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Chapter 1398 The Persevering Merlinsera

Sharlayan was dealing with the aftermath of the war when Jaina was connected.

Although the Xiezhi troll's army is only tens of thousands of people, even if the civilians who died due to Hex sacrifice and the civilians unfortunately affected by the war are excluded, the remaining Xiezhi troll population still exceeds 200,000.

With such a large number of captives, it is obviously impossible for the Quel'Thalas family alone to eat them.

Danas was still enthusiastically hunting down the remnants of the Witherbark troll, and he only sent a member of the Stormgarde Council to participate in the post-war distribution of spoils.

The meaning of the Kingdom of Stormgard is very clear, dead trolls are good trolls, they will not accept any form of troll captives, they will only recycle corpses.

Considering the animosity between the Trollbane ancestors and the trolls, Sharlayan's tough attitude towards them is not too surprising.

The Wildhammer dwarves are willing to accept some troll captives as coolies, but the number of Wildhammer dwarves still living in Eagle's Nest Mountain has decreased a lot, and the share that Falstad can eat is also limited. Only the prisoners of the Witherwood troll That's enough for them.

Sharlayan is also quite troubled by this problem.

Excluding the attrition during the war, the remaining 4,000 people in Quel'Thalas alone want to escort as many as 200,000 prisoners? What international joke are you making?

The Evil Tooth troll expressed his willingness to accept some of the Evil Branch's captives, but Sharlayan knew exactly what Broken Tooth was planning. It was nothing more than wanting to eat the Evil Branch's population to quickly expand his group.

After finally annihilating the last two large clans of the forest trolls, Sharlayan couldn't raise a tiger and then create a father for himself, even if the Evil Tooth clan's attitude is very correct now, it doesn't matter at all. have to talk.

Chief Broken Tooth actually knew in his heart that he would not be able to get much share... Besides, if there were too many Xiezhi people in custody, he was still worried that he would be usurped by someone one day.

The post-war distribution of benefits cannot avoid the link of bargaining. After that, Sharlayan will hand over more detailed work to professional diplomats in Quel'Thalas to wrangle with them slowly.

Although the naval development of Quel'Thalas has achieved initial results, it is still far from being able to compare with the profound Kul Tiras at this stage, and the number of warships and logistics transport ships is seriously insufficient.

It is not cost-effective to requisition merchant ships to transport captives by sea, and Quel'Thalas still needs to keep these ships to carry out maritime trade.

That being the case, they could only escort the captives by land, and the journey northward would inevitably pass through the territories of Alterac and Lordaeron.

In order not to cause misunderstandings among the allies, Sharlayan and Stellagosa first sent Valeera back to Silvermoon City to report to Kael'thas to resolve a series of political and diplomatic issues arising from it.

Sharlayan handed over the aftermath of the Battle of Hinterlands to Liadrin and Alleria, and they would cooperate with the Wildhammer dwarves to guard the restless troll prisoners.

When Sharlayan came to the Lord's Hall of Eagle's Nest Mountain to bid farewell to Falstad, Lord Wildhammer curled his lips unabashedly: "You are still so busy, I want to have a good drink with you."

Sharlayan spread his hands with a wry smile: "Sorry, I will definitely next time, there is still something waiting for me to deal with in Dalaran."


Falstad helplessly raised his feet and patted Sharlayan's shoulder: "It's important...but you'd better deal with the evil branch troll's captives as soon as possible."

"More than 200,000 people, in case they make trouble, it's not a joke."

Sharlayan nodded solemnly: "I have already notified His Majesty the Sun King. He needs to report to Lordaeron and Alterac first. He should be able to send reinforcements to the Hinterlands to escort the prisoners soon."

"That's good."

Falstad smiled heartily: "Say hello to Ronin and Reza for me. Next time we have a chance, we can get together to catch up on the old days. My treat."

"no problem."


Sharlayan, who came and went in a hurry, didn't even have time to chat with Alleria who led the Farstriders from afar. After saying goodbye to her, he opened the portal to Dalaran.

Just as Sharlayan and Stellagosa were about to step in, Merlin Seraka, who was busy reporting the situation to Wyrmrest Temple, hurried over.

"Sharlayan, Stellagosa! Please wait a moment!"


Both of them turned their heads to look at Princess Green Dragon in puzzlement at the same time.

"What's wrong? Could it be that Her Majesty Ysera has given us some instructions?"

"No, that's not true."

Merlinsera shook her head and said: "I will go to the Swamp of Sorrows to monitor the movement of the Temple of Atakaha, and by the way, urge the Kingdom of Stormwind to send troops to clear up the threat behind them as soon as possible."

"Will you welcome me to Quel'Thalas after I finish the task at hand?"

The corner of Sharlayan's mouth twitched slightly: "Uh~"

【... so active? 】

【if not? How old do you think Melinsera is? The leftover women are anxious. 】

[It's rare to meet someone who is suitable in all aspects. If you don't take the initiative to attack, do you still want to wait until the little iron tree blooms? 】

[Ah... makes sense. 】

Under Stellagosa's half-smile gaze, Salayan bit the bullet and responded.

"Of course, Quel'Thalas welcomes the visit of all friendly people. My family and I will wait for the visit of Her Highness the Princess in Unicorn City."


After all, it is an old fried dough stick that has lived for more than 10,000 years. Merlinsera smiled meaningfully when she heard the businesslike meaning in Sareyan's words.

"Welcome in the name of Quel'Thalas? That's fine, then we'll see you later."

Watching Merlinsera change back into a dragon form and fly south, Sharlayan rubbed his brows helplessly: "... Stella, do you think I have some special ability to attract dragons of the opposite sex?"

"Hehe~" Stella Gosa smiled meaningfully: "What do you think? Leaving aside your personal charm, Oni's fanatical attitude not long ago is a typical example."


Sharlayan showed a headache expression: "I really don't want to fill my family anymore..."

Stella Gosa shrugged her shoulders with a smile: "In your own words, women chasing men, interlayer gauze, look at Merlin Sera's stubborn attitude that obviously recognizes can definitely get rid of her entanglement?"

"This is how the Dragon Clan finds a partner. Even if you don't agree, she can stalk you for hundreds or even thousands of years."

"Considering our good relationship with Queen Ysera...can you really be cruel enough to reject Melinthra's 'good intentions', or Ysera behind her?"


Sharlayan waved his hands irritably to change the topic: "Let's not talk about these annoying things, it's not a problem if the portal keeps opening like this. Let's go, and we'll talk about it when we get to Dalaran."


Compared with the panic in the Kirin Tor council a few months ago during the fierce internal strife, as Modera was expelled from Dalaran due to the failure of the political struggle, the atmosphere in this floating city was obviously much more lively.

Today's Kirin Tor Council is chaired by Ronin, who is young and vigorous and advocates reform. Khadgar and Jaina, who belong to the young faction, stand on the same side with him, and Aethas Sunreaver, who represents Quel'Thalas, also follows him. Be the answerer in the back.

Counting the speaker's two-vote authority, when the Kirin Tor Council votes on various policies, Ronin can often easily get 5 votes in support, even if Ansrem and Kalai vote against it, it will not help.

They've been vixens for thousands of years, and of course Ansrem and Calle wouldn't do such a thing that offends people even though they know it's useless.

Recently, several reform proposals in Dalaran were unanimously passed, and Luo Ning, who was gearing up, was finally able to make drastic changes to gradually modernize the old Dalaran.

Through Jaina's notification, Sharlayan learned the general content of the three reform proposals recently passed by Dalaran.

One is the legalization of the research on evil energy mentioned earlier, the other is to formally introduce punishment regulations for racial discrimination, and the third is to invest more funds in education, and strive to cultivate more talents for Dalaran in the next ten years. Many reserve talents.

After being untied once, Luo Ning's spirit had obvious positive changes.

Now he looks full of vigor and vitality, and he no longer sees the distressed look when he was restrained by conservatives in every possible way.

Sharlayan took the initiative to give Rhonin a hug with a smile on his face: "Old friend, let's congratulate you first."

Luo Ning patted Sharlayan on the back with a smile: "The road of reform in Dalaran cannot be on the right track without the strong support of Quel'Thalas and Kul Tiras. I will never forget of."

"Tsk~" Salayan complained angrily after letting go of Rhonin: "Who told you this, I mean your marriage!"

"Huh? Oh... You said this."

Luo Ning scratched his head in embarrassment: "It is true that the wedding is approaching, and you are quite well informed."

Sareyan twitched the corners of his mouth with a half-smile: "Stop pretending here, you obviously revealed it to Jaina on your own initiative, but with your clumsy acting skills, you still want to imitate others to play hard to get?"


Sharlayan slapped Rhonin heavily on the shoulder, almost knocking him to the ground, and then smiled happily.

"Don't worry, no matter how busy I am, I will definitely find time to attend your wedding."

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