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Chapter 1397 Medivh with a dead mouth

In March 2018 at the Black Gate, Jaina Proudmoore, a member of the Kirin Tor who was busy in Dalaran, received the latest battle report from the Hinterland Highlands.

Although the process was full of twists and turns, the local war planned by Saray Ancheng finally ended with the victory of the alliance.

Caught between the elite of Stormgard and the Wildhammer dwarves, the main force of the Witherbark trolls was wiped out in Shadraloh. Didn't show up.

But this is actually not surprising. Compared with the evil branch troll who has enshrined him for many years, the deadwood troll is a latecomer after all.

Although Shadra accepted their offerings without hesitation, it was inevitable that there would still be differences between relatives and estrangements.

In other words, Shadra set a probation period for the Witherwood trolls. If they can pass through this transitional period without relying on their own help, Shadra will consider gradually providing help to the Witherwood followers.

There is actually not much difference between the loa and the demigods in essence, they are both natural spirits born in Azeroth.

In terms of attitude towards mortals, although the two are slightly different, in general they still lead to the same goal by different routes.

In a word, it's as close as it gets.

Most loa will not take the initiative to actively intervene in the struggle between mortals, unless the mortals who believe in themselves are willing to pay enough chips to make their hearts tempted.

Zandalar is a stark example.

Strictly speaking, the Zandalari clan is not qualified to order the many loa on the island to do things for them.

Kragwa the Frog and Torkali the Direhorn offered to help because the Zandalari promised to increase their faith in him.

The pterodactyl Paku was dispatched to seal Hakar once again, who had not recovered his peak strength. This was a unified decision made by the Loa including Rezan, but Paku, who had the strongest mobility, acted on his behalf. It's just the will.

To put it more bluntly, Rezan is the only loa who has the closest relationship with Zandalar, and the actions of the other loas are more or less related to Rezan's attitude.

As we all know, Rezan is a tough guy with muscles in his head, but the other Loa are not.

The Zandalari trolls are trying to get rid of Rezan and find another loa of the kings. The loa who have lived in Dassalone for a long time really didn't notice it at all?

Obviously impossible.

The reason why no one informed Rezan of this news was because all the Loa had had enough of Rezan's oppression for so many years, and they also wanted to change to a more tactful King Loa to improve their status. Quality of Life.

There are not many people who are qualified and have the guts to compete with Rezan for the position of Kings Loa, and Haka is one of them, but no one wants this selfish and cruel guy to take the position. Paku's actions before clearly expressed that Loa Their attitude towards the Jaca.

Eliminate all impossible answers, and the last one left must be correct.

All the loa on the Zandalar Islands are waiting for the upcoming show to start, and they only need to move the bench and seeds.

Without the help of the demigod Loa Shadra, the Witherwood troll would not have enough troops to defend Shadralo, let alone counterattack, in the face of the prepared double attack.

With the main force of the Witherwood trolls wiped out, Danas returned to his army after the fight, and led the Stormgard army, whose morale had soared to the highest point after the victory, to the last stronghold of the Witherwood trolls. .

Deadwood Village is located in the southeast corner of Arathi Highlands.

Although the final result has not yet come out, Jaina has already guessed the outcome of this extermination battle.

After losing more than 80% of its troops, it is impossible for the Witherbark troll to stop the mighty Stormgard's vengeance, and its demise is a foregone conclusion.

On the other hand, the Wildhammer Griffin Knight who also won the battle turned around and hurried to the nearby Altar of Zul.

Since the main force of Xiezhi had already withdrawn, the Wildhammer dwarves took down one of the most important strongholds of Xiezhi trolls without bloodshed.

Leaving some troops to sweep the battlefield, Falstad led the elite to continue eastward without stopping.

However, when the main force of the Wildhammer dwarves reached the sky above Sinsaro, Falstad unexpectedly discovered that the battle on the Eastern Front had also come to an end.

Since the Hinterlands are far from the mainland of Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan only brought 5,000 high elf soldiers including the Dawn Vanguard Legion and the Marine Corps this time.

In comparison, the total strength of the Xiezhi trolls sitting in their lair is as high as 30,000.

Falstad, who was not good at strategy, scratched his head and couldn't figure out how Sharlayan could win more with fewer troops under such a disparity in troops.


Falstad couldn't figure it out, but Jaina never doubted her man's ability... no matter what kind of ability.

With the successive defeats of the Deadwood and Evil Branch trolls, the situation in the Battle of the Hinterlands became clear, and all the large clans of the forest trolls fell.

The irony is that the most powerful clan of forest trolls today is actually the poor ghost clan Rotten Moss not far from Quel'Thalas.

East Weald has successively experienced many regional and even world-wide events such as the orc invasion, the Lordaeron civil war, the Scourge, and the confrontation between Stratholme and Lordaeron.

To this day, Lordaeron has still not been able to free up its hands to deal with the moss trolls living in its own territory.

However, with Calia ascending the throne as queen, the national strength of Lordaeron, which is in urgent need of training, is gradually recovering.

With the Rivendell family willing to take the initiative to make concessions, Stratholme's return is only a matter of time.

Once the last remaining issue of the Scourge is resolved, Jaina doesn't think that her best friend, who is becoming more and more politically skilled, will let go of the moss troll who has been living a miserable life under the oppression of many parties.

"Now, the forest troll really can't turn over again."

Jaina is not a high elf who has a blood feud with the forest trolls, but as the daughter-in-law of a high elf family, she can understand Quel'Thalas' attitude towards the forest trolls. After all, this is a long-standing hatred that has lasted for more than 7,000 years.

Dalaran did not pay much attention to the Battle of the Hinterlands, after all, this local war has nothing to do with their interests.

Recently, Jaina has been very busy running back and forth between the Guardian Sanctuary, Violet Castle, Khadgar's Mage Tower, and her own Mage Tower.

Even without mentioning how much benefit Aegwynn can bring to Azeroth, from a personal standpoint, Jaina doesn't want this legendary female mage with a long history to disappear.

Magna Aegwynn is still the person Jaina admires the most. She is the goal and worship of most female mages.

As Aegwynn's named apprentice, Jaina felt that she still had a lot to learn from Aegwynn.

Her next goal is to remove the "registered" prefix and officially become Aegwynn's disciple.

But... this goal is not easy to achieve.

Today's Aegwynn is calm. After rescuing her son Medivh from the Twisting Nether, she solved the last knot in her heart, and she was able to calmly face her life that was counting down.

In order to convince Aegwynn to really accept herself into the door, Jaina must first get rid of her overly negative attitude towards life.

According to Sharlayan's plan, Jaina visited Khadgar, Medivh and Meri Winterwind one after another.

As one of Aegwynn's few friends, Meri Dongfeng did not want to see Aegwynn die with guilt.

Facing Jaina's request, Meri agreed without hesitation, and then he would find an opportunity to persuade Magna to change his mind by insinuating.

Compared to Meri who readily agreed, Khadgar had some twists and turns.

It's not that Khadgar, who has already joined the Kirin Tor Council, is unwilling to provide help to his colleagues. Even for Sharlayan's sake, Khadgar will not easily refuse Jaina's request.

What Khadgar was worried about was that he didn't have enough weight. After all, he had never had contact with Aegwynn, the former guardian, and he wasn't sure whether the other party would listen to his disciple's persuasion.

After Jaina's repeated encouragement, Khadgar finally bit the bullet and agreed.

When it was Medivh's turn, Jaina, who had been going well before, finally felt tortured.

As expected, Medivh and Aegwynn were mother and son of blood relatives, and they were surprisingly similar in some respects.

In the words of Jaina's recent complaint to Sharlayne remotely...

"That guy Medivh is a dead duck with a stubborn mouth! He is very worried about his mother's life, but he is still unwilling to admit it, and he can't hold back his attitude to put it into action. I am so mad!"

In desperation, Jaina could only adopt Sharlayan's latest suggestion, and first persuade Meri and Khadgar to do the inner work of Medivh.

Compared to Aegwynn, who was a generation away, Khadgar was very natural when getting along with Medivh.

After the three of them persuaded in turn, the stubborn Medivh finally let go, and he was willing to go to the door with the three of them to persuade Aegwynn to accept "treatment".

However, it was just an accompanying door-to-door. He bluntly said that he would not be the main force of persuasion.

"That's the way it is."

When she got in touch with Sharlayan who had returned to Eagle's Nest Mountain again, Jaina, who was very tired, smiled bitterly and said: "If you can spare time, it's better to come to Dalaran yourself, anyway, you still need to take action in the end." Grant the blessing of life to Magna."

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