Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1351 See what it looks like when the stars fall!

Regardless of whether Malchezaar is a member of Archimonde's tribe or not, judging from his actual performance that he can't even defeat Nightmare, this guy's combat effectiveness is obviously not very strong at the demigod level.

Stellagosa is different from the dragons in Azeroth's broad understanding. She did not accept the dragon's adulthood ceremony, but stepped into the threshold of demigods with her own efforts.

And because Senegos started to teach her the relevant knowledge of gravity spells in advance, when Stellagosa stepped into the demigod realm, the accumulation of many years was naturally transformed into a new perception.

If the innate cheats that Sarlayan got from his mother were excluded, in terms of immediate combat power alone, Stellagosa was the well-deserved strongest in this small family.

Ten times the gravity is just an appetizer that Stellagosa gave to Makzaar.

After temporarily restraining Makzaar, before he could adapt to the gravity environment and break free, Stellagosa relentlessly opened fire, dismantling the huge siege hellfire into one ground fragments.

With great difficulty, Makzaar relied on the evil energy erupting from the inside to forcibly break through the ten-fold gravity barrier, and Stellagosa's more heavyweight follower came.

At this time, Sharlayan had quickly dealt with the Nightmare, and both he and the barrage saw the explosion of the little star.

Over Karazhan, a dozen shooting stars suddenly appeared across the night sky.

But this strange astronomical scene can only be completely observed by the Twilight Forest and Zul'Gurub, which are the closest to the Deadwind Pass.

Residents of Redridge Mountains, Blasted Lands, and Swamp of Sorrows could only see dim sparks flashing across the sky.

According to common sense, if a meteorite from outer space really passed near Azeroth, not only the Eastern Kingdom, but the entire Azeroth should be able to intuitively observe the meteor's tail flame.

The reason why the visible range is so narrow is that these meteorites do not come from distant outer space.

Stellagosa sent the rune stone prepared in advance near Karazhan to an altitude of 10,000 meters by reversing gravity and transmitting space spells.

After that, Stellagosa exerted more than 30 times the gravity on these pre-marked stones, making them aim at the top of Karazhan Tower and fall at an extremely fast speed.

Under the precise control of Stella Gosa, all the rune stones fell without any deviation within 5 meters of the top of the tower centered on Makzaar.

At the same time, Khadgar also cooperated with Tinagosa to eliminate all the demons under Malchezaar's command. Moroes was staying below with a sad expression trying to deal with the scorched interior of Karazhan.

When Khadgar and Tinagosa untied the chess set and came to the top of the tower, they happened to witness the magnificent scene of a large number of meteors falling from the sky.

"Oh!" Tinagosa stared at this scene with bright eyes, and her two chubby little hands began to applaud subconsciously: "As expected of my sister! Her gravity spell is probably better than blue. !"

After all, Senegos did not specialize in gravity powers, and Tinagosa, who knew the two family members very well, gave a very pertinent evaluation.

As far as the attainment of gravity spells alone is concerned, Stella Gosa has already surpassed the grandfather who led her to the beginning.

Unlike Tinagosa who was dancing with excitement, the corners of Khadgar's mouth twitched wildly when he saw this scene.

His priority at this point was... how much time and resources would need to be expended afterward to repair the battered roof of the tower.

'I hope these meteorites don't smash through the floor...'

Danmaku also became inexplicably excited when he saw the scene of the meteor falling.

[Let's see how the stars fall! 】

[Great Desolation Starfall! 】

Stella Gosa's unnamed spell has a completely different principle from the Warlock's Rain of Fire, and its power is not the same.

Maybe it was Khadgar's silent prayer that moved Ai Jiang... well, it was actually Stellagosa who held back the moment the meteorite hit the ground.

All in all, the impact of Starfall did not penetrate the rooftops of Karazhan, which at least made Khadgar heave a sigh of relief.

All the injuries were concentrated on Makzaar. Although this high-ranking Airi who was pretentious and stubborn did not die on the spot, judging by his dilapidated appearance, he was only one step away from dying.


Malchezaar lifted his head full of fel blood with difficulty, staring at Sarlayan and Stellagosa standing side by side with hatred in his eyes.

"Don't think...that's the end..."

"Lord Archimonde... Wansheng!"

Sensing the sudden rise of evil energy in Malchezaar's body, Khadgar's face changed drastically.

"Not good! He wants to blow himself up!"

Salayan and Stellagosa glanced at each other, and they rolled their eyes at the same time.

Little Xingxing sighed and complained, "Again? Doesn't the Burning Legion have a fresh exit method?"

Sharlayan twitched the corner of his mouth mockingly: "This guy probably thought his soul could escape back to the Twisting Nether to wait for resurrection. I just want to say... who gave you confidence?"

Before Makzaar, who was on his deathbed, could carefully consider the implication of this sentence, Stellagosa and Salayan acted in tacit understanding at the same time.

When the meteorite fell, Khadgar temporarily lifted the space blockade on the outer layer of Karazhan with the authority of the master of Karazhan. Stellagosa reversed the gravity and sent Malchezaar to the sky above Karazhan.

Before dying, Malchezaar finally broke away from Karazhan, which had trapped him for several years.

However, at this moment, Makzaar had no happy thoughts at all, and his mind... or his soul was filled with panic.

At the same time that Stellagosa attacked, Sharlayan invoked the power of death to capture the soul from the air, and forcibly squeezed the soul of the already weak Makzaar from his body.

Playing with Makzaar's soul in his palm with a playful face, Sharlayan said with a smile: "If you can't beat it, you want to sneak back to the Twisting Nether to find your parents? I'm still not used to you."

"I want to see how the demon's soul is different from ordinary people, and whether they can survive the torture of the Maw."


Casually opened the portal leading directly to the Shadow Realm, and Sharlayan threw the screaming Malchezaar's soul into it without hesitation.

In the words of barrage, the evil deeds done by the high-level demons of the Burning Legion are enough to make them fall into the 18th floor of hell, and Malchezaar will inevitably be thrown into the Maw by the arbitrator who enforces the law to accept eternal torture .


Makzaar's soulless body exploded at this time, just like fireworks celebrating Karazhan's new life... It's a pity that this firework is a bit of a miserable green.

"It's done, let's call it a day."

Sharlayan easily patted the non-existent dust on his hands, then turned to look at Khadgar with a complicated expression.

"We have solved the most troublesome problem for you, so the reflection Karazhan shouldn't need our help anymore, right?"

Reflection Karazhan is a mirror space created by Medivh under the control of Sargeras, and there is a back door leading directly to the Twisting Nether.

That is to say, Sargeras has been busy torturing his compatriots with the perverts of the Coven for the past few years, and has temporarily lost interest in continuing to invade Azeroth. Otherwise, this back door would have become another way for the Burning Legion to enter Azeroth. There is a loophole.

After all, Khadgar is also a person who has experienced many major incidents, and he quickly adjusted his mentality.

"I know, leave it to me... But before that, I have to fulfill my promise to Ronin, and go to the Guardian Temple to meet my long-lost mentor."

Tinagosa raised her head with great interest to observe the changes in Khadgar's expression from the side. She could see that Khadgar had a psychological gap with Sharlayan's growth rate beyond common sense.

But it's no wonder that Khadgar was recognized as a rare genius in arcane arts since he was a child, and later he became a disciple of Medivh, the guardian of Tirisfal, who was famous in his youth.

When Khadgar and Lothar killed Medivh who was possessed by Sargeras and became famous, Sharlayan was still "carefree" playing with his friends in Quel'Thalas What about "boxing game".

When he first met Sharlayan, Khadgar was far superior to him.

According to the usual growth rate of the longevity species, Khadgar originally thought that it would take at least several decades for Sharlayan to gradually catch up with him.

It hasn't been too many years, Sharlayan has left himself far behind like a rocket, and he can hardly even see the tail flame. No matter how open-minded people are, they will inevitably feel frustrated by this, especially Ka Degas is a veritable genius.

After receiving Tinagosa's eye signal, Salayan felt a little helpless. He didn't know what to say, so he could only pretend that he didn't realize anything and quickly changed the subject.

"Old friend, let's see you later in Dalaran. I'm going to make a trip to Ulduar, so I won't bother you with your housekeeping."

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