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Chapter 1306 What matters is not the body, but a strong heart

Sursis perfectly missed all the wonderful scenes last night, and his memory still stayed at the moment when he was seriously injured and dying.


Sursis tried to sit up with a blank expression, but his injury hadn't healed yet, and as soon as he stood up, he felt a tearing pain in front of him.


Warwick hastily pressed his chest: "Don't move! Although Sharlayan healed your wound, the injured body tissue didn't recover so quickly, and you still need to stay in bed."


Sursis, who was still not so clear-headed, didn't force himself to prop up again, and fell back on the bed to sort out his thoughts.

"I remember, I seemed to be ambushed by Kotaek's assassins... That's right!"

Sursis suddenly trembled all over his body: "Kotek! He...cough cough!"

Warwick helplessly pushed back Surthis, who was a little emotional: "Everyone said don't move, everything is over."

Sursis: "...Huh?"

"Yo~ woke up?"

Sarlayan and Onyxia were welcomed in at this moment, and Sursis turned to look at them with a question mark on his face.

"Who are these two?"

Warwick smiled and explained: "They are your benefactors, thanks to His Royal Highness Onyxia, you were not killed on the spot by Kotek's assassins."

"Mr. Sharlayan Deep Shadow is a distinguished guest from the Eastern Continent and the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, and the partner of the black dragon princess Onyxia. It was he who pulled you back from the gate of hell."


Sursis rubbed the center of his brows with a wry smile: "... Let's go over what happened after I fell into a coma from beginning to end."


After Sharlayan's second treatment, Sursis's wound quickly scabbed in an unnatural way.

Although he still needs at least 2 months of recuperation to recover from the severe injury, at least he can move slowly with the support of others.

Warwick supported Sursis, who was still very weak, to the outside of the temple pyramid to overlook the Snake Canyon.

The banner of the faithful has been planted on the "imperial city" of Kotaek, which means that the snake-man faction of the unbelievers has completely become history.

"Overnight?" Sursis said to Warwick with a somewhat complicated expression, "Although this matter has been helped by two distinguished guests, I guess you also contributed a lot to it?"

Warwick smiled and shook his head: "I just did some insignificant work. If Sharlayan hadn't rescued you... the consequences would be disastrous."


Sursis looked at the devout flag fluttering in the wind above the Snake Canyon with some melancholy: "Perhaps, our original Huairou decision was really wrong, Kotek...he is an unfamiliar snake after all."

"Everything is in the past." Warwick interrupted Surthis' introspection: "As Sharlayan said, no one can guarantee that he will not make mistakes in his life."

"The more important thing is to make up for the mistake as soon as possible after you notice it, and learn from it to ensure that you don't make the same mistake again next time."

"Kortek's rebellion is in the past tense. After all, we still have to move on."

Sursis smiled wryly and looked up at Kotek's head, which was hung on the flagpole of the temple.

"That's right, the lessons learned this time are heavy enough, and I will definitely keep them in my heart in the years to come."


With the defeat of the Unbelievers and the awakening of Sursis, the civil war of the snake people in Wharton came to an early conclusion before it reached its peak.

Warwick and Surthis promised Sharlayan and Onyxia, who had provided a lot of help in this civil war, that they would swear to the death to protect the Pyramid of Atu Aman and not let any evil forces get involved in Misraki His body.

At the same time, they also made a promise to Sharlayan that if one day Quel'Thalas needed their help, the snake people would never stand idly by.

In order to appease Warwick and Sursis, who were still uneasy about the existence of Mythrax, Sharlayan took the time to go to the Emerald Dreamland, and asked Cenarius, who had a lot of friends, about the snake god Sethres. current situation.

As animal gods, there is actually no big difference in the essence of life between Loa and Wilderness Demigod. The only difference is that Loa did not bind his soul to the star soul of Azeroth.

As a result, once Loa dies, he is really dead, and cannot be revived like a demigod in the wilderness.

But this is only in normal circumstances.

Loa is not stupid, they cannot bind the star soul of Azeroth, they will find another way to preserve their souls, and wait for their resurrection in the future.

Each loa has a different way of preserving its soul, and it is their unique secret method. Sharlayan didn't intend to ask how Sethralis survived, and he probably wouldn't need it anyway.

No kidding, with the relationship between Sharlayan and Star Soul, if one day he is really killed in battle, Ai Jiang will personally take action to bring him back to life again.

What is a relationship account? (Tactical back)

Although Cenarius, the demigod of the forest, is not very powerful, he is very popular, and there is no creature living in the Emerald Dream that he does not know.

Under the guidance of Cenarius, Sharlayan found Sethralis, who was dormant to pass the time, and communicated with the snake god who was always loyal to his mission through the power of dreams.

According to Setaris himself, after tens of thousands of years of cultivation, her soul injury has long been healed, but it is not so easy to return to the material world.

Just like those wild demigods who died in the battle of the ancients, they need to wait for the right opportunity to re-condense their bodies in the material world.

"The opportunity...?"

Speaking of this Sharlayan will not be sleepy.

Deathwing, who has been dormant for many years, will return sooner or later. Under the joint conspiracy of N'Zoth, Ragnaros and Al'Akir, Deathwing's return will cause a large-scale elemental tide.

This will bring the physical world of Azeroth closer to the distance limit of many subplanes, including the elemental plane.

At that time, the demigods and loa who have been waiting for a long time will be able to take this opportunity to return to Azeroth.

According to Sharlayan's estimate, Deathwing's return should be within the next two years, and after the Battle of Ulduar, it's time to consider fully dealing with the elemental tide.

"Two years?!"

After hearing from Sharlayan that Sethralis was likely to return within two years, both Sursis and Warwick showed incredible surprise.

"Okay!" Warwick gritted his teeth fiercely: "If it's only two years, even if I risk my life, I won't let that so-called blood god revive Mythrax."

"Me too." Sursis, who has always been mild-tempered, showed a rare sharp look in his eyes: "No one can stop the return of my god Setaris! Not Zandalar, nor G'huun!"


The snake people's civil war ended smoothly. Sharlayan and Onyxia bid farewell to the two snake god priests and returned to Nazmir without incident.

During the time when Sharlayan and Onyxia were busy going out, Raiden was not idle either. He discharged a large amount of void power that G'huun forcibly injected into his body.

But I don't know if it was affected by the void power poured into his body, Raiden's body mutated again.

When Sharlayan rescued Raiden from the Thunder Throne before, his body was in a strange state of half stone and half flesh.

After this crisis, Raiden's skin turned into flesh and blood, and he became the first, and with a high probability, the only lesser titan with a flesh and blood body.

"This..." Leiden smiled wryly and shook his head: "Should it be considered good or bad?"

"Flesh and blood will allow me to better integrate into Azeroth, which is currently dominated by mortals, but my fellow citizens... what will they think of me?"

Sharlayan rolled his eyes and complained: "What matters is not whether your body is flesh or rock, Mimiron is still a mechanical dwarf, what matters is... your heart."

Lydon: "Heart?"

"That's right." Sharlayan raised his finger and pointed at Raiden's chest and said solemnly: "If you are still as decadent as before, even if you still have a solid guardian body, you are still a person to look down upon." Cowards and deserters."

"Conversely, if you can regain your fighting spirit through this lesson, even if your skin softens, your heart will still be as firm as a rock."

"Hey~" Raiden sighed with a complicated expression: "It's not easy, you don't understand what the Pantheon means to me and other lesser Titans."

"Indeed." Sharlayan shrugged: "I was born and raised as a mortal, and I really can't empathize with you and understand your feelings, so let's speak with facts."

"If we can successfully get back Ulduar, the city of Titans that was plagued by Loken and Yogg-Saron, we can use Ulduar's equipment to contact the observers that the Pantheon uses to monitor the progress of Azeroth. — Saint Algalon the Star."

Raiden's eyes lit up when he heard these words, and the not-so-stupid Great Guardian quickly understood what Sharlayan meant.

"You mean... let Algalon, who can cross the star sea with his body, verify the information you told me before, and find the hidden soul of the Mother of Gods in the vast universe?"

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