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Chapter 1312 The curtain of war opens again

Before Sharlayan and Onyxia went to Zandalar, the main reason was to welcome Raiden back, and they didn't do any tricks to slow them down in the Zandalar troll's backyard.

Dare not, since Zuer dared to be the first grader, Onyxia, who has always been vengeful, would not mind being the fifteenth grader.

Anyway, Onyxia, who is a dragon, can't participate in the battle of Ulduar, so she simply finds something else for herself to do.

Although the vulture only walked with Onyxia for a short period of time by accident, the black dragon princess, who must revenge her revenge, decided to give these friendly little cuties something in return.

She's always been so casual.

Without Loa's support behind him, the vulpera couldn't stand upright on Zandalar Island.

If they can gain the favor of Jibul and Akunda through Onyxia's plan, not to mention becoming the masters from now on, at least other races will not dare to bully them as before.

After clearing up their respective internal problems, Akunda and Jibul also urgently need new believers to consolidate and even further enhance their own strength. This is a win-win deal.

Now that Onyxia has already made up her mind to this point, Sharlayan, the shopkeeper, is also happy to see it come to fruition.

It would be great if they could do something to distract the Zandalar's rear, lest they always stare at other people's one-acre land.

As for the Direhorn Tokali, who will inevitably appear in the battle between Drakkari and Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan has also figured out a countermeasure.

As the saying goes, use demigods to defeat demigods.

Little Xingxing, who was also unable to participate in the battle of Ulduar because of his dragon status, was still idling in his own territory and had nothing to do to beat his younger sister, so he could transfer her over to restrain Torkali.

...By the way, it can also give little Tina, whom Sharlayan has always loved so much, a chance to catch her breath.

Due to their partnership with Salayan, Onyxia, Stellagosa, and Tinagosa have already integrated into the mortal world, and their actions to help Salayan will not violate the Dragon Clan's principle of not intervening in mortal affairs Regulation.

Valeera smiled emotionally: "You really know how to make the best use of everyone, except for Inas's mother who is still squatting in the laboratory and burying her head in research, all the demigods of the mortal camp that can be used have been directed by you. stand up."

Sharlayan's expression is still serious: "Because we cannot afford to lose this war, whether it is the main battlefield of Ulduar or the conflict with the Drakkari Empire, we must ensure the final victory."


After walking around with Sarayan for a while, Onyxia, who was quite lazy at first, was also affected by his vigorous and vigorous style.

After a night of rare three-person battles, Onyxia walked into the portal jointly opened by Sharlayan and Valeera refreshed the next morning, leading directly to the Temple of the Devout in the Voldun Desert.

Leaving aside Surthis, who was still recovering from his injuries, and Warwick, who was too busy to touch the ground, had doubts about Onyxia's return.

As Stellagosa received the news and rushed over with Tinagosa, and the characters from all parties were in place one after another, the drama that affected most of Northrend finally kicked off.

That guy Loken will definitely not act first before confirming that the high elves and the Drakkari trolls are fighting.

Therefore, under the instruction of Grand Duke Deep Shadow, who is full of bad water, Vereesa, who sits in Dak'Saron Fortress, took the initiative to start the show.

Accompanied by Lyras Windrunner, the adjutant of the Northrend Ranger Branch, Vereesa abruptly announced that she would hold a live-fire exercise to deter the enemy when the atmosphere between the two sides was tense.

In this ultra-close-range exercise that has the Drakkari trolls on their nerves, artillery shells borrowed from the Kul Tiran Northland Legion in the Howling Fjord "unfortunately" hit the forward barracks of Drakkari In front of the main entrance.

With Loken's secret instigation and Zandalar's full support, the already confident Drakkari troll said that he would not suffer this loss.

Malak, the Frost King, ordered the vanguard to attack on the spot, intending to behead the Windrunner siblings who came to the front barracks to watch the exercise. it that easy?

You plot against me, and I plot against you too.

Vereesa, who came to the front line with a purpose, also said that her sister would not act.

She waved her hand to her subordinates to pull down the old Kul Tiras cannon and pushed out the latest Quel'Thalas magic cannon.

"Magic cannon Xujin barrage! Ranger in the front row three-stage attack, hit me!"

With the technological innovation of Quel'Thalas, some new rangers who are still relatively weak have learned how to operate simple and easy-to-understand magic spears in addition to practicing traditional ranger archery.

For a veteran ranger like Vereesa, the mass-produced magic gun cannot effectively improve her personal strength. The biggest advantage of this new weapon is its fool-like operation.

It only takes 3 months of training, and the ranger recruits can master the usage of the magic gun proficiently, and there is no problem of wasting ammunition. Anyway, they use their own magic power to activate the bullets.

In other words, the magic gun is a weapon used to guarantee the lower limit, which effectively shortens the time period for new rangers to form combat effectiveness.

At the level of Lailas, the arrows shot casually with a high-quality short bow will be more powerful and faster than the magic gun with a fixed output.

Of course, the main reason for the slow rate of fire is that Quel'Thalas's magic gun has not yet added the machine gun continuous fire function mentioned by the barrage at this stage, which takes into account the problem of mana consumption.

It's cool to shoot hundreds of bullets from a machine gun, but operators who are not strong enough can easily be drained of magic power, and may even threaten their lives, causing unnecessary non-combat attrition.

Regarding the research and development of the magic machine gun, Sharlayan has already put forward some suggestions to the weapon research and development department. Perhaps it can be made by filling live ammunition but stimulating it with magic power, so as to effectively reduce the mana consumption of the manipulator.

Pulling away, back to the current war.

Under the impetus of the powerful magic cannon barrage, the screaming Frost Troll was blasted into ghostly screams.

The troll cavalry riding the velociraptors at the forefront were also shot down from their mounts one by one by the magic guns that rang like popping beans in front of the high elf army. Some velociraptor mounts were even shot to death on the spot.

"Raise the bow!"

Under Vereesa's order, the senior rangers in the middle row raised their specially replaced longbows at an angle of 45 degrees to the sky.

"Arcane shot, throw!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Under the crossfire of the high elves, the originally high-moralized frost trolls did not touch the high elves' camp at all, and fell down a large area like cutting wheat.

Sharlayan, who was watching the battle from the wall of the Drak'Saron Fortress, was not surprised by this.

"Trolls, their ancient tactics that have been used for tens of thousands of years have long been out of date."

Sharlayan said with a cold expression: "Let Quel'Thalas teach them a lesson and let them know what modern warfare is."

Sharlayan is eager to see the outcome of today's first day of conflict, but the situation is waiting for no one.

While the Drakkari trolls and the high elves were fighting in the border area, Loken, who had been paying attention to the movements here, finally made up his mind to attack.

A large number of steel soldiers began to form an organized attack on the front-line outposts on the border between Crystalsong Forest and the Storm Cliff. According to the information from Raiden, their offensive was very fierce.

"Stella, I leave this to you."

Sharlayan patted Little Xingxing's shoulder and said solemnly: "Valeera and I are going to the other side of the battlefield. There is no need to rush for success in the early stages of the war. First, make sure Dak'Saron Fortress does not fall into the enemy's hands."

"If Tokali comes to the front line to fight in person, only you on our side can stop her."

Stellagosa nodded heavily: "I understand, you should also pay attention to safety."

Tinagosa, who had turned into a dwarf, patted her chest with no curvature confidently: "Don't worry about us, if those weaklings in Drakalai dare to stand up, I will let them know what the times have changed!"


Sharlayan rubbed Tina's head amusedly: "Don't be careless, although those Loa's strength is far inferior to Tokali's, but at least they have their own two brushes, so don't let your boat capsize in the gutter. "

Loa and Loa cannot be generalized, not all Loa possess demigod-level strength.

Most of the powerful Loa are concentrated on Zandalar Island, and almost all the Loa left for the enfeoffment empire are left by Zandalar.

Except for Haka, the Soul Reaper, who is in a special situation, none of the loa received by the three major empires can break through the demigod realm. If they reach the sky, they are as different as Malfurion who has not yet broken through. At most, there are still one or two moves Unique skills.

In other words, mortal weapons can also cause damage to the Loa of the Drakkari Empire.

The battle on the front line is still going on, and the military advisors sent by the Zandalari are not just for nothing.

After realizing the ferocious long-range firepower of the high elves, they launched the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Direhorn army in advance, and shot at the enemy's line with the not too powerful magic guns. Finally, they reaped some results and stabilized The morale of the whole army.

Vereesa is also a battle-tested veteran, and Sharlayan is not worried that she will not be able to hold the front line.

Leaving Stellagosa in charge, Sharlayan activated the avatar of Rukhmar, spread out the gorgeous fire feathers and flew into the sky, heading straight for the northern front line of Crystalsong Forest.

"Come on Loken, since you are confidently launching an attack, I hope you can hold on for a while longer, don't be a silvery wax gun head that can only last for three minutes."

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