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Chapter 1379 Five Qi Chaoyuan (Fog)

Deathwing's betrayal dealt a heavy blow to the Black Dragon Clan no matter from which point of view.

On the one hand, those black dragons who followed Deathwing and took refuge in the ancient gods were frantically hunted down by other four-color giant dragons for a long time, and suffered extremely heavy losses during these ten thousand years.

On the other hand, before the two factions of black dragons separated, Deathwing unsurprisingly adopted the method of Shunchang's rebellion, forcing all the black dragons to stand in line.

Although there were many black dragons who escaped from that catastrophe, they were basically powerful ancient dragons. The inexperienced younger generation failed to detect the betrayal of the Dragon King in time, and a large number fell in the closed-door infighting.

Afterwards, the black dragon clan experienced a series of vicious incidents such as the escape of the dragon queen and the loss of a large number of dragon eggs. When all kinds of disturbances gradually subsided, Deathwing was annoyed to find that there were very few pure black dragon eggs left in his hands.

This is also the main reason why Deathwing asked Nefarian to transform the colorful dragon and the twilight dragon successively, because he needs more subordinates, and the dwindling black dragon alone is no longer enough to meet Deathwing's manpower needs.

It has to be said that Sabarian and Nefarian are very good at acting. The two have always shown a loyal look in front of Deathwing, and they did not hesitate to dirty their hands for this.

But as Nefarian said, the black dragon royal family, which was born before Deathwing's rebellion and was not contaminated by mad blood, has its own set of calculations, and they are not of one mind with the increasingly crazy Deathwing.

Sinestra and Abyssian worked hard for many years, and finally recalled those veteran black dragons who were discouraged by civil strife and lived in seclusion in the mountains.

But this can only solve the problem of the high-end combat power of the Black Dragon Clan to a certain extent.

The number of the new generation of orthodox black dragons today is even smaller than the blue dragons after Senegos returned with the dragon eggs.

It's no wonder that Sinestra valued the batch of pure dragon eggs hidden by Sabelian so much. It's no joke that these remaining batches of dragon eggs are the hope of revival of the black dragon clan.

Injured by the boiling lava within Deathwing's body, Sinestra, supposedly the most fertile hero mother, has long lost her ability to lay dragon eggs.

Today's black dragon clan has a lot of high-end combat power, but the younger generation that supports the population base of the entire clan is seriously insufficient.

Dragonborns are known to have even more tragic birth rates than the High Elves.

If the status quo is maintained, according to the predictions of the Dragon Rest Temple, even if they can successfully defeat Deathwing and recover the power of the earth's guardian, the Black Dragon Clan will need at least a thousand years... or even longer time to initially recover their vitality.

For the long-lived species, a thousand years does not seem to be too long, but in this world that is always troubled by disasters, no one can guarantee what the long thousand years will be like.

Even the blue dragon, who was almost wiped out at the beginning, has gradually recovered its vitality. It is strange that Sinestra, who is worried about the future of the group, is not in a hurry.

You know, the Black Dragon Clan was the undisputed leader of Wyrmrest Temple at the beginning, but now it has become the last one. This huge gap made Sinestra, who had personally experienced the glory days of the Black Dragon, unacceptable.

Although Onyxia is lazy by nature, her overall view is not bad, and she also has a sense of responsibility for her own group as a royal family.

It is true that Onyxia, as her older sister, voluntarily gave up her qualification to inherit the Black Dragon King, and left the position of Dragon King to the youngest brother in the family, Ebisian, and has since lived in Quel'Thalas with her own man.

But this doesn't mean that Onyxia doesn't care about her natal family anymore.

Every time she received a call from Sinestra, Onyxia never once resisted her mother's order, even though she always showed a reluctant and lazy look on the surface.

Under the urging and supervision of Onyxia, Sharlayan entrusted the Wildhammer Gryphon Knight to send a letter to the Fortress before leaving Northeron.

He entrusted the local defenders to go through the Dark Portal to Draenor and deliver the letter to the undead who settled in Frostfire Ridge.

After completing the preliminary preparations, Sharlayan came to the cold storm cliff again after a few transfers, and was greeted by Elonaya personally, and saw Azadas who was still busy repairing Ulduar.

"Oh, you finally got the Shadow Flame Seed."

Azadas, who was covered in black and ash, saw the black fire held in Sharlayan's hand at a glance, and put down the forging hammer in his hand.

"This thing..."

Azadas tried to draw the power of the earth from the shadow flame seed, and the black flames that rose suddenly made him shrink his fingers subconsciously.

"Sure enough, Neltharion... No, Deathwing did something to it, and a lot of void power from the Old Gods was mixed in it."

"Black dragon girl." Azadas turned to look at Onyxia who came with Salayan: "Help me, use your magic dagger to suck away the excess void power in the fire Impurities."

Onyxia pulled out the Dark Empire Blade from Shan Ruliu, and coordinated with Azadas' movements to extract the void energy that did not belong to the fire seed little by little.

With the cooperation of the two, Azadas extracted strands of khaki streamer visible to the naked eye from the fire.

"Sharlayan, are you ready?"

Under Valeera's encouraging gaze, Sharlayan nodded firmly.

"Come on, it's time to activate my last recessive gene."

"Okay, it might be a little uncomfortable, hold on."

The honest man Azadas didn't talk so much, he shook his right hand violently, kneaded the refined khaki streamer into a ball of light that seemed substantial, and pressed it into Sharlayan without hesitation. chest.

At this point in the ceremony, both Valeera and Onyxia, who had retired, retreated more than ten meters away consciously, and stood side by side with Elonaya, who was watching the whole process.


Azadas never joked. He said it was a little fact, it was very uncomfortable.

Compared with lively arcane arts, gentle life, dreams and illusory time, the most profound insight brought to Sharlayan by the power of the earth is undoubtedly heavy.

According to the rules of the material universe, elemental forces will have duality, and the power of the earth is undoubtedly one of the elemental forces.

The positive characteristics of the power of the earth are thick and solid, while the negative characteristics are stubbornness and inertia.

To put it more generally, even with the assistance of Azadas, the guardian of the earth, Sharlayan's progress in activating the black dragon gene is still very slow, mainly because of the inertia of the power of the earth itself.

Except for Alonaya, everyone present is without exception a demigod. In theory, there is no need to replenish energy through eating, and naturally there is no need for excretion and sleep.

Even Ailonaya, who is in a poor state, because of the special body structure, she also does not have the troubles of eating, drinking and lazing like ordinary people.

Under Valeera and Onyxia's tireless watch, the ceremony lasted for a whole week.

At noon on the seventh day, Onyxia, who was a bit distracted, suddenly felt the abnormal fluctuation of the power of the earth in the hall, and immediately came back to her senses and opened her eyes wide.

Onyxia's actions woke up Valeera who was also a little distracted, and both of them realized that the most critical moment was coming.

Just as they thought, after seven days of hard work, the inert power of the earth finally gradually integrated into Sharlayan's genes.

Azadas no longer needs to catalyze it from the outside, and in a place that outsiders can't see, the last part of the hidden gene sequence in Sarlayan's body is officially activated.

As Azadas with a gratified face took the initiative to pull back, Salayan took a deep breath and took the initiative to incorporate all the overflowing power of the earth into his body.

The five different powers automatically began to cycle in Sharlayan's body, and this time, Sharlayan didn't need to expend energy to accumulate energy for integration.

It was just a thought, and the five non-interfering powers naturally merged into one, transforming into a very mysterious golden power.

Azadas sensed a little danger, and used the power of shaping to instantly build a strong secret room to temporarily protect Sharlayan.

Said to protect Sharlayan... In fact, this move was to protect the unsuspecting Valeera, Onyxia and Elonaia.

Sure enough, as soon as the secret room built by Azadas was formed, a violent force spread outward from the center of the secret room, just in time to be blocked by the rock-solid shaping power.

This energy fluctuation was released by Sharlayan unconsciously. After regaining consciousness, he quickly realized that he had caused trouble, and quickly recovered the escaped power like his fingers.

However, the secret chamber that Azadas had hastily constructed was broken from inside Sharlayan.

Not because of uncontrollable forces, but a more pure... physical method.

"hold head high!"

As the stones that made up the secret room fell to the ground, a giant dragon shining with golden light appeared before everyone's eyes.

That's right, it was an adult dragon with shining golden scales.

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