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Chapter 1393 The red-eyed gambler

As the chief and chief sorcerer of the Evil Branch Clan, Hex has truly experienced an emotional roller coaster in the past year.

A few years ago, the Wildhammer dwarves tried to expand their territory by taking advantage of the alliance rebuilding and the unification of the three dwarves, and many small-scale conflicts broke out with the Vilebranch trolls in the Hinterlands.

After finally waiting for the Wildhammer dwarves to calm down, the relatives next door who had a bad relationship suddenly came up without warning.

Although he was a little surprised by the Witherwood troll's turnaround, Hex also saw this as an opportunity.

An excellent opportunity for the Xiezhi clan to sit on the throne of the forest troll suzerain in good faith.

The smug Hex mobilized a large number of troops to the front, and fought fiercely with the deadwood trolls who came across the mountain at the Altar of Zul.

Without the intervention of external forces, the evil branch trolls fighting in the local area would have a high probability of winning the final victory in this forest troll civil war after paying a lot of sacrifices.

However, Hex never imagined that the changes in the situation in the Hinterlands over the past few years have always been in the hands of someone.

The Wildhammer dwarves' shrinking front was intentional, and the Witherbark troll was lured here in a planned way.

That being the case, it is of course impossible for the people behind the scenes to allow the evil branch troll to win the war comfortably, and take the victory to the throne of the Amani Empire as a matter of course.

Hex wasn't too surprised when she first learned that the Wildhammer dwarves and the Vilefang traitors were attacking together, because this was what she had predicted at the beginning of the war with the Witherbark trolls.

The Vilebranch troll and the Wildhammer dwarves had already torn their faces apart. Thinking differently, if Hex was standing in Falstad's position, she would not let go of this opportunity to weaken her old enemy by taking advantage of the chaos.

However, Hex failed to predict the ensuing green dragon raid and the high elf army's pressure.

At the beginning of the siege of Xin Saluo, although Hex realized that the development of the situation exceeded her expectations, she was not in a hurry when she still had sufficient troops in her hands.

In the words of barrage...

As long as the main force stationed on the front line can come back in time to relieve the siege, everything will be fine.

For this reason, Hex even sacrificed the lives of his people for the blood sacrifice, and used the egg of Haka that had been prepared to unseal the Soul Taker again.

According to Hex's vision, with Haka in command, it is impossible for the enemy army to take down the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack Xin Saluo before Xiezhi's army returns to help.

However, just as Hex was busy negotiating conditions with Haka back and forth, the bad news from the mountain suddenly reached her ears.

The main force of Xiezhi, which Hex placed high hopes on, was ambushed by the cavalry of the high elves, and then crashed into the quagmire of the defense line that the high elves had already arranged.

Under the premeditated attack from both sides, the Xiezhi army, whose morale had fallen to the bottom, regrettably stopped moving forward only one step away from the destination.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, you can still see a lot of scattered Xiezhi combat teams fighting stubbornly.

But the situation has developed to this point, unless a savage man can be sent from the sky to reunite these scattered evil branch soldiers in one place, a comeback is almost impossible.

After losing the unified command, a large number of evil branch trolls who lost their fighting spirit fled to the dense forests of the Hinterlands.

These deserters could not escape the fate of being captured in the end. After all, there were still many Griffin Knights patrolling back and forth with a wide view above the battlefield.

In order to deal with these annoying Griffin Knights, Hex gritted his teeth and sacrificed some of his tribe again, and assisted Hakkar in summoning a large number of Wind Serpent Heirs.

Wind snake, as the name suggests, this strange creature looks very similar to a snake, except that it has a pair of small wings on both sides of its body.

Thanks to this, the wind snake can fly into the sky to fight, and can also spit out various energy attacks according to its different attributes.

The summoned Sons of Hakkar soon went into battle, clashing fiercely with the Griffin Riders hovering over the Hinterlands to cover the ground troops.

The Wildhammer dwarves were also fighting on two fronts at this time. Most of the main force joined the western battlefield under the leadership of Falstad, and there were not many Griffin Knights dispatched to the east to reinforce the high elves.

Facing the sudden attack of a large number of wind snakes, the Griffon Knights, who originally firmly held the air supremacy, gradually fell into a disadvantage due to their inferior numbers.

And that's not the worst.

Among the Griffin Knights who came for reinforcements, there was a lack of high-end combat power like Falstad and Kurdran who could drive the situation by themselves.

On the Wind Snake side, there are nearly ten high-level heirs of Haka whose strength has reached the high-level elite, or even the epic level.

With these significantly larger wind snakes leading the attack, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the defeat of the Griffin Knight is only a matter of time.

Once the supremacy of the air is lost, the situation that the evil branch defenders of Xin Saluo faced before will be transferred to the head of the high elves.

Without Sharlayan's instructions, Melinthra, who intentionally changed the subject after Valeera returned, immediately ordered her sons to launch into the air to assist the Griffon Knights in meeting the enemy.

With the addition of more than a dozen young green dragons, the air battlefield was finally brought back to balance.

But Sharlayan knew that this was only temporary.

The Xiezhi troll... Or Hex is like a gambler who lost his eyes. If he can't get through this crisis smoothly, the name of the Xiezhi clan will become history from now on, and it will be gradually forgotten like the Amani clan. The world forgets.

Rather than worrying about losing to nothing, Hex will definitely choose to put all his cards in one last fight.

Valeera's guess was correct, more wind snakes were summoned to the top of Xin Saluo, and the stagnant growth of Haka's strength accelerated again.

Under the observation of Eagle Eye, Haka's level has reached level 63, which is on par with the second generation of elite dragons such as Merlinsera and Onyxia, and there seems to be room for further improvement.

It goes without saying that the desperate Hex is still continuing to sacrifice to the people of Xiezhi.

After solving the worries from the direction of the altar of Zul, Sharlayan does not intend to give Hakar any chance to recover more strength.

The battle at the foot of the mountain has basically come to an end, and fewer and fewer trolls are still fighting. Sharlayan handed over the remaining trolls to the Dawn Vanguard Legion, which is not good at fighting in the mountains.

With a big wave of Sarlayan's hand, all the infantry of the Marine Corps turned in an orderly manner, and accelerated their pace to advance along the stairs to the upper floor of Sinsaro.

Sharlayan himself did not climb the mountain with the army. He, Stellagosa, and Melinthra transformed back into the prototype of the dragon at the same time, carried Valeera into the sky, and headed straight for Hakar on the top of the mountain with a clear goal. and go.

Compared with ordinary wind snakes, Haka's body is extraordinarily large, not much less than an adult dragon.

Haka also has the shape of a wind snake, but its body is much thicker than the average wind snake.

The wings covered with a pale blue wing membrane seem to be able to cover the sky and the sun, and two arms grow out on both sides of the body that ordinary wind snakes do not have.

However, Haka's "hands" are different from humanoid creatures. At the top of the arms are two sharp bony bodies like sickles.

After ascending to the sky, Sharlayan was finally able to intuitively see the tragic situation on the top of Shinsaro Mountain.

Yes, the tragedy.

The area near the altar on the top of the mountain has long been stained scarlet with blood, and it can be seen from the color that the blood is still very fresh.

Under the circumstances that Haka personally plundered the flesh and soul, the sacrificial Vilebranch trolls did not even leave the residue that made up the ooze monster, and the blood sprayed on the ground was the last proof of their existence.

Hex, whose face was corroded by acid, was standing next to the altar, and there were scattered elite troll guards beside her.

The other direct subordinates were sent by her to the residential area of ​​Xinsaro, which is still in the hands of the evil branch troll, to capture more sacrifices.

"Tsk tsk~"

Sharlayan smacked his lips angrily: "I don't know how the commoners of the evil branch trolls feel at the moment. Are they more willing to sacrifice themselves for the group? Or follow the instinct of survival and surrender to their former enemies?"

Valeera sneered and complained: "Do they have a choice? Hex is not the kind of leader who would listen to public opinion."

"The civilians who are still under Xiezhi's control may not be saved, but..."

Sharlayan turned his attention to the middle and lower areas of Xin Saluo, which had been captured by the marines: "Other trolls still have a chance to choose. I never torture and kill prisoners. They are all high-quality labor."

"Let's stop here for the gossip."

Melinthra said solemnly: "Sharlayan, I hope the battle plan you made can be successfully completed... Haka is coming, let's act!"

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