Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1357 Odin: Banquet? I can do this! Come on, the mead hall!

From a certain point of view, the titan guardians including Raiden are all members of Ai Jiang's nanny group, and their duty is to take care of the future strongest titan wholeheartedly.

Therefore, when they learned that Star Soul had contacted Sharlayan, they naturally exploded.

Freya questioned in a sour tone: "It is obvious that we have been taking care of Xinghun for a longer time, why did she choose to communicate with you alone?"

Sharlayan spread his hands and explained: "Who knows? Maybe the star soul has its own ideas."

"I only know that due to the long shutdown of the Furnace of Origin and the Furnace of Will, the Star Soul has been in a dormant state for the past tens of thousands of years, and you can only wake up once in a while."

"Perhaps in her opinion, the responsibility for shutting down the Furnace of Will and the Furnace of Origin lies with you guardians who neglect their duties...Of course, this is just my personal guess, don't take it too seriously."

The guardians present were silent for a while, and Odin patted his forehead helplessly and said, "The Star Soul does have a reason to blame us, and we, the guardians, failed to perform our duties well."

Raiden waved his hand to signal that the self-reflection session will be put aside first: "I will talk about this topic later, Sharlayan, what exactly did the star soul say to you?"

Sharlayan: "Actually, there is nothing particularly valuable. It just mentioned a mysterious group called the Firstborn."

"The Firstborn..."

Raiden and Odin subconsciously turned their gazes to Mimiron, who was the most knowledgeable among the people present.

However, Mimiron is not the Guardian of Wisdom after all. His brain is indeed very useful, but because his ambition is not here, he will not actively collect information from all sides like Loken.

Moreover, even if Loken is still alive, he will most likely not be able to learn the secrets of the Firstborn that only Titans and Eternals have access to.

Sharlayan did not intend to guide the Guardians to make useless efforts in areas that they could not touch, but simply explained the origin of the Firstborn, and did not intend to discuss this topic in depth.

"The existence of the Firstborn is like a cosmic myth, and they have never been seen since the physical universe stabilized."

"We can't even leave our parent star to travel the star sea. We don't need to invest any energy in exploring the mysteries of the Firstborn. There are still many problems in the planet waiting for us to deal with them one by one."

Raiden nodded thoughtfully: "Sharlayan is right, regardless of whether the First Born exists or not, this is not a matter of our authority."

"Aside from chatting about the Firstborn, Star Soul has nothing to say?"

Sharlayan shook his head: "No, but she left a dull automatic response consciousness before she fell asleep again, and this consciousness inherited the knowledge and memory she had mastered."

"If you have anything you want to know from Xinghun, you can tell me, and I will ask the automatic answering consciousness to ask questions."

"Hmm..." Layden hesitated for a moment and then shook his head: "Forget it, there is no special information that needs to be known for the time being. For now, let's prioritize the work at hand."

What Lyden wants to know most is the current situation and whereabouts of the Titans of the Pantheon. However, even if he asks the star soul, he is destined to be unable to get an answer to this question, because Ai-chan, who is stuck in place, also does not know what happened in the distant universe.

The appearance of the star soul is just a small episode. According to the original plan, all the guardians will be invited to Odin's Hall of Valor tonight to hold a small celebration banquet in the mead hall.

Speaking of banquets, no one knows better than Odin, who has held banquets for tens of thousands of years. Raiden naturally entrusted him with all the relevant preparations.

Apart from other things, at least there is definitely enough honey wine in the Hall of Valor.

After drinking for three rounds, seeing that the atmosphere was gradually heated up, and the guardians let go of the nerves that had been tense for a while, Odin and Raiden looked at each other, and decided to take this opportunity to break the news to them.

"I'm disturbing the Yaxing of my colleagues, I have some bad news to tell you."

Thorim, who was so drunk, asked with a playful smile on his tongue: "Bad news? Now that everything is going well in Azeroth, what bad news can there be? Is it related to N'Zoth?"

Raiden sighed and said, "It's not from within Azeroth, but...the Pantheon that hasn't been in touch with us for a long time."


It was impossible for Mimiron's mechanical dwarf body to get drunk. With a very flexible mind, he immediately thought of the worry that had always been hidden in Raiden's eyes before.

"Indeed, after careful calculation, we have never received any contact from the Pantheon since the guardian dragon was sealed."

"Could it be, what happened to the Pantheon over the years?"


Seeing that Raiden hesitated and hesitated, Odin took the topic without hesitation, and said with a loud voice: "Let me just say it, the Pantheon has long been abandoned, and all the Titans have lost their bodies. Only the soul escaped the calamity."

After Odin's words fell, the relaxed guardians were all stunned without exception.

"Is this true! Are you kidding me?"

Hodir patted his knees and stood up suddenly, staring at Odin in disbelief and asking a rather impolite question.

Odin could understand Hodir's mood at this time, and didn't care about his bad attitude, but solemnly nodded to all the guardians present.

"It's true. As the great guardian most closely connected with the Pantheon, Lai received this information tens of thousands of years ago, but he didn't tell you all because he was worried about damaging morale."

Freya and Azadas stared blankly in place, unable to recover for a long time.

Thorim also held the wine glass motionless with a dazed expression, only Mimiron, who was somewhat prepared in his heart, could maintain normal thinking.

"Hey~" Mimiron broke the silence of the scene with a sigh: "What's going on? I know that there are other original bosses in this universe who are equal to the Titans, but even so, it's not so easy to want to take the Pantheon all at once. easy, right?"

At this time, Raiden also sorted out his mood, took over the topic again and explained: "The disaster of the Pantheon was not caused by a conspiracy by other forces, but was caused by a civil war between the Titans."

"Really..." Mimiron rubbed his eyebrows with a wry smile: "Sargeras?"


Mimiron turned his head to look at Sharlayan and Onyxia, who looked normal the whole time, with a gleam of wisdom in their eyes: "Looking at the performance of Sharlayan and Princess Black Dragon, they seem to have known this shocking secret for a long time?"

"And they didn't feel restless because Azeroth lost the protection of the Pantheon. Could there be something else behind this matter?"

Mimiron's rational analysis finally drew the attention of the guardians back temporarily, and everyone looked at Sharlayan expectantly, hoping to gain some hope from him.

"That's right."

After seeking Raiden's approval with his eyes, Sharlayan took over the topic and said, "According to the secret information I obtained through other channels, the souls of most titans have been captured by Sargeras one after another."

"If nothing else happens, they should all be imprisoned in the lair of the Burning Legion to be tortured by the Fallen Titan."

"However, there was also an accident. The mother of the gods, Eonar, managed to escape under the cover of others, and even Sargeras hadn't found her whereabouts yet."

Mimiron's mechanical eyes flashed, and he combined all the information to come up with a logical guess.

"That's why you all tried your best to save Algalon, who has a single-minded mind. It turns out that he has taken a fancy to his ability to travel through the sea of ​​stars with his body."

"That's right." Raiden sighed with mixed emotions: "At this point, we can only trust Sharlayan's information first, and hope that Algaron can find the Mother of the Gods who is living alone and reclusive as soon as possible."

Odin slammed his huge fist on the table, "In Sharlayan's words, we can only rely on Titans to defeat Titans."

"Everyone should be aware of the strength of Sargeras. Unless Azeroth can quickly mature in a short period of time, even if we gather the power of the entire planet, we will not be able to pose any threat to Sargeras."

"It's a pity that the growth of the star soul has been severely slowed down, and it won't be able to break out of the shell in a short time."

"According to the plan with me, Lai, and Sharlayan, Lord Eonar will be the key to breaking the situation."

"Only with the help of the Mother of Life, will we have the most basic qualifications to stand before Sargeras."

"But even if Algalon finds Lord Eonar, we still have another problem that needs to be resolved as soon as possible."

Lyden looked at Mimiron solemnly and said, "Spaceship, a spaceship that can navigate freely in the sea of ​​stars."

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