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Chapter 1363 Dragon Maw Reappearance

The High Lord of the Wildhammers was supposed to be Kurdran Wildhammer.

Ever since Kurdran was trapped in Draenor together with the soldiers of the expeditionary army, Falstad had no choice but to shoulder the responsibilities of the lord, which was nearly ten years.

After finally surviving Kurdran's return, Falstad thought he could finally unload his burden, and once again soared in the sky riding a griffin.

However...he was too happy.

After the Council of Three Hammers was re-established, Kurdran snatched the position of Wildhammer representative. Since then, he has settled in Ironforge, busy sparing with representatives of Bronzebeard and Blackhammer all day long.

When Falstad, who was half a beat slow in reacting, came back to his senses, he realized that he seemed to be unable to get rid of the scapegoat, and could only stay aggrieved and continue to stay at Eagle's Nest Mountain as Lord of the Wildhammers.

Back to the side of Quel'Thalas.

Originally, Kael'thas wanted to wait until Sharlayan returned from errands to discuss with him the issue of updating the army's equipment.

Who knew that Sharlayan set off again in a hurry before his butt was warmed up at home. Kael'thas, who learned of this, could only postpone the discussion for the time being, dumbfounded.

This time, the Deep Shadow Family is the real mobilization of the whole family.

Apart from Aunt Arisa who stayed at home to take care of the children, even Welles temporarily applied for a vacation from the Sun King, and accompanied Julian to Stromgarde, all the way south from the Arathi Highlands to Northeron via the wetlands.

Stella Gosa and Tina Gosa were still visiting relatives in Coldarra, but Jaina, who had just finished her work, hurried back from Dalaran to join the search team.

Onyxia, who has always been lazy, vaguely noticed something strange behind the incident, and rarely volunteered to follow Welles and Julian to Northeron first.

After sending off the three-person team headed by Onyxia, Sharlayan took Jaina and Valeera to the Eagle's Nest Mountain in the Hinterlands.

In the early years, Sharlayan and Valeera had many contacts with Falstad, including the secret operation that sneaked into Grim Batol to rescue the Red Dragon Queen.

Since then, the two have established a good personal relationship.

When he learned that Sharlayan wanted to find a guide who was familiar with Northeron's situation, Falstad readily agreed.

"Sharlayan, take my badge and go directly to Northeron."

Falstad stretched out his thick short hand, and slapped a badge with a scarred surface into Sharlayan's hand.

"As you know, although the Wildhammer dwarves withdrew from the old capital of Grim Batol many years ago and moved to Eagle's Nest Mountain to settle down, there are still many Wildhammer clansmen who live there. .”

"Take my badge and go to the village of Dunwald in Northeron to find a Griffin Rider named Delwyn Stormhammer. That kid is my old comrade in arms. He will be your local guide."


When the three of Sharlayan got the help they wanted from the Eagle's Nest Mountain, Onyxia had already flown Willais and Julian to the sky above Northeron.

After activating the eagle eye technique and scanning downwards, Welles and Julian frowned unconsciously.

Onyxia asked in confusion: "Orcs? How can there be orcs here?"

Welles thoughtfully pointed to the sparse orc villages below: "Look over there. According to the pattern on the totem pole, these orcs should belong to the Dragonmaw clan."

Onyxia continued to ask suspiciously: "Didn't the Dragonmaw Clan be hunted down by the Dragon Clan many years ago and disappear? Why did they dare to jump out?"

"The disappearance is true, but the Dragonmaw clan has not completely perished."

Julian gave an explanation: "After the Battle of Grim Batol, the dragon alliance led by the red dragon did deal a devastating blow to the Dragonmaw orcs still in Azeroth."

"Inas and I stayed in Northeron for a long time to track Cho'gall's whereabouts. Since then, we can faintly find Dragonmaw orcs hiding here and there in Northeron."

"After Chief Nekros died in the Battle of Grim Batol, the Dragonmaw clan without a leader was completely disorganized, but looking at them now... it seems that they have found their backbone again?"

"Could it be..."

Welles narrowed his eyes slightly and analyzed: "According to the information obtained by Backlight Blade in the early years, Necrus inherited the position from the former chief Zuluhed, but the abdicated chief Zuluhed did not die. , but returned to Draenor trying to return to its roots."

"Now that the portal of darkness connecting Draenor and Azeroth has been opened again, could it be that Zuluhed sneaked back into Azeroth in disguise?"


Julian asked in astonishment: "Even if Zuluhed is still alive, that old guy should be close to the life limit of the orcs, right? He still has the prestige and strength to unify the Dragonmaw orcs?"

As we all know, the tradition of orcs has always been to respect the strong, especially those loyal remnants of the old tribe who once drank the blood of demons.

Welles did not give a clear answer to this, but he gave Julian an example based on the information he had.

"As far as I know, Zuluhed is one of the very few high-ranking members of the old tribe who have never drank the blood of demons. Even though he has lost the favor of the elements, he still sticks to his shamanism."

"By the way, the old chieftain Orgrim Doomhammer has always respected this old shaman who insisted on his faith."

"Julian, you should have also heard the information about the new tribe's great chief Goel regaining the trust of the elements."

"Do you think it is possible for Zuluhed, who came to Azeroth again and has never been exposed to fel energy, to be recovered like Goel?"

"This..." Julian was entrusted with his jaw in deep thought: "It's not impossible, you mean..."

"Well, but at this stage, this is just speculation."

Welles said meaningfully: "The Dragonmaw clan is the clan that is best at taming and controlling flying dragon creatures among the orcs."

"If these dragon howl orcs that reappeared in Northeron are really related to Zuluhed... Onyxia's worries may come true."

Because of the large-scale turmoil caused by the soul of the dragon, Northeron and the dragon clan are quite related. Up to now, the red dragon clan still has a stronghold called Vermilion Sanctuary here.

Although there is no evidence for the time being, when Onyxia heard about the resurgence of Northeron, she subconsciously believed that there might be dragons involved behind the incident.

It is obviously impossible for the Dragon Rest Temple to take the initiative to intervene in this matter. If they know that the Dragon Roar orcs have made a comeback, they will send someone over immediately to wipe them off the map.

However, the fact is that Wyrmrest Temple has not received any warning information from Vermilion Sanctuary.

But this is not surprising. The Vermilion Sanctuary is located in the northwest of Northeron, which is close to the wetland, while the Dragonmaw orcs that Onyxia and the others discovered live in the southeast coast. The range of activities of the two is completely different.

Onyxia thoughtfully turned her head to look at the ruins of a Wildhammer dwarf village not far to the west of the Dragonmaw stronghold: "It seems that we have to wait until Sharlayan and the others bring Falstad's message We'll talk about it when we get here."

"As the intelligent race closest to the area where the Dragonmaw orcs are active, the local Wildhammer dwarves should know a lot about them."


The Wildhammer dwarves who stayed in Northeron to settle down were very different from their relatives who moved to Eagle's Nest Mountain. Compared with the "urban cubs" in their eyes, these stubborn Wildhammer dwarves who stayed in their ancestral land were more wild, It will appear unfriendly when dealing with outsiders.

Julian and Welles tried to reach out to the local residents as allies of the Wildhammer dwarves, but they were never able to gain the trust of these xenophobic Wildhammer dwarves.

On the other side, after sending Julian and Welles to their destination, Onyxia turned around and went to the Vermillion Sanctuary.

As expected, the red dragons at the Sanctuary were oblivious to the reappearance of the Dragonmaw orcs.

But Onyxia got some information about Inas from these red dragons.

As Julian said, Inas did come here to pay homage to her parents, but she did not stay in the Vermilion Sanctuary for long, and the local red dragon knew nothing about Inas' disappearance.

Considering that Vermilion Sanctuary didn't even have a single adult red dragon, Onyxia didn't expect much from them from the beginning.

"You'd better contact Wyrmrest Temple immediately and inform His Majesty Ysera who is on duty about the situation here."

Standing under the tree of life in the center of the Vermilion Sanctuary, Onyxia frowned and said, "I urge Dragonrest Temple to send reinforcements as soon as possible, I have a bad feeling."

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