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Chapter 1381 Father's kindness and son's filial piety is the tradition of Azeroth (correct

Sharlayan and Khadgar have been busy with all kinds of miscellaneous affairs after they parted in Karazhan, and they have no time to stay in Dalaran to eat melons at close distance like Jaina.

Khadgar took care of some of the finishing work in Karazhan, as he himself said, and set off for Dalaran with his old housekeeper, Moros.

The main purpose of Khadgar's trip was to be invited to join the Kirin Tor Council to perform his duties, but in fact, what he valued the most was not this kind of thing that can greatly improve his personal status and influence, but the fact that he had been with his mentor Medivh for many years. reunion.

It has to be said that the magical world of Azeroth has always had a tradition of "benevolent fathers and filial sons".

According to the information provided by the barrage, in their culture, there has always been a saying that one day is a teacher and life is a father.

From this perspective, Khadgar, who participated in the battle to kill Medivh himself, can also be regarded as a practitioner of the wonderful Azeroth tradition of "benevolent father and filial son".

Analyzing the overall situation, Khadgar has a clear conscience.

Under the circumstances at that time, Medivh, who was completely controlled by Sargeras, had become the biggest hidden danger threatening Azeroth, not even one of them.

Even without Khadgar and Lothar, there must be someone to stand up and kill Medivh in their place...or Sargeras.

However, this is only a judgment made from a rational point of view after all.

Emotionally speaking, Khadgar left an indelible memory of remorse in his heart for personally killing his mentor who treated him well.

During those years trapped in Draenor, in order to force himself to ignore this sad memory that he didn't want to recall, Khadgar would pester A'dal to ask questions whenever he had time.

On the one hand, Khadgar was indeed trying to satisfy his thirst for knowledge as a mage who pursued the truth, and on the other hand, it might have been to divert attention.

As Sharlayan expected, after Khadgar arrived in Dalaran, he did not go to the speaker Rhonin to take up his duties immediately, but first handed over a greeting card to Meri Dongfeng, the titular leader of the new Tirisfal Council. .

As people who eat melons, Jaina and Ronin and other Kirin Tor councilors witnessed the reunion of master and apprentice close enough to be called a farce.

The development of the situation did not exceed Jaina's expectations. Medivh, who has been living in Karazhan all year round, is not a person with outstanding eloquence.

There are not many people who are qualified to be his close friends, and there are only the first-generation Alliance Grand Marshal Anduin Lothar, and the former Stormwind King Ryan Wrynn.

However, these two old friends of Medivh have already ended their lives, and the original three-person team is strictly dead.

Medivh was finally resurrected by relying on the characteristics of the astral mage and all the sacrifices made by his mother, and had a second chance to redeem his sins.

Of course, Medivh's resurrection also had Sharlayan's help behind it.

Medivh could also be resurrected by Aegwynn without Sharlayan's intervention, but his existence would be very unstable.

In the original history, Medivh disappeared after leading the three major forces of the Alliance, the Horde and the Night Elves to victory in the Battle of Mount Hyjal.

It was many years later that Khadgar rediscovered the traces left by Medivh in Karazhan's reflection.

Thanks to the help provided by Sharlayan, Medivh on this timeline did not exhaust the few remaining guardian powers after the Battle of Hyjal, and was still alive and kicking.

Under the speechless gaze of Aegwynn and Merry Dongfeng, the dumb-mouthed Medivh competed in the Dalaran sewers with Khadgar, who also didn't know how to express his inner feelings, on the grounds of testing his apprentice's cultivation achievements over the years. There was a big battle in the arena.

By the way, many people watched this peak duel of mortal mages at close range.

All five members of the Kirin Tor Council were present without exception, and even Vargoth, who was far away in Lordaeron, rushed over after hearing the news.

Reinforced by a large number of archmage-level arcanists, the arena in the Dalaran sewers forcibly withstood the terrifying and destructive power produced by the master-student battle.

However, according to Jaina, the residents of Dalaran's sewers are terrified, and the thieves and warlocks living in the shadows are all in constant fear.

Yes, rogues and warlocks.

Since Dalaran officially prohibits contact with fel energy on the bright side, Alliance warlocks can only hide in the shadows and study secretly like bedbugs in the sewer.

As for the thieves... because they like the undisturbed environment of the sewers.

Does the Council of the Kirin Tor know that there are a lot of warlocks in the sewers of Dalaran City who are engaged in forbidden research?

How could they not know that the members of the Kirin Tor Council are the elite among the elites, they are well aware of all kinds of things happening in the city they manage, they just choose to turn a blind eye.

Jaina is planning to propose a proposal recently, proposing to put the research on fel energy on the surface.

Rather than letting those death-loving spellcasters hide in the dark and fiddle with it, it is better to put them under the surveillance of Dalaran officials for controlled fel research.

Getting along with Sharlayan for a long time, Jaina was inevitably influenced by some of his ideas.

Sharlayan has always believed that there is no difference between good and evil in power itself, the key lies in the people who use these powers.

However, it is undeniable that, as the main manifestation of power on the chaotic side, fel energy is indeed a very deceptive power.

Among the six original powers of the universe, evil energy is the easiest to develop quickly, and it is also the easiest to lose control.

Everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages, and there will never be pies in the sky for no reason.

Individuals with perverted willpower like Illidan are only a minority after all, and many mortals who study fel energy may eventually fall into the fate of being bewitched by fel energy and going astray.

But because evil energy is difficult to control, should all research related to evil energy be completely eliminated?

At least in Jaina's opinion, this is a typical choking waste.

The Burning Legion is the biggest enemy on the surface of Azeroth. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy can win a hundred battles.

In order to better understand the demons who manipulate fel energy, Azeroth must have a deep understanding of the dangerous power of fel energy, even if they have the idea of ​​feeding a tiger with their body. Just a by-product of birth.

Ronin, the chairman of the Kirin Tor, is not a conservative person, and he also agrees with Jaina's philosophy.

Coupled with Khadgar, who has a high probability of voting in favor, and Aethas, who is bound to stand with Jaina, this rather radical proposal should be passed in Dalaran soon.

The archmages who watched the master-apprentice battle between Khadgar and Medivh benefited a lot without exception.

Although both are arcanists who use arcane arts to explore the truth of the world, the inheritance system of Karazhan and Dalaran are not in the same way. Luo Ning and others gained a lot of inspiration from analogy in the process of watching the battle.

As Aegwynn's registered disciple, Jaina even got her on-site explanation, and also benefited a lot.

It is not so much a test of Khadgar's practice results, but rather a special ceremony to eliminate the knot between master and apprentice.

The final victory of this battle was won by Medivh without any suspense.

Medivh, who had climbed to a higher peak, got rid of the last knot that had troubled him for many years through the "heart-to-heart exchange" with Khadgar. After the battle, he performed a good show of epiphany to the archmage present. .

"Oh?" Sharlayan raised his eyebrows with interest: "So Medivh has become a demigod again?"

"Yes." Jaina nodded and continued to explain: "Medivh has climbed that peak a long time ago. Even if he loses the power of protection, he will break through much more smoothly than other mages after going back to the old path."

To use an analogy, let's regard the bottleneck that has stuck countless mortal heroes as a blocked pipeline.

A pipe that has been dredged once is of course easier to penetrate than a pipe dug from scratch.

This principle should also be applicable to the former guardian Aegwynn, but compared with the still young and vigorous Medivh, Aegwynn's physical condition is really not optimistic.

Today's Aegwynn is like a dilapidated pipe that is leaking everywhere. Even if there is still hope to get through the blocked part, she does not dare to break through forcibly at the risk of the pipe falling apart.


Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "One thing to say, Aegwynn's physical problems are actually not difficult for us to solve now. The problem is related to... She, who feels that she has committed a lot of sins, has long been determined to die. Already."

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