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Chapter 1365 Your port is well built, it will soon be mine

In the inherent cognition of the barrage, Northeron's name is Twilight Highlands.

As the name suggests, in the Azeroth they know, Northeron has become one of the strongholds of the Twilight's Hammer.

From a logical analysis, it is not surprising that this happens.

The origin of everything starts with the War of the Three Hammers more than 200 years ago.

Because the then Dark Iron Queen, Modgud, used the Blade of the Dark Empire to curse Grim Batol, the old capital of the Wildhammer dwarves, the land of Northeron has been inextricably linked to the power of the void ever since... Of course, in a negative sense.

After more than 200 years of placement, the remaining void power in Grim Batol has long since dissipated.

But according to the law of energy conservation, these void forces that once permeated the entire city will not disappear out of thin air, but seep into Grim Batol... and even the ground and air of the entire Northeron region.

Because of this, Cho'gall took the risk to sneak into Northeron to investigate the situation many times.

If it weren't for Inas and Julian's couple who have been chasing after him, which seriously affected Cho'gall's original plan, this area might have become the Twilight Highland in the barrage memory long ago.

Even so, the ancient gods behind the Twilight's Hammer still did not give up on Northeron.

N'Zoth's core territory is located in the sea. If it wants to conquer land step by step, it will inevitably need a landing point on land as its forward base.

N'Zoth tried to concentrate his forces to take the Azshara area, but it failed. The fiasco of the Battle of Estorante completely and almost shattered N'Zoth's plan to land on Kalimdor, and the Void Naga under its command also As a result, he was severely injured and could not recover for a long time.

As the saying goes, there is no light in the east and light in the west.

Since Kalimdor was difficult to break through under the entrenched defense of the night elves, N'Zoth naturally turned his attention to the Eastern Kingdom, which has a more complex composition of forces.

The entire west coast of the Eastern Continent is the active area of ​​the sea kingdom of Kul Tiras, and the difficulty of logging in on the west coast is undoubtedly hell-level.

So N'Zoth chose to do the opposite, placing the breakthrough point on the relatively inaccessible east coast, and Northeron was the best place it chose.

This can also explain why the Dragonmaw clan chose to spread their influence from the coastal area. They even built a deep-water port called Dragonmaw Port on a peninsula at the eastern sea estuary of Northeron.

Since Quel'Thalas began to attach importance to the navy, Sharlayan and Kael'thas made a series of plans specifically for the kingdom's naval development.

As a country that has been an ally for many years, Quel'Thalas does not plan to intervene in the traditional active areas of Kul Tiras on a large scale, so as not to cause diplomatic friction between the two countries due to the uneven distribution of benefits.

By accident, Quel'Thalas' naval development route collided with N'Zoth, who was trying to land on the east coast of the Eastern Kingdom.

After the layout of Sharlayan in the past few years, Quel'Thalas has successively persuaded Lordaeron, the Wildhammer dwarves and the Viletooth trolls to open up ports in the eastern coastal areas of East Weld and Hinterlands. and fixed routes.

The area near the sea in the east of the Arathi Highlands is blocked by mountains, and there is little value in developing ports on the east coast.

Continuing southward from the Arathi Highlands, it is inevitable to pass through Northeron. Sharlayan has actually been thinking about the port in the Northeron area for a long time, but because of all the troubles, he has not taken the time to make a formal settlement.

Unexpectedly, after failing to notice the change in the situation in Northeron for a short time, someone would have seized the port location that Sharlayan had long been interested in ahead of time.

But from Sharlayan's point of view, it doesn't matter, your port will become mine sooner or later, at worst, you just grab it from the already hostile Dragonmaw orcs.

The Dragon Roar orcs are different from the new tribe of orcs who followed Goil West to Kalimdor early. These guys are the loyal remnants of the old tribe, and they are essentially the same way as the "orthodox tribe" under Red Blackhand. number.

They do not recognize the so-called legitimacy of the new tribe, and they still miss the powerful period when the old tribe was unrivaled.

After rounding up with Julian and Welles, who went out to investigate intelligence, Sharlayan learned more details from Dragonmaw Port.

As expected, the chief of the Dragonmaw clan today is Zuluhed, the polished commander who fled back to Draenor in desperation.

After the Dark Portal was closed, Zuluhed tried hard to rebuild the Dragonmaw clan on Draenor.

However, Draenor is no longer what it used to be. The two-headed wyvern once tamed by the Dragonmaw clan and used as a mount has already died out due to the drastic environmental changes caused by the erosion of evil energy.

Since there is no dragon to control, the so-called rebuilding of the Dragonmaw clan is naturally out of the question.

In the original history, Zuluhed got in touch with Sinestra, the black dragon queen who fled to Draenor by chance, and the two hit it off in Shadowmoon Valley. A twisted dragonborn creature for a drake.

However, in this timeline, Sinestra knew her way back early, and the void drake never developed at all.

Zuluhed, who returned to Draenor without success, spent ten years of extreme torment. Finally, when the portal of darkness opened again, Zuluhed, who had never received fel energy, mixed into the ranks of the Mag'har orcs. Checked, successfully smuggled back to Azeroth.

Thanks to the foundation laid by Drek'Thar and Goel, Zuluhed, who returned to Azeroth, was naturally recognized by the elements of Azeroth, and regained his status as a The power of the shaman.

Zuluhed, who had regained his strength, returned to the Northeron region along the route he had left in the past. Relying on his prestige as the former Dragonmaw chieftain, he reunited the Dragonmaw clan that had already become a mess under his banner.

At this time, a group of mysterious people took the initiative to find Zuluhed who was troubled.

The specialty of the Dragonmaw clan is to tame and control dragon creatures. The Dragonmaw clan without dragons is incomplete and not worthy of its name.

To revitalize the Dragonmaw clan, Zuluhed must find a dragonborn creature that can be harnessed by the Dragonmaw orcs.

Zuluhed is not stupid, and this group of guys who took the initiative to sell Twilight Dragons obviously have bad intentions.

But given the current situation of the Dragonmaw Clan, if they want to develop, they can only accept their "good intentions", and he has no choice at all.

Under the coercion of those Dragonmaw people who were already ready to move, Zuluhed finally agreed to the deal proposed by the mysterious man.

This group of mysterious people of unknown origin is also refreshing.

After reaching a deal with the Dragonmaw clan, they delivered more than 20 Twilight young dragons to the Dragonmaw clan at one time, and asked the Dragonmaw clan to put forward a series of improvement suggestions based on their own experience in the process of using the Twilight dragon.

In terms of dragon training and dragon control, the Dragonmaw Clan is a professional. Both parties got what they needed in the process of this transaction, and the cooperation was quite pleasant.

With the help of the Twilight Dragon, the Dragonmaw clan, which had long since declined, rose again. They quickly gained a foothold in the Northeron region and began to nibble away at the fertile land of Northeron ruled by the Wildhammer dwarves.

However, according to the intelligence collected by Julian and Welles who ventured into Dragonmaw Port, the Dragonmaw Clan, which has developed too fast, has actually buried a huge hidden danger.

The old and refined Zuluhed has always maintained restraint and vigilance when working with the mysterious man who provided the Twilight Dragon, but the young people who are eager for quick success think that the old Zuluhed is too conservative and slows down the clan development progress.

The orcs of the moderate faction and the radical faction are at odds with each other, and the attack on Dunwald village is one of the symbolic events that the radical faction broke away from the control of Zuluhed.

According to Zulushid's vision, the newly born Dragonmaw clan should keep a low profile for a while, so as not to attract the attention of the red dragon in the Vermilion Sanctuary.

Facts have proved that although it is a bit wrong, the concerns of the old and strong Zuluhed are undoubtedly correct.

It was precisely because of the sudden disappearance of Inas that the Deep Shadow Clan headed by Sharlayan got involved, which made Wyrmrest Temple aware of the resurgence of the Dragonmaw Clan.

Things have come to this, even if Sharlayan does nothing, at most one month later, Wyrmrest Temple will send reinforcements to completely wipe out the Dragonmaw clan, which has long had a deep hatred with the Dragon Clan.

Sharlayan was not interested in the doomed ending of the Dragonmaw orcs. What he cared more about was the group of mysterious people who hid behind the Dragonmaw clan and provided the Twilight Dragon.

The Dragonmaw Clan is willing to invest resources in the construction of Dragonmaw Port, which is very good, because it just saves Quel'Thalas from investing in the construction of the port.

The big deal is that Sharlayan will greet the commanders of the Wyrmrest Temple's coalition forces who will lead the team, and ask them to be careful not to spread too much when attacking Dragonmaw Port.

Inas obviously has no interest in staring at a group of pitiful orcs who are being used as flags. She must be hiding in the dark to track down the source of the Twilight Dragon. If she wants to find out where Inas is going, Sharlayan and his party must also Follow this lead to continue the investigation.

As senior intelligence personnel, the two brothers Julian and Welles are not just for nothing.

During this trip to Longmaw Port, they not only found out the contradictions within the Dragonmaw clan, but also found some clues about the provider of Twilight Dragon.

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