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Chapter 1401 Jaina's Mage Tower

After losing the guardian power of Tirisfal, Aegwynn's realm regressed from a demigod to a mortal.

Mortals have a lifespan limit, and Aegwynn is just a human being with a short lifespan.

Without the life-prolonging and beauty-preserving effects of the power of protection, Aegwen, who is already nearly a thousand years old, will naturally age rapidly.

If Sharlayan's expectations are right, Aegwynn's remaining time may be running out, at most only about 3-5 years, or even less.

Due to her declining physical condition, even if Aegwynn wanted to break through and become a demigod, it would be difficult for her to do so, not to mention that she had no such idea at all.

In order to save Aegwynn, we must start from two aspects. One is to dispel her inner guilt and self-blame, and the other is to restore Aegwynn's body through the blessing of life, at least to restore her body to the state of her prime.

For psychological talk, only the three relatives and friends who have the closest relationship with Aegwynn can be responsible. Sharlayan will temporarily stay in Jaina's mage tower on standby.

From Ronin's standpoint, he also hoped that Aegwynn, the legendary Arcanist, would survive.

In any case, the headquarters of the Tirisfal Council - the Temple of the Guardian is located in the city of Dalaran.

Even if Aegwynn and Medivh cannot be persuaded to contribute to Dalaran on a daily basis, once this floating city is attacked by a powerful foreign enemy at the demigod level, the two generations of guardians who settled here will definitely not stand idly by. There is a bottom.

Therefore, Rhonin decided without hesitation to give the three of Khadgar enough resources and supplies as an investment, so as to enhance the sense of belonging of the Tirisfal Council with high-end combat power to Dalaran as much as possible.

After leaving the Violet Castle after the dinner, the Sharlayan family said goodbye to Khadgar at the gate, and then followed Jaina back to the mage tower that belonged to her.

Jaina's mage tower was not built under her own supervision. When Dai Lin decided to send Jaina to study in Dalaran, she bought this abandoned second-hand mage tower in advance.

Although it is second-hand, the origin of this abandoned mage tower is not ordinary. It once belonged to a senior Dalaran archmage who had passed away long ago.

After all, the archmage was just a short-lived human being, who died in the tower after living for more than 180 years.

180 years is a long lifespan for ordinary human beings. This old mage survived to death his son, grandson and even great-grandson.

By the time the old mage was dying, the family relationship between him and his descendants after several generations had been very weak.

None of the descendants of the old mage had the talent to become an arcanist, but he still left all the property in the mage tower to those descendants who were not very familiar with them through his will.

After a battle for family property, one of the descendants of the old mage sold the mage tower that had been evacuated along with the land to the Kirin Tor council at the time.

After many years, this empty mage tower was finally bought by Dai Lin and left for Jaina to use.

[Why not build a new one from scratch? It's impossible for the wealthy Kul Tiras to not have such financial resources, right? 】

[? 】

[Brother, are you serious? Do you know how much time it takes to build a mage tower with an elaborate interior from scratch? 】

[Besides, Dalaran is not Jaina's home, it's just one of her footholds, why spend so much thought, can't second-hand ones be used? 】

[That's right, Jaina doesn't have princess disease, she didn't say anything, but you are here to eat carrots and worry about it. 】

【I'm just asking! Why did you start putting a hat on my head? Did I say Jaina has princess disease? ! 】

As usual, the barrage started to slap hats and butts without saying a few words. Sharlayan just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

When Jaina got the mage tower from Dai Lin, all the architectural structures in the tower remained intact.

The various equipment and furniture that Jaina needs can be easily provided as long as money is available.

As the little princess of Kul Tiras, a sea power, it is impossible for Jaina to be short of money. Before she moved in, Dai Lin took care of everything according to her precious daughter's needs.

Another name for Dalaran is the city of a thousand towers. It is not uncommon to see this kind of mage tower that was abandoned and then reactivated in Dalaran.

The specifications of the Grand Master's mage tower are different from those of ordinary mage towers. The height of the tower itself is much higher than that of ordinary mage towers.

When she first bought the mage tower, Dailin didn't know some of the unspoken rules of Dalaran.

For Jaina, who had not yet stepped into the epic at that time, it was actually against the rules to live in this mage tower that could only be used by the archmage.

But, I can't stand the old speaker Antonidas endorsing behind Jaina.

Dalaran is also a humane society after all, anyone who is not blind can see that Jaina is gifted in the way of arcane.

With Antonidas' platform, Jaina's early check-in at the Tower of the Archmage did not cause many waves.

Later developments also proved Antonidas' vision. Jaina became the youngest archmage in history, and finally she was able to live in this mage's tower justifiably.

Sharlayan and Stellagosa knew Jaina when she was a little radish. Jaina spent her girlhood in Quel'Thalas. Stellagosa can even say that He was half of Jaina's teacher.

One sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also herded.

Back when Stellagosa was teaching Tinagosa, Jaina, who often travels between Silvermoon City and Unicorn City, was brought along with her.

Therefore, Jaina's relationship with Stellagosa has always been very close, no worse than her relationship with Valeera.

Don't look at Jaina often quarreling with the jealous Valeera, the relationship between the two is actually not bad, and bickering can be regarded as a way of expressing intimacy.

Jaina's knowledge of the Battle of the Hinterlands was limited to the official battle reports submitted by Sarlayan, and the gossip news that some girls were interested in was all brushed aside.

After learning the relevant information about Melinthra from Stella Gosa's mouth, Jaina looked at Sharlayan with playful eyes.

"Another one? Your damn charm~"

Sharlayan spread his hands helplessly: "Don't talk nonsense, it's just that Merlinthra unilaterally expressed her kindness, and I didn't make any response."

Jaina rolled her eyes angrily: "Yes, it is because we took the initiative to catch up with the door and send it to the head office, right? We got a cheap price and acted like a good boy."


Sharlayan didn't want to continue talking about this embarrassing topic of death: "Leave that aside, how is your cultivation going?"

Of course, the smart Jaina could see that Sharlayan was deliberately changing the subject.

However, she didn't intend to continue to pursue the stalker, and simply sighed along with Sharlayan's topic: "As you can see, it's going well, but there is still a long way to go before reaching the peak of mortals."

Under Sharlayan's eagle eye observation, Jaina's Arcanist level has reached 57.

Jaina didn't travel all over the world like Sharlayan and Valeera. Due to the characteristics of mages, she can continue to improve her strength even if she hides in the mage tower and does research behind closed doors.

Without experiencing the fight between life and death, Jaina's actual combat ability is not as good as that of Sharlayan and Valeera at the same level, but her progress speed makes Sharlayan, who is also a genius, also amazed. .

"Don't worry."

Sharlayan comforted with some emotion: "Your progress is terrifying enough. If you advance bravely and diligently too fast, you may lose your foundation. Continue to advance steadily step by step."

Jaina nodded kindly: "I think so too. According to you, Azeroth will be relatively peaceful in recent years. I don't need to force myself to break through quickly. The most important thing is to lay a solid foundation."

"Speaking of..."

Jaina asked with some concern: "Do you think Medivh and the others can successfully persuade Aegwynn?"

Sharlayan smiled wryly and shook his head: "How would I know? This kind of thing depends on what the person concerned thinks."

"Aegwynn... Although her personality has become much more stable than when she was young, her stubborn nature has never changed."


As Aegwynn's registered disciple, Jaina had studied with Aegwynn in Dustwallow Marsh for a period of time, and knew her temper better than Sharlayan.

"I hope Medivh and the others can succeed... let's not talk about this for now."

Jaina shook her head and changed the subject again: "After leaving Dara, where are you going next?"

Sharlayan smiled and rubbed Jaina's soft blond hair: "I have no other plans for the time being. I should rest in the territory for a while, and help the researchers of the Weapons Research Institute to improve new war weapons."

"After that... I should go to the Lost Isles first, and then go to Draenor to handle some finishing work."

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