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Chapter 1316 Hodir's Unintentional Insertion

Loken, who was sitting in Ulduar, received an alarm at the same time as the Creator's Holy Altar fell. He ejected from the throne in astonishment, strode to the Ulduar main console and tried to call the monitoring equipment to check the last record of the Creator's ecology The information below...Unfortunately, nothing was found.

After overwriting the authority of the Holy Altar of the Creator, Sharlayan immediately adopted the barrage's suggestion and erased all information related to the invaders.

However, this small method can only slightly slow down Loken's reaction speed.

After thinking for a while, Loken temporarily put aside his doubts about detecting the authority of the Great Guardian at the Creator's Holy Altar, and sent an order to the Iron Troops officer in the east of the Storm Cliff.

After receiving Loken's instructions, the defenders who had originally aimed their troops in the direction of the Creator's engine quickly turned around and rushed to the nearest Temple of Life without hesitation.

In all fairness, Loken's reflexes were fast enough, but Sharlayan moved faster than him.

When the Iron Defenders in the east of the Storm Peaks arrived at the Temple of Life, Sharlayan had captured the Ice Temple belonging to Hodir through a non-stop blitzkrieg.

The ice giant is a member of Hodir. Long before Hodir was recruited into Ulduar by Loken many years ago, the guardian of the ice had left behind.

He left part of his authority to the king of the ice giant, Yokum. If necessary, Yokum can sit in the Ice Temple to temporarily exercise his own authority.

It wasn't that Hodir, who was as obsessed as Thorim, noticed Loken's betrayal in advance, it was just that he did it unintentionally.

But it was this unintentionality that gave Sharlayan's plans a huge boost.

In front of the main console of the Ice Temple stands a huge ice orb. According to Jokum, this is a small toy used by Hodir to create a suitable living environment for ice giants. It was made by Mimiron and also by Hodir The reason why Dill left the permission.

After obtaining the permission to use the Frozen Orb, Yokum specifically asked Salayan, who was quite surprised, whether he needed to use the power of the orb.

"Then there's no need to ask? Aim at the Temple of Life and give me a bang!"

In theory, this orb is only used to change the environment.

But as long as the output mode of the orb is slightly changed, this little toy made by Mimiron can also become a weapon with impressive lethality.

More than a dozen of the most powerful ice giants gathered in front of the ice orb. Jokum used Hodir's authority to activate the orb, and the other ice giants injected all their frost power into the orb.

The ice-blue light shone brighter and brighter on the surface of the orb, and under the calibration control of Yokum, a faint blue beam of light shot out from the orb.

Unfortunately, due to the unskilled operation, the first attack did not hit the target accurately, but hit an open space on the west side of the Temple of Life.

Unfortunately, the west side of the Temple of Life is the plain area where the engine of the creator is located. Some steel soldiers who just stepped out of the engine of the creator were hit by the flying disaster before they were familiar with this strange world.

The good news doesn't stop there.

The Creator Engine already had an increased risk of failure due to overuse, and the energy disturbance caused by this ice ray seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Accompanied by a mechanical whine that sounded very bad, the engine of the creator stopped completely, and Loken lost the last reliance to continue to increase troops.

The successive bad news made Loken a little overwhelmed.

That's right, he had long predicted that the steel army would not be able to stop the joint attack of the Dragon Clan and the anti-rebel army.

But according to his original prediction, the time for the defense line to collapse will be at least half a month later, which is too fast.

The sound of the Creator's engine being down resounded throughout the stormy cliffs, and the Dragon Clan flying in the sky was the first to notice the clues, and soon informed the great guardian Raiden who was sitting in the central army.

Leiden's eyes lit up when he heard the news, he was worrying about his inability to break through the enemy's line of defense.

"Good job! Sharlayan did not disappoint me!"


The situation was completely reversed, Layden put aside the hesitation in his heart, and appeared on the battlefield in person as a golden thunderbolt.

The majestic golden thunder light made the steel soldiers with excellent electrical conductivity tremble constantly, but the anti-rebel army mainly made of rocks could resist the thunder power from Raiden to a certain extent through the insulating properties, allowing him to let go Act as.

"The creator engine is destroyed! The enemy has lost all backup reinforcements, and I have the advantage!"

Raiden roared loudly: "In the name of the Great Guardian Rai, the whole army charges! Destroy the enemy's defenses! Ulduar, the city of Titans usurped by the traitor Loken, is approaching!"


Titan-forged armies are less susceptible to morale than mortals, whose mood swings are more pronounced.

However, since the furnace of will was built, the newly born Titan creations will have the ability to think for themselves, and their indifference does not mean that they have no mood swings at all.

Under the ebb and flow, the panic of losing the rear caused the steel army led by Biagley to fall into unprecedented chaos. No matter how Biagley shouted, the chaotic army was no longer under his control.

At the same time, the second firing line of the Frozen Orb finally hit the main entrance of the Temple of Life.

The Iron Legion, which was gathering forces to try to counterattack the Ice Temple, was hit right on the head. Together with a part of the building of the Temple of Life, the ice edge approaching absolute zero spread rapidly from the center of the hit point.

A large number of ice sculptures replaced the steel soldiers who were still active before, and the ice giants who were not afraid of the severe cold took the opportunity to cover up and kill them, followed by the ice dwarves and frost vrykul who were also extremely cold resistant.

"The overall situation is settled."

With the help of the Frozen Orb, Sharlayan and Valeera boarded the main hall of the weakly guarded Life Temple, and easily killed a Iron Vrykul general who was still trying to give orders.

So far, all the three eastern temples except the Lightning Hall have been restored. Standing on the edge of the towering Hall of the Life Temple, Sharlayan can intuitively overlook the situation of the entire battlefield.

The scrapping of the Creator Engine caught the Iron Legion by surprise... To be honest, Sharlayan didn't expect it to go down at this very moment.

As a result, the shutdown of the creator engine has become an important opportunity to change the situation on the battlefield.

The Xueliu Plain battlefield, which could barely maintain the balance of power, quickly decided the winner.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Biagley reluctantly led the guards to retreat, trying to escape back to Ulduar to regroup.

As Loken's chief general, Biagri knew that Loken had also arranged for an elite army to guard Ulduar's colonel, and this was the place where the two armies' final battle would take place.

As for the civil war between the guardians... Biagley knew himself, that was not an area he could intervene in.

Following the rout of the steel army, the anti-rebel army conquered the Xueliu Plain, and took back the rock hall belonging to Azadas by the way.

According to the original plan, the main force of the anti-rebel army was supposed to meet up with the partial division led by Salayan near the engine of the Creator.

But as the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes.

With the rout of Biagley and the scrapping of the Creator Engine, the value of this violent arsenal that provided Loken with a large number of troops plummeted, and it was no longer necessary for Lyden to come over and rewrite the authority in person.

After taking down the Temple of Life, Sharlayan asked Valeera to take a step ahead and explain the situation to Raiden who was stationed in front of the gate of Ulduar. He himself was leading the mighty three clans... No, it was the leader of the four clans Take advantage of the momentum to attack the Creator Engine.

The fourth titan-forged race is the mechanical gnomes whose authority was overridden by Sharlayan not long ago.

Now they are no longer restricted by the authority of Loken's guardians. After learning about Mimiron's imprisonment and brainwashing, the mechanical gnomes chose to join the anti-rebel army without saying a word.

The frontal combat effectiveness of mechanical gnomes is really worrying, but this does not mean that they are useless.

Every mechanical gnome is an expert in engineering. As long as there are sufficient materials and pre-prepared drawings, these little guys can actually roll out the magic guns that Quel'Thalas needs an industrial production line to manufacture.

Although the efficiency of manual production is not high, but one thing to say, this is outrageous enough.

The accuracy of the temporarily rubbed magic cannon is relatively poor, but it is completely sufficient for saturated coverage.

Suppressed by the firepower of the magic cannon, the Creator Engine defenders, who had already lost their morale, were quickly defeated across the board, and Sharlayan successfully captured the last stronghold of the Loken forces outside of Ulduar.

Lightning Hall?

Since Lokendove occupied Ulduar, he moved his Lightning Hall next to Ulduar.

To attack Ulduar, Loken's Lightning Hall must be demolished first.

Sharlayan does not intend to interfere with this task, just leave it to Raiden and Thorim, the two guardians who also have the power of lightning.

"Tsk~ It's a bit miserable."

After taking down the Creator Engine, Sharlayan stood in the huge pit and looked down. A lot of black smoke rose from the deep pit where the engine was located, and arcane sparks could be seen suddenly flickering from time to time.

"Jarley Screw, can this thing still be repaired?"

The leader of the mechanical gnomes pointed out by Sharlayan spread his hands helplessly: "I'm not sure yet, we need to go through a detailed inspection and evaluation, and we don't have that time now."


Putting aside his focus on the Creator Engine for the time being, Sharlayan looked up at Ulduar, the city of Titans in the distance.

"King Yokum, leave a part of the staff to guard the captives, and the others get ready. We will rush to the gate of Ulduar to meet with the Great Guardian immediately."

"The time for the decisive battle is coming."


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