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Chapter 1394 The Name of the Blood God and the Soul Taker

Sharlayan didn't know what Hakkar thought of becoming a model worker. In just a few years, it was summoned twice by different troll clans.

The last time they faced the attack of the Zandalari and the jungle troll coalition led by the Darkspear troll, under the pressure of the intact pterodactyl Loapaku, Hakar, whose strength was far from its peak, was defeated. .

In fact, this is not the problem of Haka himself, but Jindu has learned the lessons of the ancestors of the Gurubashi clan 1,500 years ago, and has never dared to let go of the restrictions on Haka's strength.

The final result was that the restrained Haka was easily manipulated by Paku, and the defeated Gurubashi was kicked off the throne of the jungle troll suzerain clan. Only Jindu and Mandokir took advantage of the chaos and fled with a few confidants.

Combined with the information brought by Merlinsera, Sharlayan preliminarily speculated that the two eggs of Hakkar that Jindu got should not be brought out from the Temple of Atal Haka at the same time.

The first egg used to summon Hakar in Zul'Gurub was prepared by him quietly, and the second egg was obtained when he re-entered the sunken temple during his escape.

This time, Jin'du's whereabouts were discovered by the green dragon guarding the Swamp of Sorrows, which aroused Ysera's vigilance.

Sarlayan was not interested in the content of the transaction between Hex and Jindo, he was more concerned about the fact that Hex had contact with Jindo.

Perhaps Jin'do, who was on the run, went all the way north to the Hinterlands and traded what he needed most from Hex.

It may also be that Hex was invited to go south to meet secretly with Jindu, who was hiding his head and showing his tail, and brought back the egg of Hakkar from a certain trading place.

In any case, the sorcerer Jin'do and the blood lord Mandokir, who has disappeared so far, are potential threats, and sooner or later they need to be captured and completely eliminated.

Compared with the weak chicken Haka summoned by Gurubashi for the second time, this chicken of Sinsaro is obviously stronger.

Sufficient blood food and soul supply greatly increased Hakar's strength. Just when Sharlayan, Merlinthra and others rushed to the top of the mountain, Hakar's level was further improved under the monitoring of Sharlayan's eagle eye technique. , came to level 64.

If Hex continues to be sacrificed, Haka's strength should be able to reach the high level of 64 close to his peak, or even 65.

You know, Rezan, known as the strongest loa, is only level 65.

If Haka at his peak was allowed to reappear in the world, even Rezan, who had amazing combat power, would feel a headache.

However, although the level has reached 64, Hakka still maintains the soul form at this time.

It is not so easy to regain flesh and blood while improving strength, you can't have both.

Since Onyxia, who usually served as the main T, was not there, Merlinsera was the first to step forward consciously.

But one thing to say, her self-awareness left Sharlayan speechless.

Among the five-color dragons, green dragons are not the strongest in frontal combat, and their positioning is biased towards debuff assistance.

In terms of hand-to-hand combat ability alone, the green dragon is only slightly stronger than the blue dragon known as the dragon of magic, and it is almost the same as the bronze dragon.

It's not that Sharlayan can't understand Merlinthra's thoughts.

Among the three giant dragons present, Merlinthra is the strongest. In her view, it is only natural that she should take more responsibilities and be at the forefront.

Stella Gosa is the blue dragon with the weakest hand-to-hand combat ability, so it can be ignored for the time being.

But Sharlayan...

After initially merging the powers of the five-color dragon, Sharlayan added a brand new ability to his talent list, called Colorful Guardian.

During the time when the boat sailed down the river, Sharlayan had been practicing penance on the boat.

Don't get me wrong, Sharlayan is not continuing to make strenuous efforts despite his unstable foundation, but is researching and sorting out the new abilities he just acquired.

The multi-colored protection allows Sharlayan to have the iconic powers of the five-color dragon at the same time, and the five powers cooperate with each other to produce a beneficial chemical reaction, so that his five powers have been enhanced to a certain extent.

It wasn't until he formally mastered the colorful protection that Sharlayan figured out why the breath of the golden guardian dragon could directly annihilate the soul.

To put it simply, this is caused by Sharlayan's inadvertently greatly strengthening the powers of the Dreamland in Colorful Guardian.

The dream power of the green dragon is specially applied to the soul, and Ysera can often pull the enemy into the dream world in an instant and directly attack the enemy's soul.

Affected by Sharlayan's determined character, the supposedly mild dream power has undergone some wonderful changes.

In the case of extreme operation, he can even directly erase the souls of enemies whose soul power is far from his own. The black dragons he defeated in Northeron not long ago are examples.

Even if it doesn't work in one fell swoop, this extremely strengthened soul attack can still cause heavy damage to the enemy's soul when the opponent's defense is insufficient, seriously affecting the enemy's combat effectiveness.

Just like Yogg-Saron who suddenly went loose during the final battle with the Titan Guardian.

After formally mastering the colorful protection, Sharlayan can greatly strengthen any one of the five-color powers in a short period of time according to the battlefield situation and his own needs.

In other words, today's Sarlayan can be like the black dragon, rushing to the front with the power of the hard earth to attract the enemy's firepower and create more attack opportunities for his companions.

Melinsera's self-assertion disrupted Sharlayan's combat thinking, but in the face of Haka, who is in the form of a soul, Melinsera, who is wielding the power of dreams, can be regarded as a wrong attack to a certain extent.

Sharlayan turned his head helplessly to look at Stella Gosa beside him: "Stella, you cooperate with Melinthra to entangle Haka first, and I will sweep the formation for you."

"Valeera, you act according to the plan and get rid of that old Bidden of Hex as soon as possible. I will join the battle after confirming that you have succeeded."

Haka's strength has swelled to such a degree that it is already very difficult to deal with, Sharlayan will not let Hex continue to be a demon.

Valeera doesn't have wings, so she can't play much role in this kind of air battle. Her mission is to kill Hakka's logistics supply specialist Hex.

In order to avoid being distracted during the battle and not being able to take care of both ends, Sharlayan chose to temporarily stay out of the way and fly to the side for the two sides to act separately.

According to common sense, it would not be a problem for Valeera, who had already stepped into the demigod realm, to clean up Hex, a mere mortal.

But after all, Hex is the leader of Xiezhi, the largest clan of forest trolls. No one can tell whether she still holds the trump card in her hand to turn the tables in one-on-one battles, so it's better to be careful.

"Understood, then I'm off."

After receiving Sharlayan's instruction, Valeera immediately jumped out from his back, and started to sneak in midair.

Stellagosa also moved, and 20 times the gravity was suddenly attached to Hakar, who was wielding a two-handed sickle blade, causing its movements to pause obviously.

Merlinsera didn't let go of this opportunity, and she directly spit out the acid dragon's breath that had been brewing for a long time.


The severe pain corroded on the surface of the body made Haka hiss angrily.

"Stupid dragons! You can't stop my return, and the Soul Taker will come back to the world!"

Due to the level gap between them, Stellagosa's gravity spell was quickly broken by Hakar.

When Haka raised her head and let out a hoarse roar, some kind of coercive force from the soul acted on Stellagosa and Melinthra at the same time, causing their movements to pause for a moment.

"Soul Reaper?"

Long Tong of Sharlayan, who was plundering from a little distance away, narrowed his eyes slightly: "He really lives up to his name."


Taking advantage of the enemy being unable to move for the time being, Haka swung his sickle blade to attack Melinsera without hesitation.

The green dragon's resistance to soul attacks is the strongest among the five-color dragons. Merlinsera broke free from Haka's soul control before Stellagosa, flapping her wings and flying back at a critical moment.

Haka's sickle only left an inconspicuous skin wound on Melinsera's chest, but just as Melinsella was about to fight back, the strange feeling in her body made her unable to control her body.

Before Hakar's other sickle blade fell, the blue dragon Stellagosa, who also had high soul resistance, also came back to his senses, and hastily released a short-range teleportation technique on Melinsera.

The Green Dragon Princess, who was temporarily unable to move freely, teleported back about five meters, just in time to escape Haka's second attack.


Merlinsera felt as if some kind of power was boiling in her body, and this strange power seriously affected her actions.

"You are too careless."

Sharlayan transformed the colorful guardianship into the strengthening of life power, and sprayed a life-enhancing flame dragon's breath at Melinthra, who was flying crookedly, from the air.

"Soul Reaper, Blood God, these two names are not called by Haka himself. There have always been only wrong names and no wrong nicknames."

Under the healing of the dragon breath of the flame of life, Merlinthra's state quickly returned to normal.

The wound on her chest also healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a strange blood-red energy could be vaguely seen escaping into the air from near the wound.

"Be careful." Sharlayan, who was a bystander, probably understood the two power effects of Hakar: "Try not to let Hakar leave wounds on your body, otherwise your blood will be polluted by the power of the blood god, which will seriously affect the battle state."

While reminding the two of them, Sharlayan ignored Hakar's hostile gaze and took the time to glance at the battlefield on the ground.

‘Valeera, hurry up, Melinsera and Stella who are worried alone may not be able to stop Haka’s crazy offensive. '

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