Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1350 Breath of the Guardian Dragon

When Tinagosa was busy cooking the devil, Nightmare, whose brain was down, finally straightened out his thoughts. He first breathed out a dragon breath at Salayan who was waiting for the situation to change, and then he did not wait for Salayan to react. Fly to the top of the tower decisively.

"...What kind of trick is this? He plans to deal with two enemies who are not weaker than himself at the top of the tower at once?"

Sharlayan was stunned for a moment before he roughly guessed Nightmare's thinking circuit.

"Okay, three-party melee, right? Then play with you."

The golden young dragon flapped its wings vigorously, and followed Nightmare to the top of the tower occupied by the Burning Legion.

Prince Malchezaar didn't seem to expect Nightmare to make such a response, and he was frantically resisting the bone dragon's crazy attack at the moment.

Speaking of which, Sharlayan didn't understand why Malchezaar was called a prince by the demons of the Burning Legion.

Judging from his blue skin, which is exactly the same as Archimonde's... Is it possible that this guy is a descendant of the polluter?

It needs to be mentioned here that the vast majority of eredar people embraced fel energy, and their original blue skin turned red like Kil'jaeden the Deceiver.

Archimonde and Malchezaar were the special cases, and Sharlayan couldn't help thinking about it.

Regardless of whether this guess is true or not, Sharlayan does not intend to let Malchezaar go.

Archimonde was killed on Mount Hyjal, I'm afraid you are just a suspected offspring of polluters?

Speaking of the reason why Malchezaar came to Karazhan, it was actually caused by an accident.

After all, Karazhan was the place where the ghost of Sargeras had settled for a long time. This tower was once filled with a lot of evil energy, which just attracted Malchezaar who was trying to make some achievements.

Following this fel energy, he opened the portal directly to Karazhan from the Twisting Nether, and slipped into Azeroth with a group of his direct subordinates across thousands of miles.

As we all know, demigod-level demons cannot cross the star barrier left by the Titans through conventional methods.

Such an obvious backdoor loophole in Karazhan must not have been discovered by Makzaar alone, but no high-level demon has ever exploited it.

The reason is simple, this back door is a proper trap.

Don't get me wrong, the so-called trap was not left by Sargeras on his own initiative, but was formed by the special structure of the guardian tower in Karazhan.

After arriving in Karazhan, affected by the chaotic entanglement of various magical powers near this high tower, Malchezaar and his subordinates were completely trapped in the tower and could not be teleported to other places in Azeroth, otherwise ...Space turbulence to understand.

When Malchezaar was about to leave Karazhan on foot in depression, he was blocked by the bone dragon Nightmare of the battle attribute, which overwhelmed him.

Until Archimonde's defeat in Kalimdor, Malchezaar still failed to get out of the besieged city.

After finally waiting for someone to fight Nightmare, Malchezaar will take this opportunity to open up his way of course. He has already wasted too much time in Karazhan.

Makzaar hadn't realized at this moment that the demon he sent out to open up the road had already entered the Braised Heaven, and he would never return.

Malchezaar's sovereign power is undoubtedly fel power, but he also has the power of shadow at the same time, so he is not completely helpless in the face of the nightmare of the night.

But because the power of sovereignty can't exert its maximum effect on the bone dragon, Malchezaar is always a little bit handicapped when fighting the night nightmare.

"Look at the situation..."

Sharlayan hovered on the top of the tower and said thoughtfully: "I seem to be able to wait until Nightmare beats Malchezaar before entering the arena?"

The idea is good, but it is obviously impossible for Malchezaar to let Sharlayan hide and watch the show, and Nightmare still maintains extremely high vigilance against him.

Just when Sharlayan was about to quietly withdraw from the standing circle and sit on the mountain to watch the tigers fight, Nightmare and Malchezaar, who were fighting each other a second ago, suddenly attacked him in tacit understanding.

Sharlayan: "???"

[Grass, fishing failed. 】

[No way, let's join in, when Stella Gosa arrives, we can make a mahjong table. 】

Sharlayan was very upset at the moment for not being able to hide by the side to fish and watch the show.

"Do you want me to join the station circle? All right! Just don't regret it."

After a short period of brewing, the four-color dragon's breath from Sarlayan's mouth indiscriminately swept Nightmare and Malchezaar into it.

This kind of dragon breath with four attributes is very troublesome to deal with.

Nightmare, who had suffered a loss before, immediately flapped his wind-piercing wings and flew into the sky, avoiding the direct attack of the dragon's breath to a certain extent.

Malchezaar, who has no ability to fly, is even more tragic. He can only support two layers of fel energy and shadow shield to take damage.

The time dragon's breath slowed down Malchezaar's reaction speed, and the dream dragon's breath was attacking his soul frantically. The relatively easy-to-handle life flame and arcane dragon's breath exerted the greatest effect with the assistance of the two.


Makzaar, who didn't understand the situation and insisted on attacking, suffered as expected, and the house leak happened to be raining at night. Nightmare also added a lot of material to him at this time, and the fiery red ashes and dragon's breath came from the other side. One Direction joins it.

Sharlayan was not surprised by Nightmare's fall into trouble. After all, both sides were enemies to Nightmare, so it was a good thing to be able to deal with one first.

But after all, Malchezaar was a demigod-level high-ranking eredar, and it was not so easy to defeat him with a mere round of attack.

Suppressing the different pains caused by various dragon breaths, Malchezaar used the most classic move of the Burning Legion - Summon Hellfire. He hoped that this fel energy structure could help him share some pressure.

It was only at this time that Makzaar began to regret his decision to take Sarlayan into the ring just now, but the matter had come to this point, and he could only take one step at a time.

Huge infernos fell from the sky. For Sharlayan and Nightmare, who had the ability to fly, a simple falling attack could not pose any threat.

The hellfire that landed had just pieced together and stood up from the pit, and doubled gravity shrouded it and Makzaar at the same time.

"This is?!"

Malchezaar's body mass was already far above that of ordinary people, and it was no surprise that he was unable to move under the pressure of ten times the gravity exerted by Stellagosa.

With Stellagosa, who was already ready for the battle, joining the battle, Sharlayan resolutely temporarily abandoned Malchezaar and his hellfire toy, and he planned to deal with the shit-stirring stick of Nightmare first.

Coincidentally, Nightmare also planned to take advantage of Malchezaar's inability to move to a decisive battle with Sharlayan.

This time, Sharlayan didn't hold back any longer, he planned to seize the opportunity to defeat the enemy with one blow.

The golden young dragon hovered back and forth on the top of the tower at a very high maneuvering speed, Nightmare failed to hit the target with several breaths of ash dragon's breath.

Nightmare instinctively sensed the deadly threat from Sharlayan. He hysterically planned to stop the flying golden dragonfly, but he failed to do so.

While maneuvering at high speed, Sharlayan began to slowly use the power of the earth.

Although it is not complete without the addition of power, the golden dragon's breath that hurt Yogg-Saron's body before has proved its power.

After finishing charging, Sharlayan finally stopped flying around, and without hesitation sprayed a tiny golden dragon's breath at the increasingly restless Nightmare.

[In other words, according to Azeroth's naming standards, this thing should already be called the breath of the guardian dragon, right? 】

【if not? Why do you think Ra-den took the initiative to invite Sharlayan to join the Guardian? Of course it's because he already has the qualifications. 】

[Such a weak dragon's breath can hurt Yogg-Saron's soul unexpectedly, I'm curious how powerful it will be in its full form. 】

[This depends on when Sharlayan can truly grasp the power of the earth. 】

Facing this seemingly inconspicuous golden dragon's breath, Nightmare tried to hide aside as if facing a formidable enemy.

However, Sharlayan had been brewing for such a long time, of course it was impossible for him to simply hide away.

The small-scale flashing technique was activated, and Sharlayan, who had premeditated it, was once again entangled with Nightmare in mid-air, and deliberately turned his body to the direction that the guardian dragon's breath was advancing.

And then... there is no more.

Before Nightmare, who had only instincts left, broke free, Breath of the Guardian Dragon, which was not slow in flying, had already hit the target.

The blazing soul fire in Nightmare's chest was extinguished immediately, losing the unity of the soul, his bone dragon body fell to the ground, and was stuffed into the space package by Sharlayan's sharp eyes and quick hands.

"Finish, next..."

Sharlayan turned his attention to Malchezaar, who was struggling with Stellagosa.

"...It seems that I don't need my help anymore."

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