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Chapter 1392: Bold and monstrous! I can see right away that you are not human! (fog)

As Sharlayan expected.

Although Hakka, who had returned to the material world, demanded Hex to sacrifice more flesh and soul to it, but Hex was not stupid, and he would not let Hakka out of his control easily.

1500 years ago, what happened to the Gurubashi clan is a lesson from the past.

The Gurubashi trolls at that time met all of Hakar's needs without reservation, and as a result they raised a wild father who didn't obey him. Instead, they became slaves of Hakar who could only obey.

Haka is an out-and-out evil god, so he doesn't care about the death of his believers. As long as he can restore his peak combat power through the blood sacrifice ceremony, he won't feel bad no matter how many trolls die.

Therefore, the situation on the summit of Shinthalor looked dire, but Sharlayan could almost conclude that there was bound to be an extreme tussle between Hex and Hakkar in order to compete for dominance.

In other words, Hex will not let go of his control on Hakar unless it is really at the end of his rope.

If Sharlayan and Melinthra rushed in to execute the beheading tactic at this time, it might prompt Hex, who had a great sense of crisis, to desperately untie the chains tied to Haka.

"Be patient, we need to wait until the right time to act."

"Before that..." Sharlayan turned his gaze back to the front of the defense line where the situation had gradually become clear: "Let's deal with these guys first."


Merlinsera shook her head helplessly: "Okay, I'll listen to you, after all, you are the one who understands the thoughts of mortals best among the Dragon Clan."


Merlinsera raised her head and issued a silent call to the sky, and a strange sound wave that ordinary people could not hear spread rapidly.

Sharlayan asked curiously: "Are you calling for reinforcements? Lethorne?"


Merlinsera shook her head: "I just informed Lethorne to let him fully open the road to Seradan's dream, and welcome the support troops I have prepared from the Emerald Dragon Sanctuary to the Hinterlands."

If the Battle of the Hinterlands was just a fight between mortals, Melinthra didn't even intend to fight herself.

But after the evil god Haka joined, the nature of this war was completely different.

The Green Dragon Army and Hakkar the Soul Taker forged a grievance as early as 1500 years ago, after all, there must be a beginning and an end.

Perhaps because she intends to take this opportunity to train her precious daughter, Ysera, who is on duty at Wyrmrest Temple, doesn't intend to do it herself.

Besides, there is one thing to say, with Haka's current strength, there is really no need to let the high-end combat power of the guardian dragon level enter the arena.

Sharlayan had already tested it with Eagle Eye. When he was summoned, Hakar's level was only level 60, barely reaching the level of a demigod.

However, with the continuous blood sacrifice of the evil branch troll, Hakar's level is slowly rising, and now it has reached level 62, which is on par with Sharlayan's level.

If Hex is pushed into a hurry, there will still be room for Xaka's strength to continue to rise.

But as Salayan said before, even if all the evil branch trolls in Xin Saluo are sacrificed to Hakar, he can only reach level 63 or 64 at most, and he cannot be materialized body.

Haka in soul form... Although Salayan stopped studying the power of death, the ability he already possessed will not disappear, and he is just good at dealing with souls.

Although Hex doesn't intend to continue to improve Haka's personal strength for the time being, in order to ensure that she can hold the stronghold of Xin Saluo, she gritted her teeth and sacrificed a group of less injured clansmen, helping Haka summon a lot of people. The son of the wind snake.

Therefore, Sharlayan did not stop Merlinthra from calling for reinforcements. After all, you are the first day of the junior high school, and I am the fifteenth.

However, the quality of the green dragon army that came in response to the call was somewhat beyond Sharlayan's expectations. Although more than a dozen green dragons came, they were all juvenile dragons without horns, and even an adult dragon could No.

Sharlayan continued to command the army, and asked in a bit of astonishment, "Who are these young dragons?"

Merlinsera shrugged with a wry smile: "My son, my mother has notified me in advance that she will not send me additional reinforcements. This battle can only rely on my own power."


Sharlayan looked thoughtfully at the young dragons who landed next to Merinthra and saluted her respectfully.

"Ah! By the way! Don't get me wrong!"

Seeming to have suddenly realized something, Merlinsera hastily explained: "These children were not born from the union of my spouse and I, but..."

"I know."

Sharlayan smiled and shrugged. "No sperm, right?"

Sharlayan has long heard that a female adult dragon can give birth to sterile eggs by depleting her own vitality.

Unfortunately, dragons hatched from sterile eggs have limited potential.

Only a very few have the possibility of accepting the coming-of-age ceremony to grow into a giant dragon, and most dragon cubs can only stay in the young dragon stage for a lifetime.

Not only Melinthra, Onyxia was also forced to give birth to a lot of sterile eggs when she was working under Deathwing, to fill the number of low-level soldiers of the Black Dragon Legion who suffered heavy losses.

Although it is not the crystallization of love born after the union with a partner, it is also his heir after all.

Seeing those black dragon cubs die one by one with her own eyes, Onyxia still felt like a knife piercing her heart.

It was also from then on that she completely gave up on the crazier Deathwing.

According to Onyxia herself, none of the children she gave birth to survived healthy.

Either it was sent to the battlefield to become cannon fodder, or it became a stepping stone to advance the progress of the colorful dragon experiment.

Stella Gosa, who was watching the whole process, raised her eyebrows imperceptibly at this moment, and looked at Melinthala who was obviously relieved.

'...I didn't expect to be guessed by Valeera's little jealousy. This Green Dragon Princess really has impure motives. '

'What does Ysera mean? Interested in win over Sharlayan? Or is it hoped that through the combination of direct descendants and colorful dragons, more potential offspring will be born, or even... successors? '

Stellagosa is not as lazy as Onyxia, nor is she often jealous like Valeera, nor is she a family favorite like Jaina and Tinagosa.

In most cases, her presence in Sharlayan's small family is relatively weak.

However, no one has ever doubted Stellagosa's ability, and she did it on purpose to reduce her sense of existence.

If it wasn't necessary, Stellagosa seldom spoke out except to teach her sister a lesson, but she could see everything that happened around Sarlayan, and it was not easy to attract the attention of Sarlayan and those involved in the incident.

Just like now, because Stellagosa hid silently, Melinthra subconsciously ignored her existence, and finally revealed some true inner thoughts when she was "alone" with Sharlayan.

Although Sharlayan is often taunted by bullet screens, he is insensitive, but is this really the case?

The answer is no, Sharlayan's EQ is not low, but sometimes it is more useful to play dumb.

At this time, the barrage was also frantically brushed up.

[Bold evildoer! I can see at a glance that you are not human! 】

【Grass, you’re not a human being at all, Merlinsera is a green dragon. 】

【Catch the honest man, what that brother meant was that he could see at a glance that Melinsera's motives were impure. 】

[Use yourself to repay the grace of saving your life, right? It is also quite 6. 】

[Is Sarlayan a monk meat? Why are so many people staring at him? 】

[Just kidding, Xiao Sa, who is a perfect and colorful dragon, is a favorite who may influence the future of the dragon clan. It would be strange not to place a bet in advance. 】


After reading part of the barrage and hearing Stellagosa's meaningful hum through the soul link channel, Sarlayan quickly realized the problem.

"Cough~ Be serious, we're still fighting...I'll talk about it later when I have something to say."


Stellagosa was not the jealous Valeera, she would never let Sarlayan down on emotional issues, and she just laughed at Sarlayan's stance.

That's right, Stella Gosa's hehe doesn't have the meaning of yin and yang like the sand sculpture barrage, it's just a simple smile.

Besides, being a Dragon Clan, Little Xingxing didn't think it was unacceptable for Sharlayan to have multiple partners.

The strong have more companions, which is normal in the tradition of the dragon clan. A typical example is several dragon kings including Neltharion.

Just like what Sarlayan said, it is still a time of war, and it is not the time to discuss the love of these sons and daughters.

As the Chenfeng Army returned to the division with high mobility after cleaning up the mess in the rear, the main force of Xiezhi, who was sandwiched between the two sides, completely lost hope of a comeback.

When the battle entered its final stage, Valeera, who had sneaked to the top of Shinsaro Mountain to check the situation up close, came back.


Valeera, who was exceptionally sensitive in terms of emotions, sensed something was wrong between Salayan and Melinthera.

"...did anything happen while I was away?"

"Nothing." Sarlayan hurriedly interrupted Valeera's questioning and asked seriously: "Speaking of business, what's the situation on the top of the mountain?"

"Hmm..." Valeera hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to focus on the overall situation: "It's still relatively stable, and Hex is still fighting wildly with Haka, who is trying to get more blood food."

"However, with the outcome of the battle at the foot of the mountain, there is a high probability that Hex will abandon the idea of ​​luck and put all his eggs in one basket to lift the restrictions on Haka."

Valeera smiled sarcastically: "At least we can die with us, right?"

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