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Chapter 1399 Atypical Princess Tess Greymane

Chapter 1399 Atypical Princess Tess Greymane

Rhonin and Princess Tess Greymane of Gilneas have long been engaged. Before that, it was just because Princess Tess was still young, and old Jean was not willing to let his youngest daughter marry far away to Dalaran early.

From the beginning of the 18th year of Black Gate, the two old kings of the old era, Genn and Daelin, all retreated behind the scenes.

Although they still have the title of king on their heads, anyone with a discerning eye can see that both of them have handed over the affairs of state to their successors.

In order to prevent young people from making mistakes due to lack of experience, the two old kings have not fully delegated power in name for the time being, so that they can stand up and fight the fire in time when problems arise.

Liam, Prince of Gilneas who died young in the original history, showed admirable ability to govern the country.

Liam, who was born in the new era, is completely uninterested in the isolationism of his father Gene and grandfather Archibald.

After gradually taking over the ruling power of the kingdom from his old father, Liam changed Gilneas' previous conservative style and began to actively participate in various cooperation projects among the countries of the Alliance.

The majestic Greymane Wall has gradually become a decoration. Liam no longer intends to pass through this high wall to close the country. Great support.

A few years ago, for the benefit of the family, Darius also raised troops to fight against the stubborn and conservative Jean.

Feng Shui took turns, and with Liam, whose policy of governing the country was completely different from Jean's, coming to power, the Crowley family, whose interests were no longer violated, quickly restored a good relationship with the Greymane royal family.

If nothing else happens, when Liam officially ascends the throne, Rhona Crowley, the daughter of Darius, who grew up with his childhood sweetheart, will most likely become the new Queen of Gilneas.

The domestic situation is improving, and under the control of Liam's immature but insightful diplomatic skills, Kyrgyzstan, which has always shown itself as a stubborn and conservative image, has also achieved a lot in diplomatic occasions.

The most eye-catching diplomatic strategy is the marriage contract between Princess Tess and the leader of Dalaran, Rhonin.

In the early days of the old alliance dominated by Terenas, the relationship between Dalaran and Lordaeron remained good.

However, due to the conflict of interests between the two countries, Dalaran has established a friendly and cooperative relationship with Quel'Thalas and Kul Tiras instead. The national power has not weakened in any way, but has increased.

In contrast, Terenas, who has been betrayed by many relatives, is still unrepentant and wants to continue to implement the unrealistic dream of human unification.

Lordaeron, who swollen his face and made himself fat, became the target of public criticism, and was infiltrated by a large number of fear demon kings into a sieve, which directly led to the subsequent civil war between the two kings and the chaos of natural disasters.

After all, Dalaran is only an independent city-state, and many resources can only be imported from abroad. Long-term conflicts with neighbors are not in the interests of Dalaran.

After the new alliance was rebuilt, Queen Calia took the initiative to offer an olive branch to Dalaran, and Rhonin smoothly resumed normal trade with Lordaeron.

Due to King Zeon's isolationism, Gilneas had little trade with Quel'Thalas.

If you want to obtain various casting materials and magic props, you can only import them from Dalaran, the magic kingdom of humans, at a high price.

However, there is still the same problem. Jin's foreign policy is too conservative, and the relationship between Kyrgyzstan and Dalaran was not very good.

In order to change this situation, urge Dalaran to reduce the tax rate when Kyrgyzstan buys bulk goods.

Under the earnest persuasion of Prince Liam, the old King Jean and Queen Mia finally agreed to marry their growing daughter Tess to the unmarried leader of Dalaran, Ronin, to bring Gilneas and Dalaran closer through marriage. relationship between.

For Princess Tess's marriage, King Jean and Queen Mia were also worried.

This Kyrgyz princess is not the quiet princess that most people habitually perceive...Of course, this does not mean that Princess Tess is violent and rebellious.

According to the information Luo Ning inquired, Princess Tess' personality is quite similar to that of Calia, who has not yet ascended the throne but has received Sharlayan's enlightenment and education.

Luo Ning didn't care about this. Instead, he thought that Princess Tess should be able to become his good wife after marriage.

"I don't like vases that are cultivated just for political marriage."

At the dinner that day, Luo Ning gently shook the red wine in the glass, and said to Sharlayan unabashedly: "Now Dalaran is in a contradictory period where tradition and innovation collide."

"My ideal partner is a companion who can help me share the pressure, not just a reproductive tool."

Sarlayan said with a smile: "So, the assertive and capable Princess Tess is just what you want."

Jaina, who came to attend the banquet with Sarlayan in her busy schedule, explained: "According to Dalaran's intelligence personnel, Princess Tess was weak and sick since she was a child, and she needed to take medicine from Kyrgyz royal pharmacist Kelennan for a long time. A potion concocted by Aranas."

"Perhaps it was during this difficult period of illness that Princess Tess's character of being soft on the outside and strong on the inside was cultivated."

"Growing up, Princess Tess, with the help of Prince Liam, received strict thieves training without telling her father."

"Perhaps, the arrival of Princess Tess can alleviate Dalaran's shortcomings in intelligence personnel training."

"As a councilor of the Kirin Tor, I am looking forward to the day when that unconventional princess marries Dalaran."

Sarlayan had heard Valeera mention this information a long time ago, and he was quite surprised by it at the time. The majestic royal princess would choose to become a thief walking in the shadows. This was indeed unexpected by Sarlayan .

Don't get me wrong, it's not that Sharlayan has any prejudice against thieves. After all, his partner Valeera is also a thief.

In the world's cognition, thieves are not a glamorous profession.

In terms of image, they are not even as good as hard-working fighters. Many people subconsciously think that thieves are sneaky people.

"Dalaran's intelligence system..."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "Indeed, Dalaran, which is dominated by spellcasters, has always been lacking in this aspect, otherwise the Uncrowned Organization would not have chosen to set up a spellcaster in the Dalaran sewers." Headquarters."

"Uh~" When this question was mentioned, Luo Ning immediately showed an embarrassed expression. He hurriedly waved his hands and smiled bitterly: "Stop scolding, stop scolding, I will deal with this issue as soon as possible."

"No." Sharlayan smiled and shook his head: "I'm not urging you to drive the Uncrowned out of Dalaran, but I need you to ensure that the band of thieves are in Dalaran...or under the supervision of the Alliance officials action."

The Uncrowned was led by Jorach Ravenholdt, the Duke of Alterac, after Alterac was destroyed. The original purpose of the establishment was to help Alterac successfully restore the country.

Now that Alterac has long since re-established itself in the world, Duke Ravenholdt has devoted most of his energy to various domestic government affairs, and he has inevitably neglected the management of the Uncrowned Organization he established.

In the absence of a leader, the quality of members of the Uncrowned Organization varies.

Under the uneasy and continuous monitoring of the Kirin Tor Council, the Uncrowned who settled in the sewers of Dalaran gradually formed a trend that could not be lost, and the warlocks who also took root here were called the sewer duo.

Not long ago, Dalaran officially announced the legalization of research on fel energy, and all research on fel energy must be carried out under the supervision of the Kirin Tor Council.

The research of spellcasters needs to consume a lot of precious resources. If you can get official support, who the hell is willing to dig into the sewer all day long?

After the problem of warlocks getting together in secret was initially resolved, the most troublesome thing for Luo Ning was the uncrowned thieves who were still unwilling to move.

Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment before continuing: "Due to the turmoil in Azeroth in recent years, a large number of thieves who lost their homes and homeless joined the Uncrowned, resulting in the scale of this illegal organization getting bigger and bigger. "

"This underground organization that often holds illegal rallies must be brought under control. I intend to gradually officialize the status of the uncrowned."

Luo Ning raised his brows quite unexpectedly: "You mean...incorporate the Uncrowned?"

Sharlayan nodded: "According to the information provided by Valeera, today's uncrowned people have no leader. No thief can use his strong personal strength and leadership to overwhelm other competitors who are determined to fight for power."

"If at this time, we airborne one, or even a group of outstanding thieves to join the Uncrowned..."

Luo Ning nodded thoughtfully: "This is indeed a solution, you plan to let Valeera do it herself?"

"No." Sharlayan denied with a smile: "Letting Valeera take action is somewhat bullying. I have another suitable candidate."

"Let's inform Qiao Laqi first. After all, he established the Uncrowned One. It's best to get his approval for such a blatant plan to seize power."

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