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Chapter 1396 Justice Four vs One

One thing to say, Sharlayan has never seen a mouse-shaped Loa.

But if you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

When Valeera was attacked, Sharlayan, who was flying high in the sky, saw the appearance of the two evil branch trolls who usurped the loa's power one step earlier than her.

One of them was covered with ginger-yellow fur. Except that he still had the limbs of a humanoid creature, he couldn't see any troll characteristics on his body. He looked a lot like Fu Rui, whom some barrage sand sculpture netizens liked very much.

[Fu Rui? What Fury? Damn Frankie Nick Fury? 】

[Fuck! Is it such a heavy taste? Do you also like that kind of braised eggs? I admire you. 】

[God TM Nick Fury! 】

[6. To be precise, it should be called furry. Furui is just a transliteration, and has nothing to do with Mare Farkexia. 】

Sharlayan didn't have time to pay attention to the exchange of barrage. After skipping the furry humanoid cheetah, his eyes fell on a huge mouse in full animal form.

Some sporadic magic patterns can be seen on this mouse, and the quantity and quality are far inferior to the giant bear demigod Ursoc.

However, with the increase of these magic lines, it should be enough to deal with ordinary mortals.

But unfortunately, Valeera has already transcended the boundaries of mortals and stepped into a higher realm.

Hex ordered the attack after confirming that Valeera had turned in the Shadow Step, betting that Valeera would not be able to continuously use the space transfer ability in a short period of time regardless of the skill recoil.

However... Valeera just did it.

Strictly speaking, Shadow Step is no longer so important to Valeera who has mastered the power of space. The reason why she deliberately used this skill is to lure Hex into making wrong judgments based on inertia of thinking.

Facts have proved that the plan to lure the enemy that Valeera, who has rich combat experience, thought up on the spur of the moment is still reliable.

Just when the two sharp claws were about to land on Valeera, Valeera who activated the small-scale flashing technique again suddenly disappeared in front of the two loa power snatchers.

Before they could react in shock, Valeera, who had flashed up about 10 meters, used the strength of her fall to insert two Quercella knives into the forehead and back of the big mouse's and Fu Rui's necks.

One hit kills.

The strength gap between mortals and demigods cannot be made up by relying on numbers, not to mention that this battle was originally based on mental calculations without intentions, so it is not surprising that there will be such a result.

Valeera didn't give the frightened Hex another chance, teleported to her back again, and finally stabbed the poisoned artifact dagger into the back of her heart.


Hex, whose face was like the surface of the moon (barrage language), looked down unwillingly at the dagger that pierced his heart, and then swallowed his last breath neatly.

Following Hex's death, Haka, who was in high spirits in the air, suddenly let out an angry roar.

Due to the death of the main contractor, the symbiotic contract between Hakar and the evil branch troll was automatically terminated.

In other words, Hakkar can no longer heal his wounds by absorbing the Vilebranch's life force.

Just as Valeera succeeded, Sharlayan, who had been on standby for a long time, finally moved.

With the help of the acceleration effect of the power of time, Sharlayan, who obviously did not use the teleportation technique, appeared in front of the angry Hakar almost in the blink of an eye, and forcibly took a sickle blade that Hakar swung down.


The sharp sickle blade that could easily cut through the dragon scales of Melinsera hit Salayan's body with a crisp sound of flicking, but failed to penetrate Salayan's golden dragon scales that had been strengthened and amplified by the power of the earth.

Haka's hand-to-hand combat ability was not strong at all, and the attack on Sharlayan not only failed to cause any damage, but he was taken a step back by the shock, and his posture was a bit scattered when he was caught off guard.


After learning in advance that Sharlayan would enter the battle through the soul link, Stellagosa stopped maneuvering and began to prepare large spells.

"Like a black hole!"

Just before Haka adjusted his posture, the precisely controlled pseudo-black hole sucked Haka's body in mid-air and was unable to move, without affecting Sarlayan who was close at hand.

Although it was impossible to exile Haka to the other side of the black hole due to the gap in strength, the signature skill of this gravity spell still played an effective role in restricting it.

"hold head high!"

Merlinsera didn't get the advance notice of the soul link, but after all, she is also an elite of the second generation of dragons who has participated in many battles.

While Stellagosa changed her battle strategy, Melinsera also keenly grasped the opportunity, and sprayed a mouthful of salt soda on Haka, who was temporarily unable to move.


This time, Haka could no longer plunder the vitality of others to heal his injuries. The astonishingly corrosive acid dragon's breath caused great damage to it, and Haka, who was powerless to move, let out a painful neighing.

Taking advantage of the fact that the quasi-black hole hadn't been broken free, Sharlayan mobilized the power of death after a long absence.

"Multiple psychics! Evil spirit possessed!"

Sharlayan did not choose a single powerful individual to psychic, but summoned thousands of low-level evil spirits through death spells.

These evil spirits have long since lost their self-awareness, and will only instinctively devour the souls of others in an attempt to complement themselves.

If it's just a dozen or so weak evil spirits, even if Haka can't move and let them devour them, it's useless.

But when the amount increases enough to cause a qualitative change, even Hakar cannot ignore the evil spirit's special ability to devour souls.

Not to mention that Sharlayan also added his own death power to these evil spirits, allowing them to ignore Hakar's defenses and cause real damage to its soul body.

The first to be gnawed off by the evil spirits was Hakka's extremely ostentatious wings.

Without the assistance of its wings, the Spirit Reaper turned into a ground snake, and after it finally struggled to break free from the quasi-black hole, it naturally began to fall freely downward.

After killing Hex, Valeera did not release her combat state, she took advantage of the situation and killed all the loyal guards of Hex near the altar.

When Haka fell from the sky with a scream, Valeera followed to shake off the blood left on Quercella's dagger, and took the posture to activate the skill in advance.

"Killing Feast!"

Haka, who was struggling in the air, wiped out most of the evil spirits by spraying his own corrosive blood, but before he could adjust his posture and land steadily, Valeera's decisive battle skill launched at the right time met him.

At the same time, Sarlayan, Stellagosa, and Melinthra also folded their wings in unison and swooped down on the embarrassed Hakkar.

The three witnessed with their own eyes that Haka, who was still invincible before, was cut with a large number of deep bone wounds by Valeera's divine weapon double knives.

After confirming that Valeera retreated after completing a set of skills, without Sharlayan giving orders, the three giant dragons simultaneously spit out the dragon's breath pulsing from their throats at once.

The dragon's breath of Stella Gosa and Melinthra can cause a lot of damage to Hakka, but they cannot be fatal in one blow.

The real trump card is the touch of gold mixed in the blue and green dragon's breath.

After this round of dragon's breath storm passed, Haka fell asleep very simply, and his soul body also began to dissipate automatically.


Valeera, who landed back to the ground from the air, gasped heavily: "Are we going to finish Haka completely?"

"No, it's not that easy."

After landing, Sharlayan took advantage of the opportunity to change back into a human form: "This is just a clone of Hakkar's body projected into the material world. Even if it is eliminated, it will not be able to cause fatal damage to Hakkar who is far away in the subplane."

Merlinsera, who also changed back to human form, added: "However, our efforts are not in vain. Haka has poured a lot of original power into this clone."

"With the elimination of this clone, Haka's body will also suffer heavy damage. At least in the next few decades... or even hundreds of years, it will no longer be able to respond to anyone's call."

Sharlayan shrugged jokingly: "The model worker can finally rest? This may be a good thing for Xaka instead."

Although this Haka, which has invested a lot of original power, is as high as 64, it still has the fatal weakness of the soul body.

Under Sharlayan's pre-planned four-on-one oppression, Haka was still defeated after all.

After solving Hex and Hakar successively, the remaining evil branch trolls in Xin Saluo completely lost their fighting spirit.

Under the publicity of hanging Hex's head intentionally arranged by Sharlayan, more and more evil branch trolls put down their weapons and surrendered with their heads in their arms. Only a very few tough guys chose to fight to the end.

After basically controlling the situation in Shinsaro, Sharlayan received the latest report from the battlefield in the west of Hinterlands.

Under the attack from both sides of the Wildhammer dwarves and Stormgard, the Witherwood troll finally failed to make a comeback.

With the fall of Deadwood and Xiezhi, the two largest clans of forest trolls, the Amani Empire, which had already been declining, fell into the embarrassing situation of no leader.

With the passage of time and the relentless suppression of the high elves, the once prosperous Amani Empire will eventually be forgotten in the garbage dump of history and become a joke for people after dinner.

Sharlayan believed that that day should not be too far away.

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