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Chapter 1364 The Shadow of the Twilight Dragon

Due to her growing environment, Onyxia has always been very sensitive to conspiracies and tricks.

Nefarian, who had made an appointment to keep in touch, suddenly lost contact, and the Dragonmaw clan suddenly appeared on Northeron's side. Onyxia instinctively suspected that this matter might have something to do with death. Wings matter.

This is not Onyxia guessing out of thin air.

As early as a few years ago, Nefarian voluntarily disclosed a piece of information.

Deathwing wasn't happy with the progress of his chromatic dragon experiments, and had clearly lost his patience.

At that time, Deathwing ordered Nefarian to abandon the chromatic dragon project that he had been working on for many years, and instead study a new mutant dragon species called the Twilight Dragon.

Nefarian, who was obsessed with research, was of course very dissatisfied with this. His obedience and disobedience aroused the anger of Deathwing, and serious differences arose within the Black Dragon faction who betrayed Wyrmrest Temple.

It was at that time that Sharlayan began to strengthen his relationship with Nefarian. The Black Dragon Prince did not intend to put his eggs in one basket and take all the risks. He began to find a way out for himself.

Onyxia is well aware of her lunatic father's temper. Even if Nefarian is playing tricks behind his back, he will not give up his investment in the Twilight Dragon project, but will further increase his efforts.

In other words, after several years of secret research and development, the Twilight Dragon project should already be able to see some signs.

The Dragonmaw clan broke the previous principle of seclusion and returned to the sun at this time, so Onyxia couldn't help thinking about it.

As a long-lived species suffering from severe procrastination, one can imagine the slowness of the Dragon Clan's work efficiency.

Onyxia estimated that it would be at least half a month before the reinforcements from Wyrmrest Temple arrived at Northeron, but at least it was better than nothing... Maybe it would be time to clean up the mess.

Sharlayan, who has always been vigorous and resolute, is not as meek as the Dragon Clan.

After getting the token from Falstad, he immediately activated the space beacon positioning engraved on Onyxia's lower abdomen, and opened the directional portal with Jaina to reach the scene.

[belly? The location where your space beacon is burned is a bit unscrupulous. 】

[One thing to say, it's a bit like that pattern. 】

Sharlayan: "...Don't ask, it was Oni who requested it on her own initiative."

[Hiss~ Princess Black Dragon can play. 】

Jaina looked down at the space beacon that was still flashing on Onyxia's lower abdomen, and aimed at Sharlayan, who seemed to have no change in expression, with very subtle eyes.

"During my absence, have you come up with new tricks?"

"Cough~" Sarlayan coughed lightly, and brought back the topic of wandering: "The business is important, and these chores will be discussed at home."

"Oni, report the situation, what's the result of the preliminary investigation?"


"Wait a minute……"

After hearing Onyxia's brief report, Sharlayan suddenly frowned and asked, "The ruins of the village you mentioned...could it be a small Wildhammer village called Dunwald?"

"Hmm..." Onyxia looked up and recalled: "It seems that the sign at the entrance of the village does say Dunwald, why? Is there a problem?"

Sharlayan rubbed the space between his brows with a headache: "This is a big problem. The guide Falstad asked us to find is a Dunwald man. Now where should we find him?"

Onyxia shrugged her shoulders and gave her own suggestion: "Anyway, there is more than one Wildhammer dwarf village in Northeron, so find another village and ask for directions."

"But don't blame me for not reminding you, according to Welles and Julian, the Wildhammer dwarves here are very unfriendly to outsiders."

Sharlayan sighed and said, "We still have to try to get in touch. I hope that guy named Delwyn Stormhammer didn't die in Dunwald."


The ruins of Dunwald lie in the most fertile plains south of Northaron.

Of course, this area has become the front line for the forces of the Wildhammer dwarves and the Dragon Howl Orcs to compete, and it is not too surprising that the Dragon Howl Orcs will be the first to destroy it.

The terrain in the northern part of the Northeron Highlands is relatively complex and relatively uninhabitable.

But even so, the Wildhammer dwarves who stayed in Northeron have set up a lot of strongholds here. Not far from the east of Vermilion Sanctuary, there is a small town called Sandemar. It is said that this is where the Wildhammer dwarves The most important transit base in the Northeron region.

Saying goodbye to the red dragonlings and dragonmaws in the Vermilion Sanctuary, in order to avoid arousing the vigilance of the local Wildhammer dwarves, Sharlayan and his party deliberately chose to walk to Sandemar.

Sure enough, when they saw the small town of Sandemar built in the valley, several Griffin Knights who had been patrolling the sky stopped them.

"Stop! Strangers are not welcome in Sandemar!"

Sharlayan took out the badge given by Falstad from the space package and explained loudly: "I am a friend of Falstad, Lord of the Wildhammers, and I need your help on important matters!"

"Falstad? Dragon Slayer?"

The attitude of the Griffin Riders softened significantly after hearing the name.

However, judging from their tone of voice, what the Griffin Knights respected was not the identity of Lord Falstad, but the warrior Falstad who was called the Dragon Slayer.

'Sure enough, the folk customs are tough. '

For the sake of the dragon scavenger, Sharlayan and his party were finally brought to the town of Sandemar, where they were received by a mighty mayor.

Yes, Kong Wu mighty mayor.

Sharlayan speculated that the mayor of this small town was probably elected by force rather than the ability to govern.

"Haha! I didn't expect that kid Falstad to remember us thorns who don't want to leave our homeland!"

The mayor named Winters Ironbeard had a very loud voice. After learning about the purpose of Salayan and the others, he laughed and welcomed the four of them.

"Since he is a friend of Dragon Raider, we have to sell him some face."

"Let's talk, friends of the Alliance, what can we do for you?"

Anyway, he is also the mayor of a town. At least Winters knows that the Wildhammer dwarf is also a member of the alliance, and he doesn't seem to be as xenophobic as the rough and tough people under his rule.


"Dragon roar orc..."

Speaking of the group of orcs who appeared out of nowhere in the past year or so, Winters' face immediately became ugly, and the blue veins protruding from clenched fists could be clearly seen on his thick arms.

After several deep breaths, Winters managed to control his emotions, and looked at Onyxia who asked the question with a sinking face.

"Girl, as you said, the reason why the Dragonmaw Clan caught us by surprise is because they did not know where to get help from a group of purple young dragons."

"I swear by my grandfather's beard, in my 200-year-old life, I have never seen a dragon with purple scales before."

"Purple scale armor?"

Sharlayan and Onyxia frowned and looked at each other: "Mayor Winters, are you sure those dragons are purple in appearance? Isn't it lighter black?"

Winters shook his head resolutely: "No, no! I also participated in the Second Orc War, and fought with the tribe's red dragon knights in the sky. I can still distinguish the color of the dragon."


Onyxia scratched her hair with some annoyance: "The Twilight Dragon...has it really appeared?"

"That's right!" Winters clapped his hands suddenly and said, "That's what those dragon-maw dregs call those purple young dragons! Twilight dragons!"

A cold light flashed in Sharlayan's eyes: "It seems that the disappearance of my mother is probably related to Twilight Dragon."

"I don't think the Twilight Dragon at this stage can pose a threat to her, so to speak..."

Valeera, who was in charge of intelligence work, took over the conversation and said, "She should have found some important clues. In order not to startle the enemy, she just kept silent and tracked down the whole way. I just don't know where she is now."

Sharlayan gave a solution with a sneer: "Since it is basically confirmed that the disappearance of my mother is related to Twilight Dragon, the best way is to directly ask the people behind Twilight Dragon."

"I'd like to see who is hiding behind the scenes of the Northeron war."

"Oh? You want to deal with the scum of Dragonmaw?"

Hearing that Sharlayan wanted to trouble the Dragonmaw clan, Winters, who couldn't keep up with the topic, immediately became interested.

"If so, the lads from the Wildhammer can offer you some help."

"By the way." Winters suddenly remembered something, and patted his forehead with his big hand: "Aren't you looking for Delwin? I can show you the way."

"After Dunwald Village was breached, Delwin, who was seriously injured, and his griffin were sent to Cushaven Village to recuperate. Counting the time, they should have almost recovered."

"Kushaven?" Sarlayan asked with a slight brow adjustment, "Mayor Winters, where is the village of Cushaven?"

Winters raised his finger and pointed to the northeast: "It's on the high ground east of Sandemar Town. It can be regarded as the rear area and is relatively safe."

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