the plan with all his strength. Fight back with one blow and complete the battle.

Now that Warwick had already made up his mind, Onyxia, who was an outsider, was happy to take a break and didn't say anything to hint him.

Kotek must have sent more than one spy to infiltrate the faithful, but none of the other spies had a higher status than this one, and could obtain important information that Warwick ordered to be tightly sealed.

But... In fact, it's still not high enough, at least he didn't know what Onyxia's body was, and dug a sinkhole for his "great emperor" that would never be filled.

After finishing the spy matter, Warwick publicly announced that Surthis' injury has stabilized and he will regain consciousness tomorrow morning, but it will take about 2 months to recover.

This timely good news finally dilutes the uneasiness and anxiety inside and outside the temple. After learning that Sursis's injury is not serious, the people spontaneously regarded the previously spread news as fake news, and Kotek's public opinion battle failed. Harvest results.

As Sharlayan expected, out of a sense of common hatred, the faithful were furious at Kotaek's assassination of the venerable Sursis.

The soldiers on the front line blocked the first wave of attack by the Faithless Legion with high morale, and the snakemen in the rear also worked hard to provide sufficient logistical supplies for the front line troops.

"Sure enough." Onyxia said sarcastically: "Using external struggles to divert internal conflicts is a classic routine that will never go out of fashion. Look, isn't Kotek a perfect target?"

Through Onyxia's silent investigation, Sharlayan learned more details about the snake people group.

Although Warwick and Surthis share the same political views in the general direction, there are still many frictions in many details.

After Sursis was seriously injured, the Temple of the Faithful was under the deliberate guidance of unbelievers spies, and some people suspected that Warwick directed and acted himself.

With the announcement of the truth, a large number of spies whose identities were exposed by their superiors were arrested, and the public opinion of the Temple of the Believer took a 180-degree turn.

"Don't be too happy."

Under the strong request of the snake man healers, Sharlayan completed the shift with them, climbed to the top of the temple with Onyxia, and looked at the Snake Canyon in the distance from a height.

Sharlayan said with deep meaning: "Once the front line fails to win the situation, Kotek, an ambitious man, will most likely choose to put all his eggs in one basket and take the risk."

Onyxia raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked knowingly: "You mean, he will gather the remaining troops to storm the Atu Aman Pyramid?"


Sharlayan was not dazzled by the momentary victory, and still calmly analyzed: "At the moment when Sethralis has not been resurrected, once Mythrax is resurrected, it will undoubtedly be a dimension reduction for believers who lack top combat power. hit."

"Heh~" Onyxia sneered and complained, "That Kotek is so confident that Mythrax will listen to him?"

"It's not self-confidence." A cold light flashed in Sharlayan's eyes: "He has long been mentally prepared, and if the battle goes wrong, he will completely fall to G'huun in order to get Mythrax's help."

"Otherwise, why does he think that under his leadership, the Snakeman can be on an equal footing with the profound Zandalari Empire?"

Onyxia shook her head and commented: "Seeking skins from tigers is beyond our control."

"Okay." Sharlayan smiled indifferently: "This kind of ambitious man who can't recognize his own ability is everywhere in Azeroth, and he is not the only one."

"Warwick is not just talking but not practicing. With the intelligence support we provide, it is not so easy for Kotek to jump the wall in a hurry."

"This trip to Zandalar has already delayed a lot of time. After the situation of the snake people's civil war is basically clear, Raiden's injuries should also initially recover. We should transfer to Northrend to prepare for the upcoming battle. Final preparations."


There was a joke in the barrage that Sharlayan found very funny.

[I'm waiting for a skill CD, what are you waiting for? 】

The intellectualized Loken overestimated the number of Titan creations in Wintergrasp, and also overestimated the high-end combat power Sharlayan had at the time.

Loken thought that all of this was planned by Layden, and it was a premeditated calculation.

For this reason, Loken, who lacked a sense of security in his heart, could only hoard troops like a hamster with his head shrunk, hysterically throwing a large amount of mineral resources into the Creator Engine.

Loken's stress response made Sharlayan a little dumbfounded.

If he had launched an offensive with all his troops from the very beginning, it would have been impossible to win with the combat power that Donggrasp Lake had hoarded at that time. At most, he could only maintain a balance of power, and the probability of defeat would be greater.

As time passed, Thorim and Azadas successively led their respective headquarters troops to Wintergrasp Lake for reinforcements. At this time, Wintergrasp Lake already had the ability to stand up to Loken's steel army.

Limited by the acquisition of mineral resources, the growth rate of Loken's steel army has slowed down significantly, while the Nalak'sha Engine, which has the logistical support of most of Azeroth, is still rampant.

That is to say, the longer the time dragged on, the lower the probability of Loken successfully defending Ulduar. He was simply giving away his own advantage.

Sharlayan, who was standing on the top of the temple, looked towards Northrend in the north with a half-smile: "Loken, I'm waiting for reinforcements, what are you waiting for?"

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