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Chapter 1311 Dakalai: The sky is fine, the rain has stopped, and I feel that I can do it again

Although they belong to the void camp, the relationship between different ancient gods is not harmonious.

As early as the existence of the dark empire, they had conquered each other for a long time, and Xalatas was eaten by other compatriots during that period of the ancient gods' involution.

However, the dark empire at that time was in its heyday. After the four elements were surrendered, Azeroth had nothing that could threaten the ancient gods.

Today is different from the past, due to the strong seal set by the Titans, the ancient gods have instead become the weak side, and it is not impossible for the weak to unite with each other because of common interests, even if they have used their brains to compete for interests.

If he strictly followed the information provided by the barrage, the overwhelmed N'Zoth would not have extended a helping hand to Yogg-Saron at this time.

But as the saying goes, it is better to have no books than to believe in books.

Due to the existence of Sharlayan, the direction of Azeroth has long been very different from the original history known by the barrage, and no one can say whether there will be unexpected variables.

At this stage, since the druids' research on reversing Naga into elves has not been officially completed, Azshara has not officially broken the face with N'Zoth, but the alliance agreement signed by the two parties ten thousand years ago is actually It has long existed in name only.

In Sharlayan's words, Azshara and N'Zoth are currently in a state of exchange, and N'Zoth is not moving, and Azshara is not good at taking the initiative.

Conversely, if N'Zoth intends to take this opportunity to make some big news, Azshara will not just sit back and watch it mess around.

Azshara has long been unhappy with the Void Naga transformed by N'Zoth, as long as it dares to move, Azshara will really dare to fight.

Everyone is a ten thousand year old fox, what are you talking about with me here?

Want to fish in troubled waters? Let's go through the old lady first.

When Ra-den was busy integrating the large number of titan creations in Wintergrasp and Dragonblight and mobilizing troops, Sharlayan was also busy.

Upon receiving the contact, Stellagosa immediately delivered the message to Valeera in Dalaran.

Valeera, who had returned home a long time ago, bid farewell to Jaina and Ronin without saying a word, and after two transfers, she was directly sent to the treasure house of Wintergrasp Lake.

...Oh, by the way, she also sent Tinagosa back to Stellagosa, who had a kitten face, by the way. This girl's good days of unfettered and free activities are coming to an end.

While recalling Valeera, Stellagosa contacted the Eternal Palace through the secret channel left by Sharlayan.

As Sharlayan expected, Azshara, who was already unhappy with N'Zoth, agreed to his request without hesitation.

However, according to Stellagosa's report, Queen Azshara specifically asked about the research progress of the druids, as if she couldn't wait to turn back into the magnificent Queen of the Night.

Azshara is so good, Sharlayan certainly won't let her down.

After receiving the message from the little star, Sharlayan made a special trip to the night elf development camp in the Sholazar Basin. Through the local left-behind druid leader, he met with Fandral, who had just completed the planting and maintenance of the new world tree. Buckhelm made contact.

After nearly a year of hard work, the new world tree Teldrassil, which Fandral is personally responsible for, has fully grown and matured.

In order to thank the night elves for their noble sacrifice in the Battle of Seamount, the four guardian dragons sent their blessings to Taitahir as usual.

However, due to the lack of the power of the new Well of Eternity, Teldrassil's blessing effect is far inferior to the original Nordrassil. At most, it will make the night elves less susceptible to some diseases and enhance their fertility in a limited way. Rate.

The limited here is really limited.

To use a digital analogy, if the birth rate of the night elves in the immortal state is 1, then the normal birth rate of the high elves is 5.

After losing the blessing of eternal life, the birth rate and lifespan of the night elves are basically the same as that of the high elves. The blessing of the red dragon queen only increased this number to about 7-8, and there was no qualitative leap.

Fortunately, Malfurion and other members of the Night Council did not have much hope for the new World Tree blessing from the very beginning.

What the night elves in the post-Battle of Seamount era no longer need is the immortality of the whole family, but a new home that can accommodate a large number of people displaced by Innodrassil's self-destruct.

Perhaps because of the correction power of history, although the planting location is completely different, the new world tree is still named Teldrassil just like the original history, which means the crown of the earth.

And the new capital of the night elves built on the canopy of Teldrassil was named Darnassus as Sharlayan expected.

Today, the World Tree cultivation team led by Fandral himself has basically retired.

After receiving Sharlayan's contact, Fandral temporarily let go of Draenor's idea of ​​leading a team to transform the environment, and decided to personally join the research team responsible for transforming Naga back into elves.

Malfurion didn't like this because of his political stance, but he didn't have the time to care about Fandral's choice recently.

According to Fandral, Malfurion and Tyrande successively felt the hope of breaking through the bottleneck, and one after the other entered the deadlock.

In desperation, Fandral could only temporarily act as the leader of the Dark Night Republic as before, and Maiev also returned to his old job to replace Tyrande who was in retreat and took over the management of the Luna belief system.


Sharlayan immediately became interested when he heard this: "With Maiev's character, it shouldn't be just Xiao Guicao's random adoption of Tyrande's management plan, right?"

"Heh~" Fandral and Tyrande have always had a bad relationship, and he sneered gloatingly: "Of course, Maiev is eager to reform the priests of the moon god who have been 'biased' by Tyrande."

"Don't tell me, although Maiev resigned as a priest ten thousand years ago, there are still many moon god priests who are willing to follow her."

"I'm looking forward to what kind of reaction Tyrande will have after he exits customs."

Sharlayan also showed a smile that is unique to Le Ziren: "I am also looking forward to it, remember to let me know when the time comes."

"Okay, let's not talk about this first, let's get back to business."

Fandral, who rushed to the Sholazar Basin in his busy schedule, said vigorously, "Before Master Stormrage leaves the customs, I don't have time here for the time being."

"Please tell Queen Azshara for me, I will try my best to take the time to pay attention to the progress of the research team, and will notify her as soon as there is any latest progress."

Fandral, who came and went in a hurry, did not stay in Sholazar Basin for long, and returned to Darnassus through the portal after chatting with Sharlayan.

Salayan's character has always been cautious, and the decisive battle with Yogg-Saron is about to begin, and he will try to eliminate all unstable factors.

Years ago, due to Fandral's reckless behavior without prior investigation, Yogg-Saron polluted a world tree named Andashir through his tentacles that penetrated into the earth.

This world tree took root in Northrend, and part of its remains still lie in Grizzly Hills.

As Fandral planted a new type of Arcandor used to reconcile the power of the void in several major magic net nodes in Northrend, Yogg-Saron's eyes to observe the world were completely blinded.

According to information provided by miners in New Sandarra, since the formation of the Arkan'dor network in Northrend, the amount of Saronite has decreased significantly.

Part of the original Saron iron ore lost its vitality and became an ordinary iron ore vein, and the other part seemed to absorb the special energy in the earth veins and evolved into the Titan God iron ore.

Sharlayan speculated that the power of these so-called leylines should come from the Creator Engine or the Forge of Will.

After receiving Sarlayan's entrustment, the Nerubians explored the entire Northrend underground to confirm that Yogg-Saron's void power could no longer affect this arctic continent.

Everything was ready, and when Sharlayan returned to the treasure house of Wintergrasp, he happened to meet Valeera who had just been teleported over to reconcile with Onyxia.

"It's been a while, Valeera, how is the situation in Dalaran?"

Valeera ignored Onyxia's teasing gaze, and generously kissed Sharlayne for a long time, and then provocatively gave Onyxia a sideways glance, which of course did not arouse any emotion from the Black Dragon Princess fluctuation.

"It's okay, at least the task that belongs to me has been completed. Next, it depends on when Luo Ning closes the net."

"You should be almost ready, right? The Drakkari trolls can't wait."


Speaking of the Drakkari troll, Sharlayan's eyes became darker.

"If you do your own crimes, you can't live."

"That group of brainless idiots probably got Loken's hints and the Zandalar's secret help at the same time. Loken just wanted them to hold back Quel'Thalas' troops in Northrend."

"Unfortunately, what they don't know is that we didn't intend to participate in this guardian civil war, and we can just take this opportunity to teach Drakkari an unforgettable lesson."

"The High Elf Arctic Ranger Branch, the Nerubians, the Grizzly-Maw Furbolg, and the Kul Tiras Northland Legion are all ready."

Sharlayan sneered disdainfully and said, "I'd like to see how long the Drakkari trolls, with the secret help of the Zandalari, can survive the joint attack from multiple parties."

Damn, yesterday's timer setting didn't work, it hurts.

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