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Chapter 1386 Lethorn: Don't move! Fishing Law Enforcement!

Many people didn't understand that Sarlayan got this weird name for the action plan at first, but after a simple explanation, they will immediately show a sudden look, and there may be a bit of schadenfreude in it.

The so-called resolving hatred...

As long as I wipe out all the enemies, won't the hatred accumulated over the years disappear with it?

From the point of view of the barrage, the name of this operation is somewhat black and humorous, but Sharlayan thinks it is just right.

When one side of the alliance was ready to intervene in the war, the Witherbark troll and the Vilebranch troll were still ignorant of the changes in the Hinterlands due to the strict intelligence blockade of Backlight Blade.

Unlike the Witherwood trolls who are outsiders, the Vilebranch trolls who are fighting at home have a geographical advantage. While fighting the Witherwood trolls who sent troops from Shadraloh, they can also send a partial division to attack the Vilebranch trolls. Demon-occupied salvasas.

With the covert support of the Wildhammer dwarves at the Stormfeather Outpost, although the Viletooth trolls were "forced" to withdraw from Salvatha, their formation has remained intact.

Evil Tooth and Evil Branch fled from the north and bypassed the Stormfeather outpost. Another group of Wildhammer soldiers who had cleared the Hidden Stone were now hiding in the cave where the Thornblade clan once lived.

The behavior of the Evil Tooth clan fleeing without a fight gave Xiezhi's commander a wrong signal. He thought that the deterrent force of the Xiezhi troll was still strong, and he seemed a little careless during the pursuit.

Out of precaution against the Wildhammer dwarves, the commander left some troops to monitor the Stormfeather outpost, and led the main force to continue chasing the "remnant soldiers" who had fled northward.

At the same time, the green dragon headed by Lethorn had already ambushed in the dense forest leading to the Hidden Stone in Seradan.

When the Evil Tooth Clan retreated to the Seradan Bridge, they couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

As local aborigines, they know very well whose territory this area belongs to.

Although Sharlayan had repeatedly assured that the green dragon would not attack them, but out of instinctive fear of extraordinary creatures like dragons, the leader of the evil-toothed chief, Broken Tooth, was still in a panic.

Under the close attention of all forces, the "fleeing in a hurry" evil-toothed troll fled into Seradan in a panic.

The Xiezhi troll, who was chasing after him, also knew that the water here at Seradan was very deep, but seeing that the military achievements were in front of him, Commander Xiezhi didn't want to give up just yet.

Out of caution, the commander Xiezhi, whose name is still unknown, chose to wait and see what happened.

The army of the Vilebranch troll squatted on the opposite side of the Seradan Bridge, staring at the panting Viletooth troll, only a few hundred meters away from the Wildhammer dwarves hiding in the hidden stone cave.

The Xiezhi troll waited patiently for more than ten minutes, but never saw the green dragon that should have come forward to drive away the intruders.

Commander Xiezhi couldn't contain his inner turmoil due to the military exploits in front of him. He finally assigned a small vanguard to carefully cross the bridge and enter Seradan.


The Broken Tooth Patriarch, who was waiting in place on the other side of the bridge, showed a mocking smile on his face: "Finally, I have taken the bait, self-righteous evil branch troll, prepare to meet the dragon's wrath!"


When Xiezhi Pioneer crossed the bridge and officially stepped into the range of Seradan, a large number of green dragons who had not moved before suddenly rose into the air, and many heavily armed dragonmen rushed out of the nearby woods.


Commander Xiezhi, who was still waiting for the good news on the other side of the bridge, felt a chill in his heart when he saw the large number of green dragons in the sky.

"How is it possible?! Has the Evil Tooth Clan established cooperation with the Green Dragon?"

At this point, no matter how stupid a person is, he should be counted against himself.

The panic-stricken Commander Xiezhi immediately ordered the entire army to retreat. He had to tell the desperate news to Hex, the chieftain of Xiezhi who was far away in Xin Saluo. it that easy?

Lethorn will not let these evil branch trolls who know the truth escape back to convey information.

As the only adult dragon in Seradan, the huge Lethorn rushed to the front, pinpointed where Commander Xiezhi was and began to dive at high speed.

"hold head high!"

The long-prepared acid dragon's breath sprayed on Xiezhi's army, and Commander Xiezhi, who had no time to leave any last words, was melted by the high-strength acid on the spot.

The Xiezhi army, which lost its commander, hurriedly tried to flee back to Salvasar to take refuge on its peak like headless chickens.

However, contrary to the expectations of these evil branch remnants, Lethorn did not look back and continue to attack after breathing out a dragon's breath, but led a dozen young dragons straight to the direction of Xin Saluo.

Just as Xiezhi's soldiers looked blankly at the retreating green dragon army, a hundred Wildhammer infantry suddenly swarmed up in the Salvassa outpost that had been recaptured by the Xiezhi troll.

Misfortunes never come singly, the evil-toothed trolls, who seemed to have no fighting courage before, also launched a reverse charge from the rear at this time, and a large number of storm feathers and hidden stones rose from the top of their heads. Gryphon Rider.

"This is a trap!" A high-ranking witch doctor of Xiezhi who was accompanying the army shouted in horror: "We were fooled! That group of damned evil-tooth traitors and Wildhammer dwarf...uh!"

In this pre-arranged lore game, smart people tend to die the fastest.

The Xiezhi remnants who were attacked from both sides didn't even have a chance to escape. Their morale collapsed and they were quickly surrounded by enemies from both sides. They could only look desperately at the green dragons flying farther and farther in the sky.

At the same time, Sharlayan, who had landed in Evil Tooth Village, was instructing the arcanists who came with the army to set up a mid-range teleportation circle.

There is a sea-watching cliff with a huge difference in height between Evil Tooth Village and Xin Saluo.

Thanks to this moat, the Vilefang clan was able to barely survive the years of constant oppression by the Vilebranch trolls.

The Xiezhi troll located at the high point of Xinsaluo can directly overlook the situation near Wanghai Cliff. Once someone tries to climb the mountain road of Wanghai Cliff, the Xiezhi watchman who has been monitoring the movement of the Viletooth troll can immediately find the clue.

Therefore, Sharlayan chose another way to break the situation, teleporting directly to the cliff.

Sharlayan deliberately calculated the time difference before the operation started. When the arcanists arranged the teleportation circle, Valeera, who was out to inquire about information, just sent the latest battle report from the front line.

"Did the salvasas come back? Exactly."

Sharlayan turned to look at Archmage Rommath, who was interested in joining the operation: "Rommath, it's time, activate the teleportation array."

"no problem."

Under the personal operation of Romans, the high elf marines who came by boat walked into the large teleportation array in an orderly manner.

At the end of the team were a few trial light armored vehicles. Valante planned to take this opportunity to entrust Sarlayan to test the performance of the armored vehicles in actual combat, and see if there was room for improvement based on the actual combat situation.

At the same time as the battle around Xinsaro started, the Highland Cavalry Regiment and Griffin Knights stationed in Eagle's Nest Mountain also cooperated with each other to attack the nearest Witherbark stronghold-Silivasa.

Not long ago, the Farstrider rangers who came from East Weald by way of a rapid march also launched an attack southward from Quel'Dani Cabin. The rangers occupying the high ground, led by Alleria, launched a projectile downward unexpectedly. .

The Witherbark trolls kept only minimal defenses on the west and north sides of the battlefield, and their main force was concentrated on the eastern line where the evil branch trolls were in close contact.

When Falstad led more than 80% of the troops in Eagle's Nest Mountain to dispatch, Danas Trollbane, who was far away in Stromgarde, also led the army in armor and armor.

Due to the complex terrain of the mountain road connecting the Arathi Highlands and the Hinterlands, it is not suitable for cavalry to walk, so Danast deliberately asked the Highland Cavalry to detour to the Eagle's Nest Mountain to meet the Wildhammer dwarves.

But this does not mean that Danas will give up the excellent opportunity to sandwich the deadwood troll.

In order to ensure that there is a retreat back to Arathi in case the evil branch troll cannot be defeated, the deadwood troll left some backup troops in the mountains leading to the Hinterlands just in case.

However, in the face of the Stormgaard army, which can be said to be almost out of the nest, it is useless to stay behind without defense.

Danas still bravely beheaded the commander of the Witherwood troll defenders in person, and the imposing Stormgarde army continued to march towards the Hinterlands along the rugged mountain road, completely blocking the Witherwood troll's retreat .

Not long ago, the Deadwood Troll and the Evil Branch Troll, who were still playing the "Brothers" civil war, encountered a large-scale attack at the same time. Under the circumstances of mental calculation and unintentional, these two suffering brothers were helpless for a while.

"It's almost time."

In the sky above Salvassa, Sharlayan, who had transformed into a sharp-tailed swift, looked around and confirmed the situation of the two battlefields.

Sharlayan looked deeply at the trolls of the two clans who had already stopped fighting on the front line of the altar of Zul: "The difficulty of this war will really start now."

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