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Chapter 1391 - Battle at the Foot of the Mountain

The reason why Sharlayan moved with the ship instead of directly teleporting to the Hinterlands was mainly to protect the large amount of luggage transported by the fleet.

The Quel'Thalas Marine Corps is a special force newly established to cooperate with the basic national policy of strengthening the navy. Although the establishment is very new, the soldiers and officers who join it are all elites drawn from other legions.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the Marine Corps is not bad, and there is no lack of combat experience. Many people have participated in the Battle of Hyjal, but because the composition of the soldiers is relatively complicated, it takes a period of time to adjust.

Except for Hakar who suddenly jumped out to disrupt the situation, the development of the Battle of the Hinterlands has always been within Sharlayan's expectations.

The reason why they didn't increase their forces to raid Sinsaro at the same time that Haka appeared was to guard against the main reinforcements from the evil branch trolls from the Altar of Zul.

After studying hard for a period of time, Sharlayan, who has rich experience in warfare, has some new insights into battlefield command.

Facts have proved that it is not that he has no talent in battlefield command, but that he is not as good as Jarod Shadowsong, a peerless genius in military command.

Thanks to the long-term influence of barrage, Sharlayan has an extremely broad view of the overall situation. Under the premise of ensuring sufficient information, he can often see farther than others in predicting the direction of the situation.

In order to avoid the dilemma of being caught between two sides when the enemy returned for reinforcements, Sharlayan did not rush to the top of Shinsaro Mountain to fight Hakkar, but decided to deal with the enemy reinforcements that were about to arrive on the battlefield first.

Among the luggage transported along with the fleet, not only the trial armored vehicles forced by Valante, Sharlayan also brought a lot of new magical weapons.

Since the high elves were prepared to teleport directly from the Evil Tooth Village to the top of Wanghai Cliff, the transportation cost of weapons and equipment was greatly reduced.

This means that Sarlayan can deploy enough defensive firepower before officially contacting the enemy. At this time, under the order of Sarlayan, those rather heavy large-caliber magic cannons opened a new stage through Xu Jin's barrage. The prelude to a round of fighting.

After several years of iterations of magic technology, the craftsmen of the high elves are now able to create a 105mm caliber magic gun.

In the cognition of netizens from another world, only cannons with a caliber exceeding 210 mm can be called large calibers, and there have even appeared such behemoths as train guns with a caliber of 800 mm.

But as long as anyone with a brain can think of it, a large-caliber artillery will inevitably be very heavy and have a very serious recoil.

Sharlayan didn't want Quel'Thalas' weapon research and development to be dragged down by taking too many steps. The road must be taken step by step.

The 105mm magic cannon already has good lethality. When multiple magic cannons fire at the same time, the staggered barrage brings the evil branch trolls a "surprise" from the new era.

In order to save energy consumption, the batch of magic cannons brought out of Quel'Thalas chose to be filled with live ammunition, and only needed to use arcane energy instead of gunpowder to stimulate.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The first round of test firing failed to hit the target accurately, but the gunners quickly grasped the most suitable muzzle elevation angle through the continuous adjustment of the distance and Xu Jin's artillery fire.

Thus, the nightmare of the evil branch troll came.

Before Sharlayan ordered a cease-fire, the shells falling from the sky in a parabola continuously blew up the unidentified trolls.

Dwarves also have the ability to forge cannons, but the Wildhammer dwarves never like to use this kind of bulky weapon except for siege. They trust the Griffin Knight who makes the Wildhammer clan proud.

Due to the lack of experience in dealing with artillery fire, the Xiezhi troll was very slow in responding. He was bombarded by live ammunition magic cannons for several rounds before rushing out of the shelling area in embarrassment.

Unfortunately, however, the commander in charge of this army was sent away by a barrage of heavy artillery fire.

Without the top officer who dispatched in the middle, the grassroots officers can only manage their direct subordinates to fight on their own.

The Vilebranch trolls who can still maintain their fighting spirit after rushing out of the bombardment area only have about one-third of their total force.

In order to avoid accidentally injuring the friendly army, it is impossible for the magic cannon to continue to fire regardless when the armies of the two sides are in close combat.

Of course, Sarlayan also took this into consideration and prepared targeted countermeasures in advance.

Due to time constraints, the Marine Corps did not dig trenches in front of the Shinsaro Gate, but used the arcanist's shaping spells to temporarily build a bunch of defensive bunkers.

"The gunman in the front row raises his gun and takes aim!"

Through the efforts of heralds, Sharlayan's orders can be quickly conveyed to the various companies.

The Marine Corps soldiers at the top were lying behind the bunker and ready to shoot, and behind them was a squad of heavily armed heavy armored soldiers on standby.

After all, it is in Azeroth where unscientific forces exist, and it is impossible to use guns to eat all over the world with one move like the world where the barrage is located.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The magic rifles in the hands of the first row of soldiers exploded almost at the same time. After the first round of shooting, they did not stay to watch the results of the battle. They consciously retreated from the bunker and began to reload. replaced it.

At the same time, the machine gunners on both sides of the line of defense also started to fire crossfire, and the trolls in the front row were quickly suppressed by the firepower of the machine guns and smashed into a sieve.

However, the development of the situation proves once again that Sarlayan's preparations are necessary.

After experiencing the baptism of the machine gun armored vehicle before, the Xiezhi troll roughly figured out the lethality of the magic gun.

This new type of weapon looks quite bluffing, but in fact it is not as powerful as the magic arrow shot by a veteran ranger. The veteran ranger can even simulate the fire suppression effect of a machine gun through manual bursts.

The biggest advantage of the magic gun is that it is easy to learn, even if it is just a recruit who has never been on the battlefield, after getting the weapon, it can form combat effectiveness within 3 months at most.

And if you want to train a senior ranger, you will take at least ten years as a unit.

Some big trolls with strong physical fitness and amazing self-healing ability rushed into the melee range with crossfire.

"Troll berserker..."

Sharlayan, who activated Eagle Eye to observe the battle situation, set his sights on those big men with deformed appearance at the front of the Vilebranch troll army.

These deformed children are more than 4 meters tall, with muscles all over their bodies, and they can even withstand the continuous shooting of machine guns purely by physical strength.

Using these troll berserkers as shields to attract firepower, the Xiezhi trolls without the command of high-level officers still rushed to the Marine Corps position.

"The gunners in the front row retreated to a safe distance and started firing freely."

Sharlayan calmly continued to issue orders: "Heavy armored fighters step forward and withstand the first wave of the enemy's impact."

"They are at the end of their battles, soldiers! Frustrate the enemy's counterattack, and the victory will belong to Quel'Thalas!"

"Yes! For the Sun King! For Quel'Thalas!"

Sharlayan's orderly dispatch without any panic reassured all the soldiers present, and the heavily armored soldiers who were fighting the enemy hand-to-hand stabilized the front line with high morale.

"Arcanist! Prioritize the disposal of the enemy's troll berserkers, and provide opportunities for the gunners in the back row to output firepower!"

"As ordered."

Under the leadership of Archmage Rommath, the arcanists aimed at the very conspicuous big men, and fireballs, ice arrows, and arcane missiles greeted them mercilessly.

Although these troll deformities have poor brains, their physical fitness in all aspects is far higher than that of ordinary people of the same race, including magic resistance.

Rommath himself used Pyroblast to easily burn a troll berserker, but the attacks of other arcanists were not as effective as his, and it often took multiple people to attack together to inflict damage on the troll berserker with the anti-magic skin. enough damage.

Sharlayan took the time to glance in the direction of Shin Saro. With the assistance of the Wildhammer Griffon Knights, the marines who had entered the city first had already advanced to the third floor, one step closer to the top of the fifth floor.

Melinsera walked back and forth a little restlessly, her eyes never leaving the huge wind snake suspended high above the top of Shinsaro Mountain.

"Sharlayan, Hakar's power is increasing rapidly, why don't we rush to the top of the mountain to behead him first? If it continues to absorb soul and flesh like this..."

"Don't worry." Sharlayan smiled indifferently: "Hakkar's power increase comes from the blood sacrifice ceremony of the evil branch troll, I don't think the high level of the evil branch will be stupid enough to sacrifice all his people to him. "

"There is always a limit to the improvement of Haka's strength. Instead of rushing in and beheading him desperately, it is better to solve the worries first, and then take the time to push forward dignifiedly with the momentum of victory."

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