Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1358 In the midst of strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away

When the Pantheon ordered Raiden and others to stay in Azeroth, it originally did not intend to let Azeroth acquire the technology of interstellar navigation early, because it was unnecessary.

Anyway, Algalon is responsible for transmitting information across the star sea. Before the star soul of Azeroth matures, children on this planet will not be able to use this technology for the time being.

The Titans do not intend to artificially overthrow the seedlings, this is not the style of the Pantheon.

They hope that the native civilizations in the universe can rely on their own efforts to develop the technology tree step by step. They believe that the children of Azeroth will one day break through the atmosphere and formally enter the universe.

However, as the so-called plan could not keep up with the changes, the Titans were confident that they could protect Azeroth before she matured, but they were slapped in the face by the traitor Sargeras not long after.

After losing contact with the Pantheon, Raiden fell into decadence, and other guardians including Odin also played off one after another due to various reasons.

It is no joke to say that almost all the native civilizations in Azeroth that have survived to this day have struggled to survive by their own efforts without the care of guardians.

Raiden had a lot of insights when he traveled to Azeroth a few years ago. He felt that mortal civilization could develop so prosperously without the guidance of guardians.

However, this is not enough.

With Azeroth's current technological strength, there is still a long way to go before leaving the cradle of the parent star and stepping into space.

This is because the Draenei took the initiative to send a wave of warmth in order to integrate into Azeroth, otherwise it would take longer to develop the spaceship.

The smart Mimiron understood Raiden's meaning in no time. He scratched the head of the bald mechanical dwarf and asked: "So, my next task is to develop spaceships?"

Sarlayan interjected at this time and said: "To be precise, it is not a research and development from scratch, but a reverse derivation based on existing technologies and finished products."

Mimiron: "?"

"...Sharlayan, are you kidding me?"

Mimiron asked dumbfoundedly: "The technology is already finished, why do you push it back? Why do you have nothing to do when you are idle?"

Sharlayan smiled and waved his hands: "It's my fault for not explaining clearly, let me explain it from beginning to end."

"The spaceship technology we have now comes from an extraterrestrial race called the Draenei."

"Maybe you haven't heard of the Draenei, but their predecessors are quite famous in the universe—the Eredar."

Azadas was stunned when he heard the words: "The whole family joined the Burning Legion, and quickly became the Argus civilization of Sargeras' right-hand man?"

"They still have a choice to fight against the Burning Legion?"

"Yes." Sharlayan briefly explained the situation: "At the beginning, two of the three Eredar consuls agreed to join the Burning Legion. They were Kil'jaeden and Archimonde."

"And the Prophet Wei Lun has clearly opposed believing in Sargeras from the very beginning. Due to political differences, the two sides fought a lot."

"Velen received the help secretly provided by the Naaru of the Legion of the Holy Light, and led the eredar who were unwilling to join the Burning Legion to escape from their home planet, and embarked on a journey of interstellar exile that lasted tens of thousands of years."

"Well... I probably understand what's going on."

Mimiron said thoughtfully: "The draenei should have taken a lot of relevant technical information with them when they left the planet, but they will inevitably lose a lot of things during their long escape career."

"That's why you say that the technology of the spaceship is incomplete...but what about the finished product?"

"Well." Sharlayan shrugged and said: "Strictly speaking, the finished product has not yet been purchased, but I have already negotiated with the sponsor in advance, and I need to obtain Azeroth from the Observatory in Ulduar first." precise coordinates in the universe."

"Then?" Mimiron's mechanical face showed a rather humanized weird expression: "The other party will take the initiative to deliver the goods to the door? Is there really such a person who is taken advantage of?"

Sharlayan shook his head and explained: "This is because the power of the Burning Legion is too large, and those who dare to resist them in the universe can only unite to report to the regiment for warmth."

"Oh, by the way, maybe you have also heard of this sponsor, they are from the Holy Light Legion."


Odin raised his brows with interest when he heard this: "I have indeed heard that the Legion of the Holy Light was founded by the first Naruzela born in the universe."

"They have fought against the Burning Legion for countless years, but it is said that the Legion of Light has always been at a disadvantage when facing demons that can be resurrected infinitely."

Sharlayan nodded in approval of Odin's explanation: "As the chief administrator said, the Burning Legion is not afraid of attrition, and can be resurrected in the Twisting Nether after death, but the Legion of the Holy Light cannot."

"To this day, the defeat of the Legion of the Holy Light is very obvious, and they urgently need to find more like-minded allies."

"During the countless eras of fighting against the Burning Legion, Zela, the Mother of Light, has become more and more extreme, and efficiency comes first."

"Her approach has caused a lot of controversy and opposition even within the Legion of Light, including Zela's most important adjutant, Naru Adar."

"I just got the promise from Adal. The specific situation is more complicated, so I won't go into details here."

"All in all, Adal is willing to sponsor his Storm Fleet for Azeroth's research and use. He hopes to help Azeroth gain the ability to step into the universe to assist the Holy Light Corps as soon as possible."

Freya heard some dissonance from Sharlayan's words: "Wait a minute, you said that Adal is dissatisfied with Zela's way of leading the Holy Light Army? Could it be that he wants to borrow our Aize Rath's power to seize power?"

Sharlayan smiled indifferently: "Perhaps he does have this idea, but in my opinion, this is not a bad thing."

"As the first naaru in the universe, Zela, the Mother of Light, is indeed highly respected, but it is an indisputable fact that she has become more bewildered due to repeated defeats."

"From the perspective of Azeroth's interests, we don't need an absolute rationalist who only treats allies as cannon fodder. Compared with the bewildered Zela, I think Adal, who is more humane, is more suitable to cooperate with us. "


Odin clapped his hands in admiration: "No wonder Lai believes in you so much. When other people on the planet are still busy competing for the interests of countries, you have already made so many preparations for leaving your home planet and going to the front line in the future." , it’s truly terrifying for young people.”

Sharlayan smiled modestly: "It's just what I should do. We are all members of Azeroth, and we should devote ourselves to the future of this planet."

"well said."

Odin turned his one-eyed eye to Mimiron: "Since Sharlayan has already talked about this... Mimiron, if you can get the finished fleet of the Holy Light Legion and the incomplete technical data of the Draenei, you have confidence Can the whole set of technology be reversed?"

"Hmph!" Mimiron snorted coldly with his hands on his hips arrogantly: "Who do you think I am? I am Mimiron, a great inventor. As long as you give me enough time, reverse thrust technology is nothing more than a small problem."

"That's it."

The great guardian Raiden finally made a final decision: "Azadas, the storm fleet provided by the Legion of the Holy Light alone will definitely not be able to carry enough troops for the expedition to the home of the Burning Legion - Argus."

"I need you to cooperate with Mimiron to build more fleets while researching and developing. Can it be done?"

Azadas hammered his chest with his big hand without hesitation: "Leave it to me."

"Very good." Raiden turned his gaze to Freya again: "Freya, you go to the observatory immediately and retrieve the interstellar coordinates of Azeroth and give them to Sharlayan."

Freya: "No problem."

Raiden and Odin stood up from their seats at the same time, and solemnly said to everyone present: "Everyone, the plan to rescue the Titan is destined to not be achieved in a year or two, but we must start with this goal in advance. prepare for."

"The next few years will be a busy and difficult time, and I hope you will share your encouragement."



Mimiron's desire to explore new technologies is not trivial. After Sarlayan got the interstellar coordinates from Freya, he immediately urged Sarlayan and Onyxia to set off immediately, and couldn't wait to get the draenei as soon as possible. Many incomplete technologies in hand.

After the Furnace of Will is repaired, Ulduar will not be able to use Mimiron's research and development capabilities for the time being. In contrast, Azadas still needs to be responsible for a lot of reconstruction work after that.

After consulting Raiden, Sharlayan and Onyxia took Mimiron and teleported away from Ulduar.

In the next few months, or even a few years, Mimiron might temporarily settle down in the mortal world.

After returning to Unicorn City through New Sandara's transfer, Sharlayan sighed helplessly as he looked at the Grand Duke's mansion built on the high ground.

"I'm going to get busy again... Mimiron, I'll go back and say hello to my family first, and then we'll go to Azuremyst Island on the other side of the sea."

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