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Chapter 1317 Advancement and stalemate

In a normal state, Loken is a person who knows current affairs. In the words of barrage, this guy is very good at reading air.

Back then, when Tyr used the credit for defeating the ancestor dragon king Galakrond to propose entrusting the five guardian dragons, Loken's attitude was actually the same as Odin's. He looked down on these fragile flesh and blood creatures from the bottom of his heart.

However, many fellow Guardians, including the Great Guardian Rai, stood by Tyr. Loken, who claims to be a wise man, is not as stubborn as Odin. He wisely chose the minority to obey the majority.

At that time, Loken had no intention of betraying his mission or his compatriots. The reason why he looked down on the Dragon Clan was only because of his inherent arrogance.

However, after tens of thousands of years of ups and downs, Loken also had to admit that as the guardians of the titans gradually withdrew from the main stage of the era, the giant guardian dragon he had looked down upon at the beginning has become the guardian of Azeroth. Mainstay.

At the same time, it is also a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of the fallen Loken who wants to get rid of it quickly.

The direction of the war this time proved that Loken's worries were justified.

Under the personal leadership of the four guardian dragons, the overwhelming dragon clan helped the anti-rebel army commanded by Raiden firmly control the air power.

Until the anti-rebel army advanced all the way to the gate of Ulduar, a large number of giant dragons could always be seen in the sky above the battlefield.

In the modern warfare that Sharlayan recognizes, the importance of air supremacy goes without saying.

Although the tactics of Titan Creation are relatively primitive, as long as someone provides cover in the air at any time, it can also greatly improve one's own combat effectiveness.

However, the help that the Dragon Clan can provide to Raiden and others goes so far.

Due to the unconvinced Odin's strict prohibition, except for a special individual like Sharlayan, no dragon clan can enter Ulduar, the city of titans.

Sharlayan and Raiden both knew that Loken, the King of Wisdom, was by no means a fool. He would definitely keep all the air force in his hands in Ulduar, hoping to make a comeback in one fell swoop through the real decisive battle at the Grand Campus. .

Without the air reinforcements from the Dragon Clan, the Anti-Rebel Army's anti-air force will inevitably be greatly weakened, but this does not mean that Layden will easily give up the air supremacy.

Although the appearance of the original tol'vir and the tol'vir in most people's perception are quite similar, there is a fundamental difference in the way of fighting between the two.

The original tol'vir with obsidian bodies had wings, and if necessary, they could fly into the sky and become air units at any time.

When Sharlayan led an increasing number of partial divisions to Ulduar's gate to meet Raiden and the others, the four guardian dragons headed by the red dragon queen Alexstrasza were bidding farewell to Raiden.

Of course, the departure of the four guardian dragons does not mean that the dragon clan will let go of the situation in the storm cliff.

As the leader of the dragon clan and the guardian with heavy responsibilities, each of the four guardian dragons has its own responsibilities to bear.

Not to mention, before the second-generation Nightmare King Varothen decided to burp, Ysera the Sleeper did not dare to leave the Emerald Dream for a long time with peace of mind.

The responsibility of Malygos the Spellweaver is also very heavy. He needs to monitor the operation of the Azeroth Magic Weave at any time.

Once the blue dragon monitors find that someone has excessively extracted the power of the magic net, which will weaken the space barriers guarding Azeroth and attract the demons of the Twisting Nether to covet, Malygos will immediately arrange for the blue dragon to intervene.

In the same way, the destruction of the Eternal Dragon does not mean that Nozdormu will be able to sit back and relax from now on.

In the countless parallel timelines of Azeroth, at any time, someone is trying to escape their "established" destiny.

According to the information provided by the barrage, in a certain timeline, Edlas Blackmoore actually became the king of Lordaeron with the help of the orcs in the shelter, which is quite outrageous.

Because of this, bronze dragons need to monitor these uncontrollable time variables at all times, lest they cause too much change and affect Azeroth's time backbone.

The task of the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza is even heavier. As the supreme leader of the Dragon Clan after Deathwing's betrayal, most of the time she needs to sit in Wyrmrest Temple in person to coordinate the clan's internal affairs.

The internal affairs of the clan mentioned here are not limited to the red dragon. The five dragon clans have many things that need to be handled by the Dragon Rest Temple every day. The workload can be imagined.

Loken originally didn't have much hope in the Titan-forged civil war on the Stormy Cliffs. Under the joint attack of the Dragon Clan, Raiden and others, the fall of the stronghold outside Ulduar is inevitable... although the speed of the fall is really slow. Contrary to Loken's expectations.

After Raiden leads the anti-rebel army into Ulduar, the dragons will stay and take care of the stormy cliffs where the war has not yet completely subsided.

However, this kind of trivial matter of cleaning the battlefield does not need to be done by the four dragon kings who are busy every day. They each arranged some right-hand assistants to stay to deal with chores.

When Raiden personally led the elite squad into the Lightning Hall that originally belonged to Loken, Sharlayan was communicating remotely with Stellagosa, who was sitting in the Daksaron Fortress, to learn about the latest developments on the other side of the battlefield.

While the guardian civil war here is in full swing, a local war of considerable scale also broke out in Zul'Drak, which also borders the Storm Peaks.

The fertility rate of trolls is not low. After nearly ten years of cultivation, the Drakkari trolls who once suffered a big loss at the hands of Quel'Thalas have gained a batch of young and strong combat power.

It was at the instigation of the Zandalari envoy that the Drakkari troll felt that he could do it again.

According to the information provided by the Zandalari, many countries including Quel'Thalas have provided a lot of logistical supplies for the guardian civil war that has already started in the Storm Peaks, and this will inevitably affect the war of the high elves to a certain extent potential.

After receiving the aid of the loa provided by the Zandalari, Malak, the Frost King, finally persuaded all the existing loa of the Drakkari clan.

All the loa living in Zul'Drak will help Drakkari launch an attack together to regain the Dak'Saron Fortress that was lost to the high elves many years ago, so as to regain the initiative in the situation.

It has to be said that Sharlayan's decision to take the risk of taking the Dak'Saron Fortress was indeed a stroke of genius. root spikes.

As long as the Drakkari trolls want to continue to expand their territory, the Dak'Saron Fortress will be nailed to the forefront like a nail.

In desperation, Malak could only follow the old rules and use the furbolgs from Grizzly Hills to train the younger generations of the clan, not daring to provoke the powerful high elves for the time being.

After many years of dormancy, seeing the situation change, Malak didn't want to bear it any longer. He desperately wanted to get back the territory he had lost in his hands.

With the full support of the Zandalari in addition to directly sending troops, the imposing Drakkari trolls put a lot of pressure on Quel'Thalas who was fighting alone in the early stages of the war.

This is even without the Direhorn Loatokali from Zandalar doing it himself.

The main reason for staying with Stellagosa was to let her hold Torkali back, and prevent the mighty Direhorn mother from causing a devastating impact on the mortal formation.

Since Tokali did not move, Stellagosa could only endure his temper and continue to stand still. The two sides maintained a strange tacit understanding like a exchange.

It has to be said that the impact of Zandalari's Direhorn Legion is really not covered.

This is still without the "wild" Direhorn army riding and driving the Zandalari trolls. Quel'Thalas's magic cannon can't even cause fatal damage to these powerful beasts with rough skin and thick flesh. It can only be scraped.

With the reinforcements from Kul Tiras' Northland Legion and the Nerubians arriving, Vereesa, who was struggling to defend, finally gradually reversed the disadvantage.

The Nerubians, which lurked underground, happened to be the nemesis of the direhorn with strong frontal defense, because the abdomen of these direhorn was still soft after all.

After suffering several losses, Zandalari's military advisers felt distressed, and did not dare to send the Direhorn Legion into the battle as before.

However, this does not mean that Drakkari's side is helpless.

With a large number of rhinos, white bears and mammoths appearing on the battlefield, the loa enshrined by the Drakalai clan also began to exert their strength.

Drakkari does have the capital of self-confidence. After resolving internal conflicts, the united frost trolls with the support of the Zandalari can indeed pose a sufficient threat to Quel'Thalas' defense.

When Sharlayan pushed the battle line to the front of Ulduar, the offensive and defensive battle around Dak'Saron Fortress fell into a stalemate, and no one could come up with the key player to break the situation.

"Hmm..." Sarlayan looked at the note delivered by Stellagosa thoughtfully: "It seems that Tokali should go to the battlefield in person, Stella, facing this kind of old card Loa, don't be careless."

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