Since the end of the troll war more than 2,800 years ago, the Amani Empire, which once dominated the Eastern Kingdom, has gone downhill.

Before the Troll War, Quel'Thalas had no choice but to take a defensive position in embarrassment in the face of the Amani's pressing force. The two generations of Sun Kings after Dath'Remar all died fighting to protect the kingdom.

With the end of the troll war, Quel'Thalas finally turned from defense to offense, and suppressed the Amani clan who had fled back to their hometown in the vicinity of Zul'Aman.

After Zul'Aman was breached by Quel'Thalas, the remnants of the Amani who fled lingered for a few more years.

To this day, the Amani organization has completely disappeared, and the captured trolls have been dispatched to the mines all over Quel'Thalas to do coolie work, and there is no possibility of turning over again.

Without the suppression of Amani, Deadwood and Xiezhi, the two largest forest troll clans, naturally began to compete for the throne of the suzerain clan.

The effects of the Troll Wars on the forest trolls are still felt today.

Except for dead wood and evil branches, Backlight Blade searched the entire eastern kingdom but could not find a few clans that could be brought to the table. Most of them, like Evil Tooth, have gradually forgotten their ancestors' hatred and struggled on the edge of the food and clothing line all day long. small clan.

I can't even eat enough, where is the energy to remember those old hatreds that can't be defeated?

Therefore, when Quel'Thalas took the initiative to extend an olive branch to the Evil Tooth clan that was struggling under the oppression of the Evil Branch, the chief of the Evil Tooth clan, who was at the end of his life, joined him without saying a word, in order to let the few clans People can have a full meal.

Sharlayan has always been a man of promise.

After the Evil Tooth clan opened their village to Quel'Thalas as the only port in the Hinterlands, as the operation of the trade route gradually got on track, a large amount of foreign resources were transported to Evil Tooth Village for transit.

These various resources are mainly sold to the Wildhammer dwarves, but as a port transfer point, the Viletooth clan has also enjoyed a lot of sweetness through the stable maritime trade between the Wildhammer dwarves and the high elves.

Today, the Evil Tooth Clan no longer has to worry about food and clothing, and what scares them the most is their neighbor of the same clan, the Evil Branch Troll.

As early as the Amani clan... even Zul'jin existed, the Vilebranch trolls have made no secret of their ambitions to seize the throne.

In order to gain the recognition of more forest troll clans, they did not adopt a gentle strategy to the small and medium clans near them, but implemented the tough tactics of Shunchang's rebellion.

Due to the strength of the evil branch trolls, most of the oppressed small and medium clans can only swallow their anger and succumb to their despotic power.

There are also tough bones like the Thornblade clan who would rather die than bow their heads, but the result... all the forest troll clans around the Hinterlands have already seen it.

Although the tragic end of the Jingren clan shocked many small clans who were dissatisfied with Xiezhi, it also made them feel a sense of crisis in their hearts.

Considering the Xiezhi troll's habit of making live sacrifices, who dares to smack their chests and guarantee that they will not become the next Briarblade clan?

So another option, what about joining the Witherwood clan?

The idea is equally impractical in the eyes of most small clans of forest trolls.

As one of the few large clans among the forest trolls, the Witheredwood clan is not much better than Xiezhi in terms of treating their fellow clansmen, after all, they all follow the same ancient forest troll culture.

In other words, the deadwood trolls also maintain a cultural tradition of cannibalism and human sacrifice.

Compared with those big clans with complete inheritance and stubborn thinking, the small clans of forest trolls are more "enlightened".

What kind of national hatred and family hatred, don't care about me, the sky is falling and there is a tall one.

We are willing to follow whoever can feed my people and give us a sense of security.

After several years of detailed investigation by the Backlight Blade, Sharlayan has long been familiar with the current situation of the forest troll clans.

It can be said that as long as the two last large clans of forest trolls, Deadwood and Xiezhi, are eliminated, the ancient culture of the Amani Empire will be completely broken.

In the words of the barrage... This is called treating guests, beheading, and accepting pawns.

The Wildhammer dwarves are on the side of the Vilebranch troll to cooperate with the extermination, and of course a "surprise" must be prepared for the Witherwood troll.

Stormgarde's suffering trolls have been around for a long time. If it wasn't for his lack of strength, Danas would have thought of raising an army to wipe out the witherwood trolls who had humiliated the Stormgardians.

His own capital, Stromgarde, was once occupied by the enemy. As one of the victorious generals of the expeditionary force, Danas couldn't bear this kind of humiliation.

Knowing that Quel'Thalas decided to take the lead in making the Amani Empire a complete history, Danas, who had long wanted revenge, discussed with the disbanded and reorganized council, and quickly agreed to Quel'Thalas...or Tell Sharlayan's plan.

Stormgard hadn't done much to assist the Battle of Hyjal that was fought on the other side of the sea before, and he had fought a whole game of soy sauce in the Scourge due to his own lack of national power.

After several years of silent development, this weather-beaten country has finally regained some vitality.

The Trollbane family was once the most valiant warrior under the command of Emperor Thoradin.

After the six countries of the alliance left Arathi, the land of human dragons, only the Trollbane family decided to stay in the already dilapidated Strom City and continue to guard the roots of the Arathor Empire.

As the saying goes, one raging soldier, one raging general.

Under the leadership of Trollbane, a royal family full of martial virtues, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Stormgard have always ranked first in the seven human kingdoms in terms of individual combat effectiveness.

Although Stormgarde fell silent for several years after the accidental death of Thoras Trollbane, his death was unstoppable.

There are still many military nobles who had followed Solas in the charge back then, and many of them are still alive. These nobles supported the backbone of the Stormgard Kingdom, and also gave Danas the throne after returning from Draenor. Strong support.

Different from ministers in the civil service department, if Xungui wants to maintain his status and even go further, he can only rely on his own bravery to fight on the battlefield.

When these military heroes learned that Danas planned to launch revenge against the Witherbark troll, they immediately enthusiastically expressed their support for the new king's decision.

During Garin's reign, the prestigious Arathi Highland Cavalry Regiment was dispersed by this fatuous king.

Danas announced the reorganization of the Highland Cavalry as soon as he officially ascended the throne.

The senior leaders of Stormgard have witnessed the disastrous consequences of the weakening of the country's military strength in the past few years, and even the civil servants who have always disliked Wufu expressed their strong support for Danas' decision.

People who can hold high positions can't all be idiots, they still understand the truth.

When Sharlayan set sail from Darthweser Port in the southeast of Silvermoon City, the top management of the Stormgard Kingdom formally agreed.

The reorganized elite Highland Cavalry regiment set out from Stromgarde and headed west into the Hillsbrad Foothills.

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, Danas greeted King Itherton Perenold next door before the cavalry regiment dispatched.

The Highland Cavalry will only take the mountain road from the southeast of Hillsbrad to the Hinterlands, and will not stay in the hilly area for a long time.

Itherton believed in the character of Danas, a war hero, but considering the territorial dispute between the two countries because of Hillsbrad, Itherton ordered Duke Ravenholdt to lead a large number of thieves to monitor the highlands along the way. The movement of the cavalry regiment.

Facts have proved that Danas, who was born as a soldier, is indeed not the kind of double-faced villain.

The Highland Cavalry regiment entered the Hinterlands by way of prohibition, marched silently all the way, avoiding the eyesight of dead trees and evil branches, entered Eagle's Nest Mountain, and joined the Wildhammer dwarves who had been waiting here for a long time.

By the way, the reason why such a quiet cavalry regiment can perfectly avoid the monitoring of the Deadwood and Evil Branch trolls on Eagle's Nest Mountain is due to the thieves of the Backlighting Blade.

In order to keep in touch with the Wildhammer dwarves at close range, with Falstad's permission, the high elves established an outpost called Quel'dani Lodge on the highlands east of the Eagle's Nest several years ago.

After Sharlayan decided to make a big move against the Hinterlands, except for Willais, the king's valet, who stayed at the court of the Sunstrider as usual, almost all the Backlight Blade elites, including Julian, came out.

When all parties have begun to prepare for the upcoming war, Sharlayan also took the south wind all the way down the river, and a whole fast fleet of high elves landed quietly in the village of Eviltooth in the east of the Hinterlands. port.


After getting off the boat, Sharlayan immediately learned of the latest situation in the Hinterlands through the Backlight Blade intelligence network controlled by Valeera.

"As the agent of the Sun King, I ordered that the 'Destroy Hatred' operation officially begin."

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