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Chapter 1390 My Lord, Times Have Changed

After sensing the abnormal energy fluctuations from the top of Shinsaro Mountain, Merlinsera, who had been hiding on the edge of the battlefield before, finally stood up.

"Sure enough." Merlinsera stood beside Sharlayan, frowning and looking at the sinister Xin Saluo: "Isarios's guess is correct, Jindu really came from the Temple of Atakaha brought out a plurality of Hakkar's eggs."

Sharlayan took time out of his busy schedule to glance at Melinthra, who had an uneasy expression on his face: "Don't the green dragons plan to participate in the attack on the Temple of Atahaka?"

Merlinsera shook her head: "As long as Hakar himself does not show up in the temple, the Green Dragon Legion will not rashly intervene."

"The Kingdom of Stormwind has made it clear that it will conduct an in-depth investigation and deal with this matter. Mother believes that they can successfully deal with the remnants of the Atalai hiding in the temple."

"Compared to Atalai, who is already a dead bone in the tomb, it is more important to deal with the outflowing eggs of Haka."

Sharlayan asked thoughtfully: "Isarios said, how many eggs of Hakkar did Jin'du take away?"

"He didn't give a clear answer, but he did have some speculation."

Merlinsera explained: "It is logically speculated that if Jindu wants to avoid the surveillance of the Green Dragon Army in the Swamp of Sorrows, it is impossible for Jindu to carry more than 3 eggs of Haka, which are not small in size. There is a high probability that only Two."

"One was used in the Battle of Zul'Gurub, and the other is before our eyes."

Sharlayan raised his eyebrows and asked, "So? Are you still not making a move?"

Merlinsera shook her head with a wry smile: "It's too late, the Xiezhi troll has established a communication channel with Hakar through this large-scale blood sacrifice... Let's see."

As soon as Merlinsera's words fell, everyone around Xin Saluo felt their bodies sinking at the same time. A certain sense of indiscriminate coercion caused the evil branch trolls and the three-clan coalition forces who were fighting each other to temporarily stop all activities by coincidence. action.


Sharlayan rubbed between his brows with a headache: "I discussed this topic with Valeera before."

"Because of the Battle of Hyjal that took place almost at the same time, we were unable to go to Zul'Gurub to assist the Darkspear trolls in defeating Hakkar. We did not expect to have another chance to fight Hakkar in the Hinterlands...forget it."

Opening his big hands and rubbing his cheeks, Salayan quickly settled his mood, and looked sharply at the phantom of the wind snake that was rapidly forming above Xin Saluo.

"Since we cannot escape the battle with Haka, let us face it bravely."

"Melinsera, will you participate in this battle?"

"Of course." Merlinsera gave an affirmative answer without hesitation: "That's why I came here."


The coercion of Hakkar the Soul Reaper was not limited to the vicinity of Jintharo, Stormgard and the Wildhammer dwarves who were fighting the Witherbark troll far away in Shadralo also felt this inexplicable sense of oppression.

It's just that the coercion they felt was not as obvious as that of Sharlayan and others who were close at hand.

"This is……"

Holding the sword and shield in his hand, Danath Trollbane rushed to the battle himself, shaking off the blood on the edge of the sword, and turned his head to look east of Shadraloh with a solemn expression.


"I am here!"

After hearing Danas' call, Falstad, who was throwing the hammer of the storm in the air on the battlefield, immediately recovered the spinning hammer, and manipulated the griffin under him to quickly land beside Danas.

"Don't worry, I've already arranged for scouts to check the situation. I suspect this is the trump card hidden by the evil branch troll."

Danas took a deep breath, calming down the somewhat uneven breathing rhythm due to continuous combat.

"Leave it to Sharlayan. With him personally in charge, I don't think Xiezhi can turn the situation around."

Falstad nodded in agreement and said: "No matter what happens to Xin Saluo, we must complete our own tasks according to Sharlayan's plan."

"Let's get rid of these deadwood trolls who are desperate to fight as soon as possible. The era of trolls has long passed. After this war is over, forest trolls will completely withdraw from the main stage of the Eastern Kingdom's history."

"Heh~" Danas showed a slightly ferocious smile on his face: "Well said! The ancestors of the Trollbane family say that only dead trolls are good trolls!"

"Stormgard! Leave no one alive, follow me to kill!"


"Haha! So ambitious!"

Falstad, who had a bold personality, was also infected by Danas's fighting spirit, and manipulated the griffin to fly into the sky again.

"Wildhammer knights! We can't lag behind our allies, let's do our best to kill these man-eating monsters that are out of date!"



Under the attack from both sides led by Falstad and Danas himself, the battle situation in the west of the Hinterlands has become relatively clear, and it is only a matter of time before the defeat of the Witherbark troll, which cannot survive alone.

At the same time, the main force of Xiezhi, who set off from the altar of Zul and rushed back to aid Xin Saluo, was fiercely blocked by the morning vanguard.

The paladins charging at full speed formed a front arrow array, with the most powerful legion leader Liadrin as the arrow, like a sharp arrow off the string, using the cover of the forest to pierce into the side of the evil branch army. In the formation of long snakes.

In order to hurry on their way as quickly as possible, the commander of the Xiezhi troll no longer cares about the appearance of the army.

Due to the difference in the footsteps of different soldiers, the formation of the running Xiezhi troll was inevitably drawn into a long irregular line.

Such a loose formation, under the impact of the morning vanguard army that had been prepared for a long time, of course collapsed at a touch.

Thanks to the sufficient supply of funds, the knights of the Dawnguard Legion were fully armed even on their horses, and the evil branch troll who fought back hastily couldn't even penetrate the holy light shield on the knights' bodies.

After two consecutive rounds of turning around and charging, the Xiezhi troll's long snake formation was divided into two parts that could not be echoed at the beginning and the end.

"Damn it!"

Commander Xiezhi, who was rushing to the front of the team, changed his expression for a while, and couldn't make up his mind for a while, whether to return to the army and use the superior force to wipe out the cavalry unit that suddenly came out.

At this moment, several strange machines that he had never seen before suddenly rushed out of the woods, followed closely behind the enemy cavalry regiment and launched an attack on the truncated Xiezhi army.

The two chariots protruding forward were equipped with large-caliber, high-speed magic machine guns. Under the operation of the technicians, the machine guns spewing out arcane flames were like harvesting wheat. The branch trolls were knocked down one by one.

The troll has a strong self-healing ability. As long as there is no unlucky one who is hit to the vital point, the injured and knocked down can recover their fighting power after a while.

However, the deterrent effect of this unprecedented high-frequency combo weapon is far stronger than the lethality. No matter the severity of the injury, no one dared to stand up again.

But if they think that they can escape the fate of death by falling down and playing dead, they are very wrong.


The self-propelled magic guided artillery tank equipped with heavy weapons opened fire at this time, and the specially adjusted arcane high-explosive ammunition quickly exploded in the formation of the evil branch trolls.

Many trolls who were still lying on the grass were blown into the sky by the impact without any defense, and the "parts" that fell from them fell on those comrades who escaped by chance, further destroying the troll Xiezhi will to fight.

Fortunately, there are not many enemy war weapons with such amazing deterrence. Commander Xiezhi, who originally wanted to return to the army to fight, subconsciously "turned forward" like a frightened bird.

As the commander's banner withdrew from the battlefield, the front army intercepted by the Morning Front Army ran away without hesitation, leaving about half of the rear army, facing the muzzle of the guns in despair, and the muzzles turned to face their own. Weird weapons of war.


Before finding out the specific situation on the top of Xin Saluo Mountain, Sharlayan, who had never fought unprepared battles, did not attack rashly, and continued to sit patiently in the middle army and wait.

According to the reports of the Griffon Knight scouts, the Morning Vanguard Corps, which had unexpectedly raided the enemy army, achieved remarkable results, intercepting about half of the enemy's main force.

"Half... that's fine too."

Sarlayan calmly commanded the marines who had been specially reserved to meet the enemy to take their positions.

Using the temporary bunkers built with arcane techniques, the marines with loaded guns each entered the firing position, aiming their guns at the direction where the enemy troops were about to appear.

After seeing the enemy's vanguard with eagle eye, Sharlayan immediately gave orders to the messengers.

"Gunner, Xu Jin's barrage is ready... to fire!"

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