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Chapter 1378: Lost Dragon Egg

According to common sense, the respective treasures of the five dragon clans can only be driven by the Dragon King who has the power of protection.

This is also one of the reasons why Deathwing safely handed over the Seed of the Shadow Flame to Nefarian for safekeeping on the premise that he was sure that he was in danger.

Because he knew that without the power of protection, Nefarian couldn't use this treasure freely at all, so naturally it wouldn't become a threat to him.


Deathwing admitted that he had always been on guard against Nefarian, but that was just an instinctive warning as the leader of the group against subordinates who might threaten him.

This set of rules is not only applicable to animal groups, the kings of the major kingdoms also tend to maintain a certain degree of vigilance against their heirs, fearing that they will forcibly seize power before they give up the throne.

You can't take what I don't give you.

Deathwing and Nefarian have different ideas on many issues.

But compared to Onyxia who was dawdling around, Nefarian has always been very deferential to Deathwing on issues of principle.

Deathwing never thought that Nefarian, whose hands were stained with the blood of four-color dragons, would betray him and join Wyrmrest Temple, which tried to kill him quickly.

Strictly speaking, Nefarian is not seeking refuge in Wyrmrest Temple, but the broader concept of the Azeroth Guardian camp, and the Dragon Clan is just one of the forces under this general concept.

The king of the black dragon has long betrayed. Before killing Deathwing and recovering the power to protect the earth, no black dragon could activate the Seed of Shadowflame except Deathwing himself.

However, the power of the black dragon to protect the earth is also bestowed by the titan through the air.

Unlike Nozdormu, who is unique in mastering the power of the guardian of time, the power of the guardian of the earth is not only possessed by Deathwing alone. Azadas can be used as his replacement to help Sharlayan activate the Shadow Flame kind of.

Before leaving Ulduar last time, Azadas also specifically mentioned that if there is any problem that cannot be solved, you can go to Ulduar to ask him for help at any time.

Since this period of time, since Sharlayan has not yet officially awakened the power of the earth, the prop dubbed the Titan Learning Machine has been kept and used by Onyxia.

Not to mention, Onyxia, who has always been lazy, has been relatively diligent recently. She has really learned a lot of useful things from Azadas' tens of thousands of years of experience in using the power of the earth.

Onyxia was originally an expert in manipulating the power of the earth. For her, Azadas' experience can only be regarded as checking for gaps and filling in gaps. It didn't take long for her to master the knowledge.

Sharlayan's situation is completely different from Onyxia's. He must slowly understand the power of the earth from the beginning, and this is bound to take a long time.

After taking back the Titan Learning Machine from Onyxia, Sharlayan planned to take another trip to Ulduar as soon as possible.

But before Sharlayan left, Nefarian who also planned to leave here and return to Blackwing Lair suddenly stopped him.

"Salayan, I know that you and Onyxia want to know the whereabouts of the batch of pure dragon eggs that Sabrian kept."

Speaking of this topic, Sharlayan and Onyxia, who had just fought all night, immediately put away their lazy expressions, and looked seriously at Nefarian who looked normal.

"I'm in a hurry and want to go back early, so I'll just say it straight."

Now that they have signed a cooperation contract with each other, Nefarian no longer keeps secrets, and tells the information he knows straight to the point.

"As far as I know, Sabarian's loyalty to Deathwing...just like mine, is just superficially disguised."

Nefarian showed a sneer on his face: "Our beloved father went completely insane more than 10,000 years ago, who would be willing to follow such a lunatic?"

"I, Onyxia, Sabrian, and all the direct descendants of Deathwing have their own plans behind their backs."

Nefarian glanced at Onyxia, who was holding Sharlayan's arm, with a half-smile: "Because of the accidental reunion with her mother, and your great help, Onyxia, who was not deeply involved, fell into trouble early. Out of the sea of ​​suffering... To be honest, I have always envied her before."

"Sabellian and I have done too many things that violated our conscience in order to gain the trust of Deathwing, and we can no longer turn back."

"I chose to immerse myself in the research of colorful dragons, and Saberian planned to take the batch of dragon eggs and flee to Draenor, and take advantage of the opportunity of the door of darkness to re-establish a new team in that distant world." of the Black Dragon Legion."

"It's a pity." Nefarian said sarcastically: "Saberi's peace of mind is higher than the sky, but his life is thinner than paper. After all, he doesn't have the ability to turn things around."


Sharlayan hesitated, but told Nefarian the cause and effect of his death.

After learning the whole picture, Nefarian shook his head indifferently.

"As expected, I already knew that he was not that material, I can only say that he is very ambitious."

Onyxia pondered thoughtfully for a moment before looking up at Nefarian in surprise: "You mean..."

Nefarian gave an affirmative answer without hesitation: "You should know what I have said."

"If nothing else happens, the batch of pure black dragon eggs hidden by Sabelian should still be sealed somewhere in Draenor, but I don't know exactly where."

"Draenor..." Sharlayan nodded thoughtfully: "I see, I just happen to have a plan to go to Draenor in the future, so let's look it up carefully then."

After sending away Nefarian and Inas, who was in charge of monitoring and protecting him, Sharlayan opened the portal and sent Julian and Villes back to Silvermoon City, leaving only Valeera and Onyxia behind. on the side.

After learning about Nefarian's information from Sharlayan and Onyxia, Valeera, who had personally participated in the melee in Gorgrond, bowed her head and thought for a while.

"So, there is a high probability that those dragon eggs should be kept in Gorgrond... now it should be called a hidden stronghold in Blade's Edge Mountain?"

Speaking of this question, Onyxia's delicate black eyebrows frowned.

"Due to the effects of fel pollution, Gorgrond has undergone large-scale geological changes."

"Although it won't completely sink into the sea like the peak forest of Alanka, the change in the environment is not small. The dragon eggs... won't be damaged in the process of geological changes, right?"

This is also what Sharlayan is worried about.

Parts of the southern part of Gorgrond and the northern part of the Talador Forest were soaked by sea water and gradually evolved into what is now Zangarmarsh.

At the same time, Gorgrond's mainland has also formed an increasing gap in the terrain and highlands, which has become the current Blade's Edge Mountain.

Salayan is still not sure whether Sabarian really sealed the dragon eggs in Gorgrond. If so, it is difficult for those dragon eggs not to be affected by large-scale geological changes.

And this is obviously a heavy blow to Sinestra, who is eager to revive the black dragon.

"Don't be in a hurry."

Sharlayan rubbed the center of his brows, and patted Onyxia's head comfortingly.

"According to my speculation, the possibility of Saberian choosing Gorgrond is indeed not small, but considering environmental factors, there is another area that has a higher possibility."


Onyxia rubbed her cheeks vigorously, trying to sort out the messy thoughts in her mind.


"Frostfire Ridge."

Sharlayan said decisively: "You also know that there are a large number of volcanoes in the Frostfire Ridge area. For black dragons who are born with the power of the earth, it is the most suitable place to hatch dragon eggs."

"Besides, Saberian is not stupid. Gorgrond has a powerful demigod-level native creature like Gorgrond. If you were him, you would transfer the dragon eggs to this kind of dragon egg before making sure to take Gorgrond. A dangerous front line?"

Onyxia's eyes lit up when she heard the words: "What you said...does make sense."

Sharlayan said with a smile: "I will send someone to inform Solas, and entrust the free-willed undead to search around the various volcanoes in Frostfire Ridge first."

"We'll go to Draenor ourselves when we're done with some of the troubles in Azeroth."

"No matter what the final outcome of those dragon eggs is, we still have to witness it with our own eyes, otherwise we won't be able to explain to my mother-in-law."

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