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Chapter 1305 Sharlayan: Open the theater mode

As Sharlayan expected, after learning that the front line was in a stalemate, Kotek, who was sitting in the Snake Canyon Palace, became more and more anxious.

According to his original plan, the faithful should have fallen into civil strife after Sursis was assassinated, and with Warwick's prestige, it was impossible to control the overall situation in a short period of time.

However, Kotek's plan went wrong from the very first step, and the subsequent situation did not develop according to his plan in advance.

The total number of troops in a single round, as the "show" in the later period, the unbelievers still lag behind the pious who have a higher popular support rate.

If you can't concentrate superior forces in a short period of time to defeat the enemy by surprise, once the battle situation drags on for a long time, the unbelievers with insufficient background will suffer instead.

"I can't help it. At this point, I can only take risks!"

A look of determination flashed across Kotek's snake eyes, and he slapped the armrest of the throne vigorously and stood up.

"Come here! Get my armor and weapons! I want to fight myself!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"


Warwick, who was temporarily caught by the military and government, was so busy that his feet did not touch the ground. The government affairs shared by Warwick and Sursis were suddenly on his head, and he would definitely not be able to adapt in a short time.

What's more, it's not just internal affairs that Warwick needs to take care of lately, the battle situation on the front line also requires his attention.

In this extremely busy state, it was inevitable that Warwick, who was in power for the first time, would have some negligence.

Sharlayan and Onyxia had already expected that Warwick would be so busy, they helped him do some work in advance.

The ghost familiar that Sharlayan summoned with spiritism is now in ambush near the Snake Canyon. Once Kotek makes any new moves, he will be able to know immediately through the information sent by the familiar.


When receiving the information from the familiar, Salayan was cuddling up with Onyxia, resting in a daze.

Noticing Sharlayan's movements and changes in breath, Onyxia lazily raised her head from his shoulder and asked, "Is there any news ahead?"

"Yeah." Sharlayan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "As we expected, Kotek couldn't help it."

"He personally led the remaining troops in the Snaking Canyon to come out. However, he did not rush to the southwest battlefield for reinforcements. Instead, he circled around and marched southward through the eastern exit of the canyon."

"Heh~" Onyxia said with a half-smile, "Is the target really Atu Aman? Fortunately, we made preparations in advance."

Just as Kotek was worried, there was still a gap between the unbelievers and the pious in terms of the total number of troops, and as both snake people, there was not much difference in the individual combat effectiveness of the two sides.

That is to say, with the same strength and morale, it is difficult for the unbelievers and the pious to distinguish the winner in a short period of time.

With the help of Onyxia, the spies that Kotek placed in the base camp of the faithful were all removed one by one by Warwick.

Because the respected Sursis was assassinated by Kotek's unruly people, the devotees at this time were in a state of outburst of righteous indignation.

The total number of devout troops on the front line is actually smaller than that of the non-believers, but they have formed a balance of power with higher morale and fewer fights.

Since Kotek can still divide his troops to attack the Pyramid of Atu Aman, there is no reason why the devotees with more troops can't come out.

At the suggestion of Sharlayan, Warwick arranged in advance for an elite snake man to lurk near the Pyramid of Atu Aman.

The vast desert stretches as far as the eye can see, and it is logically difficult to ambush troops.

Sarlayan made a trip to the Pyramid of Atu Aman in advance, and purposely arranged two invisible magic circles nearby, which happened to be able to cover up the 3,000-strong elite in two batches.

Counting the remaining troops who deliberately put out their cards to lure the enemy, the total number of devout believers is about 3,500.

According to the information provided by the ghost familiar, Kotek desperately brought out all the combatable soldiers in the Snake Canyon, the total number was about 5,000.

It seemed that the Devout side had fallen into a disadvantage in terms of military strength, and Warwick repeatedly emphasized that more men could be dispatched.

Under the condition of ensuring that the frontline battle situation is not lost, Warwick still has as many as 20,000 mobile troops in his hands.

However, in Sharlayan's view, it didn't take so many troops to ambush Kotaek, and too many people would easily reveal their whereabouts.

Under his suggestion, Warwick was ready to throw 20,000 people into the battlefield at any time and smash the enemy's front in one fell swoop.

Now, Warwick is waiting for the good news from the pyramid. As long as Kotaek is defeated in Atu Aman, the snake people's civil war will completely lose suspense.

Onyxia is not interested in going to Atu Aman to see the situation in person, anyway, all the arrangements that should be made have been made, unless Kotek can use a mechanical descendant, his ending is already doomed.

Sharlayan didn't plan to rush to Atu'aman to join the battle in person, but started to watch the development of the situation remotely with great interest through Hawkeye.

When Kotek confirmed through his scouts that there were only a few 500 people staying near the Atu Aman Pyramid, the "emperor", who had been in trouble since the war, finally swept away his previous depression.

"Attack with the whole army! Take down the pyramid quickly, and the victory of this war will belong to the unbelievers!"


A large number of unbelievers screamed and launched a charge. With Sarlayan's advance notice, the more than 500 defenders deliberately showed a look of panic, which further stimulated the confidence of the unbelievers.

However, as the old saying goes, the higher you stand, the harder you fall.

Due to the obvious superiority of troops, the unbelievers were a little careless when charging, and failed to maintain the original neat formation.

[High EQ, stragglers. 】

[Low emotional intelligence, a mess. 】

When Kotek took the lead and led the "Emperor" guards to rush into the enemy's line and tear apart the opponent's defense, the devout soldiers who had been ambushing on both sides suddenly rushed out.

From winning to ambushing by mistake, the huge psychological gap caused the originally high-moralized army of unbelievers into chaos.

Kotek, who was very confident in his personal strength, and his guards were completely separated from the main force by the sudden ambushes.

The 500 Mingpai defenders, who were cowering like sheep before, suddenly changed their momentum, and rushed towards Ke Taike in the opposite direction, full of murderous aspirations.

"The overall situation is settled."

After confirming that Kotek was cut off from the main force, Sharlayan, who was satisfied, closed the eagle eye technique, closed his eyes and leaned back against the soft body of the black dragon princess.

"Even if Kotek can survive on the battlefield by virtue of his strong personal force, he will never be able to escape from the closed encirclement. It depends on whether this guy is captured alive or killed on the spot."

Despite the fact that there were only 3,500 believers on the side, the first ambush completely destroyed the morale of the unbelievers army. The 5,000 unbelievers screamed like headless chickens trying to escape, and only a very small number of them still had the courage to stand up and fight.

On the other hand, the pious believers whose plan has worked are like a rainbow. Under the ebb and flow, the unbelievers who have no fighting spirit have been unable to turn the tide of the battle.


Sharlayan snapped his fingers casually, and another ghost familiar who stayed beside Warwick suddenly appeared, and told him the situation of the battle in the Pyramid of Atu Aman.

"very good!"

Entangled in military and political affairs, Warwick, who was already very tired, opened his bloodshot eyes and gave the latest order in a slightly hoarse voice, as if he had been slapped with chicken blood.

"Pass my order! The whole army goes out! It's time to end this farce!"

"Let us use this victory to congratulate Sursis for his awakening!"


The next development of the situation can be described as no suspense.

Kotek's strength is indeed impressive, but he who has not transcended the realm of mortals is unable to turn the tide by himself on a battlefield with thousands of people.

The defenders of Atu Aman, who fought more with less, successfully defeated the army of the unbelievers. Kotek, who knew that the situation was over, still fought to the death, obviously already determined to die.

However, Warwick had long commanded the army of the faithful to capture the sinner Kotaek alive and let him die in front of Sursis. Warwick hoped to change Sursis' naive ideas.

With the 20,000 mobile troops of the believers reinforcing the front line, the absolute superiority of troops finally crushed the psychological and physical defenses of the unbelievers.

Originally, they thought that Kotaek would personally lead the reinforcements to come in an emergency, but in the end, the unbelievers failed to wait for the reinforcements he promised. Instead, they heard the slogan deliberately shouted by the believers that Kotaek had been captured alive in Atu Aman.

The general situation is over, and the unbelievers soldiers whose morale has collapsed flee and surrender.

Before Sursis woke up, the soldiers of the faithful reached the Snaking Canyon, and easily took down the defenseless Imperial City of the Unbelievers with little effort.


When the pale Sursis opened his eyes weakly, Warwick, who had been busy all night, immediately squeezed out a tired smile to him.

"Glad you escaped the temptation of Bwonsamdi, welcome back, Surthis."

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