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Chapter 1380 Onyxia: Looks good, I want rua!

According to the normalization rules of the Dragon Clan, as long as you step over the threshold of the demigod, you can automatically evolve into an adult dragon form.

Sharlayan was the first exception ever made by the dragons.

After advancing to the level of a demigod, his dragon form is strangely maintained between the young dragon and the giant dragon. It is a few circles larger than the average young dragon, but it is far from the standard of an adult dragon. The horns haven't grown yet.

Horns are a symbolic organ representing the formal adulthood of dragons. From the appearance point of view, a dragon with horns looks much more powerful than a young dragon with a bare head.

The vast majority of dragons will keep their proud horns on their heads even if they become human, and the same is true for Onyxia and Stellagosa... Unless it is some special occasions that require them to disguise themselves as mortals .

Onyxia's horn... how should I put it, it looks lazy.

Her horns didn't stand upright, but protruded forward in a gentle arc close to the sides of her black hair.

In Sharlayan's words, Onyxia has a typical lying horn, which is not easy to touch, and feels very good.

The horn of Stella Gosa is a very classic backward style. While standing tall, it has a slightly backward bending arc, which does not give people a very sharp feeling.

For adult dragons, horns are one of the important signs to attract the opposite sex and show their charm.

When Valeera was still looking at the fine golden scales of Sarlayan in amazement, Onyxia's eyes were staring straight at the horns on Sarlayan's head, expressing her desire very bluntly. rua desire.

Different from Onyxia and Stellagosa, Saryana also has golden double horns that grow straight towards the sky, and the forked branches of the horns look quite ferocious, which will naturally bring A feeling of sharpness.

After basically mastering the new power, Sharlayan quickly changed back to the form of a high elf, and he did not keep the double horns on his head according to the practice of dragons. Onyxia showed a regretful expression without any concealment. .

"Hey~ why don't you show your horns?"

Sharlayan turned annoyed and cast a glance at the coquettish Black Dragon Princess at the first moment.

"I don't want to move against two obstacles. What if I hit the door frame when I go out?"

With a flattering smile on Onyxia's face, she gently shook Sharlayan's arm: "It's a big deal to raise the door frame a bit, so that the corners can be exposed~ I want to touch it."

"Hey! Over there!"

As expected, Valeera did not disappoint Sharlayan's expectations. After regaining her senses, she immediately grabbed Onyxia's collar with her eyebrows raised and dragged her back.

"I haven't finished the business yet, why are you making a fuss here? I want to have fun and go back and talk about it!"

"Tsk~ It's okay, I'm on shift tonight."


The honest man Azadas suddenly heard this kind of undisguised tiger and wolf words from the women who came here, and he unconsciously showed an embarrassed expression on his face, and coughed twice to bring the topic back to the topic.

"Sharlayan, how do you feel?"

Sharlayan knowingly ignored Valeera and Onyxia who were subconsciously driving, and shook his right fist thoughtfully.

"The power of the earth is not yet familiar, but it has been able to initially integrate the five powers to form a brand new power."

"I still need to study the specific situation of this new power, and I will also work hard to learn the experience of using the power of the earth that you left behind, and strive to fully grasp it as soon as possible."

Azadas nodded gently: "It's good that everything goes well. I'm also very curious about your golden power. Don't forget to let me know when the research progresses."

"Of course." Sharlayan patted Azadas' calf gratefully: "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help, Azadas, we will not disturb you to continue working."

"Remember to come to my territory as a guest when you have time. Mimiron has also been busy with me recently."

Azadas responded with kindness: "If I can find time, I will go, and Mimiron will ask you to take care of it for the time being...don't let him mess around."

Sharlayan spread his hands with a wry smile: "I will try my best."

Mimiron had stayed in New Shattrath to conduct technical exchanges with senior Draenei technicians.

For engineering, no matter how wonderful the theory is, it cannot be separated from practical operation.

Compared with the draenei who have just come to Azeroth not long ago, Quel'Thalas, who has been rooted in Eversong Forest for more than 7,000 years, has obviously accumulated more precious materials.

In order to verify all kinds of whimsical ideas that have popped up in his mind during this period of time, Mimiron excitedly dragged several senior Draenei technicians, including Romuel, across the sea to Eversong Forest.

After receiving the special approval from Sharlayan, this group of engineering masters couldn't wait to set up an open-air experiment field in the territory of Sharlayan.

The whimsy of the Gnomeregan gnomes is inherited from their creator, the great inventor Mimiron.

In the process of verifying conjectures and theories, Mimiron and others made a lot of noise, and from time to time they would cause some ridiculous experimental accidents.

Fortunately, their experimental site is remote enough that there is no need to worry that these engineering masters who are having fun will hurt innocent people.

Azadas, who has worked with Mimiron for many years, of course knew the nature of his old colleague, so he could only squat down and pat Salayan's shoulder with a wry smile to express his comfort.


After bidding farewell to Azadas, Raiden and the others, Sharlayan dealt helplessly with Onyxia who was bothering her, while opening the portal and taking the two of them back to Unicorn City.

Since Welles and Julian reported the ins and outs of the Battle of Northeron to Kael'thas a few days ago, Sharlayan and Valeera didn't have to make another trip.

When the three of them returned home, a familiar shell of human flesh crashed into Salayan's arms first.

Fortunately, Sharlayan had already developed muscle memory, and when he received the impact, he made a heavy heart and took a good posture. Finally, he was not knocked out of the gate by the incoming shells.

"Brother Salayan! You are finally back!"

Needless to say, from this title, one can know that the one who crashed into Sarayan's arms was Tinagosa who had returned from visiting relatives in Coldarra.


Little Tina, who was on the snake stick, climbed onto Salayan's shoulder with both hands and feet, and sniffed Salayan's head with a puzzled face.

Salayan patted Tinagosa's little head amusedly: "What are you doing? Why do you smell everywhere like a dog?"

"Hmm..." Tinagosa rested her chin on her hand and showed a thoughtful look: "I always feel that your aura has some subtle changes. Could it be that there are some adventures on this trip?"

'Can you smell this too... What a strange talent. '

Sharlayan shook his head dumbfounded: "Well, I'll explain it to everyone in detail at dinner time... Where's your sister?"


Little Tina stretched out her chubby little finger to the main hall of the mansion, and Stellagosa stood there with a smile on her face: "She is still so reserved, let me tell you, why should my family hold it like this, she is as enthusiastic as me?" Wouldn't it be nice?"

Under Stellagosa's fierce gaze, Tinagosa quickly stuck out her tongue, clasped her hands together and begged for mercy.

Only her own elder sister can control this flying girl.

After withdrawing her eyes from staring at Tinagosa, Stellagosa also looked up and down at Salayan with some doubts, and she could vaguely feel some strange aura.

Jaina smiled and waved to the returning family members unconsciously: "Welcome back, this trip to Northeron, you seem to have made a big fuss again."

Both are dragons, and they are close family members. It is not surprising that Stellagosa and Tinagosa can feel the changes in Sharlayan. After all, adulthood is a very important symbolic event for all dragons. .

Salayan gestured to Stellagosa with his eyes, and soon received a tacit response from Little Xingxing, and temporarily put this topic aside.

"We're back, where is Dad?"

Chief Secretary Stella Gosa immediately took up the topic and said: "A week ago, father and uncle first reported the whole story of the Northeron battle to the Sun King, and then father returned to Deep Shadow Manor alone."

"Sure enough, it's like this again..."

Sharlayan shook his head helplessly.

During the years when his mother was doing research in retreat, Sharlayan would often invite Julian, who was alone, to live in Unicorn City.

Perhaps in order not to disturb the normal life of his son's family... or maybe because he didn't want to eat dog food all day long, Julian would reject Salayan's invitation every time and return to live alone in Deep Shadow Manor by Lake Ellendal.

"Forget it, let him go."

Sharlayan turned his gaze to Jaina who had already walked beside him: "That guy Khadgar didn't cause any trouble in Dalaran, did he?"


Jaina ignored Valeera's customary but innocuous death stare, and smiled as she took Sharlayan's other free hand.

"That's a long story. We can only say that Khadgar has lived up to our expectations. Dalaran has been very lively recently."

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