Although the plan to counterattack Argus has not yet been officially put on the agenda, Sharlayan has already made a lot of preparations for the day that will come.

After all, be prepared.

Even if Mimiron can thoroughly understand the spaceship technology of the Storm Fleet and develop an engine capable of space leap, it will not be easy to travel through the Twisting Nether to Argus, the base camp of the Burning Legion.

The Draenei fled in the universe for tens of thousands of years, and even they themselves couldn't remember how far they were from Argus.

To this day, Velen still holds the interstellar coordinates of Argus in his hands, but at this stage, no one knows how many transfers it takes to jump to Argus from Azeroth, and how long this process will take time.

This is still the most ideal state for Mimiron to perfectly replicate the leap engine.

To put it more generally, the transportation cost from Azeroth to Argus by conventional means is too high, and after each jump, it may take several months or even years to recharge at the transit point.

Considering this, Sharlayan could only find another way to go to Argus at a lower cost.

This is one of the main reasons why Sharlayan gave strong support to Illidan Stormrage, an extreme demon hunter.

On the general policy of counterattacking Argus and destroying the Burning Legion, Illidan and Sharlayan were on the same boat, and he also learned a solution to the cost of the expedition from the Skull of Gul'dan.

Use the Sargerite Keystone.

The Sargerite Keystone is one of the most important treasures of the Burning Legion, made by the demon king Sargeras himself.

As long as you can get it, you can open a portal to any demon world, including Argus.

Illidan has already found out that the Sargerite Keystone was placed in the broken world of Mardum, under the custody of a demon spider queen named Tylanna.

The Devil Spider Queen is a popular name, just like Anihilan is called the Lord of the Abyss, and Nathrezim is called the Dreadlord.

The so-called Devil Spider Queen is actually an alien race named Alanas, who got her name because her habits resembled spiders.

Sharlayan has always kept an eye on the Black Temple. As long as Illidan uses exhaustive methods to find Mardum and successfully obtains the Sargerite Keystone, Azeroth will be able to gain the initiative to counterattack Argus and greatly reduce the number of expeditions. The logistical cost of Argus.

But so far, there has been no news from the Dark Temple.

That's okay for the time being, after all, Azeroth's side doesn't mean they're going to leave soon, and Sharlayan also needs time to make preparations in advance.

After returning to the lord's mansion in Unicorn City, Sharlayan temporarily handed over the Titan learning machine that Mimiron had made to Onyxia for use.

He simply greeted his family members, and then walked into the directional portal with Mimiron non-stop.

Since the Draenei settled in Azeroth, Quel'Thalas, as the inviting party, has maintained a good all-round cooperative relationship with them, and technical cooperation is only one aspect.

Knowing that Sharlayan was bringing distinguished guests to visit, Prophet Velen personally brought Yrel, who had returned to the front line, to greet him.

By the way, after completing the trial of Nozdormu and successfully mastering the power of time and returning, Sharlayan kept his promise and healed Yrel's leg injury.

After several months of rehabilitation training, Yrel's injured leg has fully recovered.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Velen, who took Yrel by his side all day to teach by example, obviously regarded this child as his successor.

After leading his people to escape for tens of thousands of years, Velen was already physically and mentally exhausted, but with no successors, he had to force himself to continue to push himself.

During those years when he took refuge in Draenor, Yrel was a piece of rough jade that Velen accidentally discovered. The prophet believed that this disciple of the Holy Light who was passionate about the future had the ability to inherit his mantle.

However, as luck would have it, Yrel was injured and disabled in the bloody battle with the evil orcs, and had to retreat to the second line.

This strong-minded hoof girl refused to admit defeat. She repeatedly asked Velen to go into battle with injuries, vowing to avenge the tragic death of her sister Samara.

Out of the idea of ​​protecting Yrel, Velen temporarily exiled her to the rear, hoping that Yrel could calm down.

As a result, this exile lasted for more than ten years, and the strong Yrel still did not lose her fighting spirit, but she walked into a dead end because of her disability, and she still failed to correct her mentality.

As Sharlayan helped Yrel avenge Samara's blood with his own hands, and healed Yrel's leg injury after many years, Yrel, who was heartbroken, could finally listen to Velen's persuasion.

It has to be said that Velen's vision is indeed vicious.

Yrel doesn't have the foresight ability like Velen, but her innate personality charm can show leadership better than Velen in some occasions.

Velen himself knew that his aging mentality had begun to fail to keep up with the changes of the times. The wrong judgment in dealing with the threat of the orcs during the Draenor period was the best proof.

Compared with Velen, who is more and more forward-looking and backward, Yrel's optimistic and positive attitude is more in line with the Draenei who started to move forward again after finding a new home.

Therefore, since Yrel returned to the front line, Velen began to consciously delegate power to her.

After experiencing the great defeat of Draenor caused by Velen's misjudgment, the archbishops of the bishops' council were also happy to see the result.

"Lord Deep Shadow, you are welcome to visit New Shattrath again."

Perhaps it was because the burdens he had been shouldering all this time had finally lightened, and Velen's demeanor seemed more airy than before, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Yrel, who was wearing golden full plate armor, also bent down gratefully and gave Sharlayan a big hug.

Sharlayan felt a bit of chest pain from being hit by the plate armor, so he had no choice but to increase his strength to push the overly enthusiastic Yrel away.

"Okay, if you should thank you, you have already said it last time. You don't have to be so enthusiastic. I can't bear it."

Yrel also realized that he was still wearing armor, and scratched his hair in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I'm going to change clothes first."

Seeing Yrel hopping away with hooves, Velen smiled helplessly: "This child still needs a lot of polishing, Sharlayan, thanks to your help, she finally stopped being a dead end. .”

Sharlayan smiled nonchalantly: "We are all allies on the same boat, just helping each other."

Before Sharlayan set off from Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas had already given the draenei some wind through the official diplomatic channels in advance, revealing some inside information.

Under the curious attention of a large number of Draenei people, Sharlayan and Velen, accompanied by the high elf ambassador, walked towards the Quel'Thalas embassy in New Shattras, talking and laughing.

"By the way, why does Yrel always like to run around wearing heavy armor, isn't she tired?"

Velen shook his head with a smile: "She said this is a daily exercise for herself, let her go."

"By the way, this is Mr. Mimiron, the guardian, right?"

Velen had long heard that Azeroth was a world favored by the Pantheon, and he had always been curious about the lesser titans known as Guardians.

Noticing Velen's gaze, Mimiron, who was looking around from the Sharlayan Gang, explained: "That's right, this is Mimiron, the great inventor of Ulduar, officially known as the Guardian of Creation."

"As for his body..."

"Let me explain this myself."

Mimiron finally withdrew his curiosity about the architectural style of New Shattrath City and the Draenei. He raised his head and said to Velen, "This mechanical dwarf body is not my original body."

"Because of the misfortune of my family, a traitor appeared inside the guardian. My body of the guardian was blown up by that traitor, so I could only temporarily transfer my soul to a nearby body."

"Anyway, I'm not a guardian who is good at fighting. It doesn't matter what my body is, as long as it supports me to continue to develop new ideas and designs."

"That's what you said." Sharlayan couldn't help complaining: "The physical strength of the mechanical gnome is still too weak. You are also a sub-Titan after all, and you should have a body worthy of your status."

"When you see Eonar in the future, it's best to let her rub your body again, flesh and blood is fine."

Mimiron spread his hands indifferently: "Let's talk about it when we can see the Mother of Gods."

"Okay, let's stop here for the gossip, let's talk about business."

Mimiron looked at Velen with bright eyes: "Your Excellency Velen, you should have heard about the specific situation, can you let me have a look at the technical documents related to the spaceship that you have kept so far?"

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