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Chapter 1400 Capture the Uncrowned, Killing Two Birds with One Stone

According to the information provided by the barrage, the Uncrowned Organization they know will undergo internal reorganization and reorganization at some point in the future.

Led by Jorach Ravenholdt, seven of Azeroth's most prestigious thieves have been invited to join the Uncrowned as high-level leaders.

In addition to Jorachi himself, the other six high-ranking thieves are the half-orc Garona, the Shado-Pan eagle hunter Tao Shi, the fleet admiral Tethys of the Bloodsail Pirates, Princess Tess of Gilneas, Valeera Sangunar and the foot man played by the player.

In addition, there is also a reserve member at the top of the Uncrowned-Edwin Van Cleef's daughter Vanessa.

Excluding the footman who didn't deserve a name, among the above seven people, apart from Tao Shi of the Shado-Pan faction and Tethys the Bloodsail Pirate, the other five people knew Sharlayan, or at least had met.

Tess Greymane will marry into Dalaran at the latest in the second half of the year. At that time, she will inevitably parachute the Uncrowned as the speaker's wife, and will win over a group of extraordinary thieves for Dalaran, and form a brand new intelligence network .

Vanessa VanCleef...Salayan has seen it, but that girl is just a little girl who hasn't grown up yet.

Due to the butterfly effect caused by Sharlayan, without Onyxia's secret help, the Kingdom of Stormwind did not owe the mason guild a salary, and the Defias Brotherhood, which was established to ask for salary, naturally did not appear.

Queen Tiffin, who was supposed to have died in the Stonemasons' Guild Rebellion, is still alive and well, and Edwin Van Cleef, who was supposed to flee to the Westfall, accepted Mathias Shaw's invitation to join MI7 .

However, there is one thing to say. Compared with his daughter Vanessa who showed extraordinary potential at a young age, Van Cleef's talent is not bad, but he is still short of becoming a top thief.

Vanessa is still young, and her strength is far from reaching its peak. It is impossible for Sharlayan to lure little Lolita to join the Uncrowned right now. This is pushing her into a pit of fire.

Let's ignore Tesseth and Tao Shi, whom Sharlayan doesn't know, as Valeera's current strength can completely defeat the entire Uncrowned Organization.

But Sharlayan didn't want Valeera to be the leader of the Uncrowned, and Valeera, who was distracted by the affairs of the Uncrowned, was not in the interests of Quel'Thalas.

Sharlayan should eventually make Valeera a member of the Uncrowned High-Level, but not let her be the manager of day-to-day affairs.

Nominally, the leader of the Uncrowned will still be the founder Jorach Ravenholdt.

However, Jorazzi was also distracted by domestic affairs in Alterac, and could not spare much energy to take care of the Uncrowned.

Therefore, Sharlayan hopes to put the burden of leading the Uncrowned Organization on Princess Tess and Garona.


Khadgar, who was also invited to participate in the meeting, unconsciously showed a look of astonishment: "Didn't she go back to Draenor? Do you know her whereabouts?"

Garona has a deep hatred with Cho'gall. After helping Khadgar collect all the fragments of Atiesh's Staff, she has been looking for Cho'gall all over the world.

Unfortunately, Garona has never discovered Cho'gall's exact whereabouts.

Sharlayan nodded to Khadgar: "You should all have heard of Garona's life experience. Her tragic childhood made this half-breed child not have much nostalgia for Draenor and her orc 'citizens'."

"After returning to the old place of Draenor to revisit, Garona returned to Azeroth through the Dark Portal again."

"Not long ago, we killed Cho'gall in the Battle of Northeron, and Garona came here soon after hearing the news. It was then that I established contact with her again."

With the assistance of Mimiron, Romul, and others, Quel'Thalas' production of arcane base stations and mobile phones has increased significantly. Since last year, base stations have been installed all over the world, but the network has not yet been built and put into use.

When they unexpectedly reunited with Garona in Northeron before, Sharlayan gave her a mobile phone that he carried with him, and asked Garona to keep in touch at all times.

Although Cho'gall's body died, his soul fled back to the deep sea with the help of N'Zoth.

Garona's vengeance against the Shadow Council has not yet ended, and she has been unable to catch Cho'gall's clues for many years alone. Garona has long realized that she needs external help.

After learning about the usage of the mobile phone from Sarlayan, Garona readily accepted it, and agreed that any party who got information about Cho'gall would share the information in time.

After listening to Sharlayan's explanation, Khadgar said with some emotion: "I persuaded Garona many times to stay and settle in Karazhan, but she still couldn't let go of the guilt of killing King Lane with her own hands."

"Before the last member of the Shadow Council, Cho'gall, is completely cleaned up, it may not be so easy for her to let go of her knot."

Sharlayan shrugged and said, "I don't intend to force her to let go of her heart and settle down in Dalaran. She can become a member of the Uncrowned in name just like you in the Kirin Tor."

"With Princess Tess presiding over the daily management of the Uncrowned, the greatest significance of Garona's joining is to contribute her deterrent power. After all...Garona is a real kingslayer."

"Although, that was not her intention."

Khadgar nodded thoughtfully: "If it's just a name, it should work."

Stellagosa, who had been keeping a low profile, suddenly interrupted and asked, "What about the sewer warlock?"

"Although the Kirin Tor's official policy can attract a large number of warlocks to the light, all know the nature of spellcasters who want to die for forbidden research."

"I'm sure that the warlock stronghold in the sewer will not be abandoned. When conducting some forbidden experiments that are not officially allowed by the Kirin Tor, the warlocks will still choose to sneak into the ground and advance secretly."

Rhonin and Jaina looked at each other, and they frowned at the same time.

As a member of the casters, they all know that what Stellagosa said is not groundless, and there is a great possibility that it will develop as she said in the future.

Khadgar spread his hands and said with a relaxed face, "Isn't that just right? After we recruit the Uncrowned, it's just right for those thieves to help us supervise the warlocks in the sewer, killing two birds with one stone."

Everyone present had no objection to this, and the discussion on this topic will stop here for the time being.

"For a series of questions about the Uncrowned, we need to wait until we get a reply from Qiao Laqi before we can formally invest in detailed planning."

Sharlayan wiped his mouth with a tablecloth and said, "We still have one important thing to deal with right now... Jaina."


Jaina, who was named, put down her knife and fork and said solemnly: "As you know, Magna Aegwynn is the first arcanist in Azeroth's history to achieve a demigod in a mortal body other than Azshara. .”

"Although she has lost all her guardian powers now, just like Medivh made a breakthrough not long ago, the progress of the road she has traveled will be faster than others."

"The problem now is..." Jaina sighed softly: "Magna is still unwilling to forgive herself because of the mistake she made because of her arrogance back then, and she even made all the preparations for the end of her life .”

"I don't need to tell you, you all know how important a senior arcanist who has survived for nearly a thousand years is."

"I hope to get the full support of the Kirin Tor, try my best to persuade Magna to give up the idea of ​​dying, and let her continue to contribute her experience and abilities to Azeroth."

Luo Ning scratched his head in distress: "I personally don't have any opinion on this, but this matter is Ms. Aegwynn's private affairs after all, and outsiders like us can't help much, right?"

Sarlayan interjected, "Indeed, outsiders cannot provide direct help in persuading Aegwynn."

"However, Dalaran can guarantee more resource supply to the Tirisfal Council, and give support to Medivh and Meri Winterwind, the main force of persuasion, from the side."

"This is not a problem." Luo Ning said straightforwardly: "As the trade routes between Dalaran and the alliance countries have been completely restored, Dalaran's income has increased year after year. It is just some resources, a small problem."

Magic research is a very expensive project, no matter how cold and cold a mage is, it is inevitable that he will bend his waist for five buckets of rice, and Medivh is no exception.

In the past, Medivh had the resource supply of the entire Karazhan, and the Stormwind Kingdom controlled by his friend Ryan as the backing, so he never had to worry about this problem.

But now that Karazhan has been passed on to Khadgar as his "inheritance", Medivh, who has a strong self-esteem, does not intend to take things from Karazhan that does not belong to him.

All of Medivh's resource supplies are now provided by the Tirisfal Council.

It has only been a few years since the Tirisfal Council was rebuilt, and resources in all aspects are still lacking, and the share that can be supplied to Medivh is also limited.

Medivh, who is not in charge of the family, does not know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt, and has fallen into the mundane world, and finally understands the troubles of ordinary mages.

If Dalaran can promise to increase the allocation of resources to the Tirisfal Council, even if it is to win these new shares, Medivh and Merry Winterwind will work harder to persuade Aegwynn.

Sharlayan turned to look at Khadgar: "I heard from Jaina that the three of you are almost ready. When are you going to officially start the operation?"

Khadgar rubbed the center of his brows with a headache: "After losing his protective power, the aging Aegwynn's physical condition is deteriorating. Medivh said that it should be sooner rather than later. He is expected to officially visit the door in three days."

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