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Chapter 1440 I predicted your prediction

After having a secret conversation with Kel'Thuzad in the soundproof magic circle, the Grand Lich returned to Frostfire Ridge with a teleportation spell.

He needed a period of time to weigh the pros and cons, and carefully consider whether he would continue to accept the undercover mission assigned by Sharlayan.

That's right, another old undercover agent.

However, the old-fashioned model does not mean that it is not easy to use. Even if some classic routines are well known, there is still a possibility of success, and it is not small.

In Sharlayan's words, whether to use Kel'Thuzad, or not, is a psychological game between him and that lord.

To put it bluntly, I predicted your actions, I predicted your predictions, I predicted your predictions, and so on.

Today, that adult has long understood the entire process of Kel'Thuzad's undercover Scourge.

Even from the enemy's point of view, he had to appreciate Sharlayan's farsighted move ahead of schedule.

Kel'Thuzad, a loyal and treacherous undercover agent, was an integral part of the complete collapse of the Scourge under the control of Ner'zhul, the original Lich King.

Without Kel'Thuzad, the insider who provided top-secret information about the Scourge for a long time, Sarlayan's follow-up plan would not be so smooth.

According to inertial thinking, the same method should not be used twice in a short period of time, and no matter how stupid people are, they will be on guard against it.

But there is a problem here. The smarter a person is, the more he thinks when predicting the opponent's plan.

On the way to the village of Ogrila, Onyxia explained Sharlayan's plan to Jaina who was still a little confused.

"Just take Kel'Thuzad as an example. If you were that lord, wouldn't you suspect that Kel'Thuzad was another agent that Salayan deliberately threw over?"

Jaina nodded without hesitation: "Of course I will... No, wait."

The ice-snow-smart Jaina is not stupid at all, but this girl has been well protected by her elders and brothers and sisters since she was a child, and she hardly spends her mind on calculating people.

Just because she doesn't like calculating people doesn't mean that Jaina can't understand other people's calculations. After all, her IQ beyond ordinary people is not a simple number.

Without Onyxia explaining in detail, Jaina quickly figured out Sharlayan's true purpose by analogy.

"That lord... ah bah, why are you talking so mysteriously? He can't hear it anyway."

"I'll just say it straight, once Kel'Thuzad chooses to accept the solicitation, Denathrius will definitely have doubts immediately."

Jaina continued to analyze thoughtfully: "But Denathrius has always claimed to be a smart person. He will not be arrogant and think that Sharlayan, who successfully counted the entire Scourge, is a fool."

"After suppressing the initial intuitive reaction, Denathius will soon subconsciously reject the possibility of using the same routine repeatedly... because it is too old-fashioned."

Onyxia smiled gratifiedly: "Our little princess has finally grown up."

"It's almost like what you said, Denathrius will be in a cycle of back and forth suspicion for a long time to come."

"If it was a peaceful time in the Shadow Realm, that old dog would most likely choose to seek stability, also know the current situation of Revendreth."

Sharlayan took over the topic and continued to explain to Jaina: "With the secret support of Blazing Fields, Ascension Bastion, and Maldraxxus, the Venthyr rebellion headed by Prince Renathal and Stonesmith The army beat more and more people."

"According to the guidelines for guerrilla warfare I provided, the rebel army will deliberately avoid Denathrius, the only strong point, and specifically look for the weaker regular Revenders army to eat away step by step."

"It is true that if a head-on conflict breaks out between the two sides, Denathius alone can easily wipe out all the high-end combat power of the rebels, but...a weapon that cannot hit people, no matter how powerful it is, is meaningless."

"If Denathrius wants to set up large traps to capture all the rebels at once, it is obviously not enough for Revendreth's existing reserves of anima."

"Therefore, regardless of whether Kel'Thuzad's refuge is sincere or false, Denathrius, who is in desperate need of an infusion of heart power, will most likely bite the bullet and accept him in the end."

Sarlayan hooked the corners of his lips jokingly: "This time, I didn't ask Kel'Thuzad to make any contribution during his tenure as an internal response. He only needs to maintain a state of constant tugging with Denathrius."

"When Denathrius had to make a desperate move due to the gradual deterioration of the situation... the killer weapon I had prepared for a long time would really show up."

"Huh~" Jaina rubbed her temples with a wry smile: "It's so complicated, I'm really not suitable for this kind of intrigue."

Sharlayan smiled and rubbed the soft blond hair on Jaina's head: "You don't have to force yourself, everyone has their own good and bad things."

"With Oni and I leading the way, the family doesn't need you to be responsible for this aspect of work. You should concentrate on breaking through the bottleneck of ordinary people first."

Onyxia also jokingly said: "That's right, you are the only ephemeral species left in the family now, don't take that last step with wrinkles on your face, I can't guarantee Sare Will Ann despise you because of this?"

"Don't underestimate me!"

Jaina put her hands on her hips and said loudly: "Look at it! I will definitely be able to break through the bottleneck within two years at the latest!"

"Yes~" Salayan gently kissed Jaina on the forehead: "Then we will wait and see, little princess."


Kel'Thuzad's unexpected visit was just a small episode, and the extreme struggle between him and Denathrius was destined to not be over in a short time, and Sarlayan didn't need to divert his attention so early.

While the Ogrila clan waited restlessly, Onyxia, who was carrying Sharlayan and Jaina, landed in front of the Ogrila village.

The original goal of the Ogrila clan was to overthrow Gruul's rule first, bring all the ogres in Blade's Edge Mountain under their own management, and the ultimate goal was to revive the Gorian Empire.

But... After correctly recognizing Gruul's terrifying strength, the high-level members of the Ogrila clan, who were originally full of confidence, reluctantly gave up this unrealistic fantasy.

If it was the Gorian Empire at its peak, it might be possible to rely on piles of corpses to defeat Gruul with a lot of sacrifices.

Based on the total number of existing ogres in Draenor and the number of high-end combat forces... it's better to go to sleep as soon as possible, there are everything in the dream.

Sharlayan could tell at a glance what the ogrila ogre was planning. It was nothing more than trying to drive away the wolf and entrust him to kill Gruul.

In this regard, Sharlayan very straightforwardly asked Ogrila's senior management to give up this impossible plan.

The Gorian Empire has long been a thing of the past, needless to say, the ogres in the entire Draenor now have a population of less than one-tenth of the peak period of the Gorian Empire.

Population is the basis for the rise of all races. People are still playing tricks on this point. It can only be said that people are addicted to food.

Taking a step back, I managed to subdue the rebellious Gruul through a one-on-one duel adventure, and now you want me to kill this Draenor gold medalist? Why?

Ogrila couldn't give them an equal bargaining chip at all, and of course Sharlayan couldn't play with them for nothing.

The last hope was cut off, and the Ogrila ogre didn't show too much disappointment.

They also knew that the possibility of Sharlayan agreeing to this outrageous request was infinitely close to zero.

Although the deal was not concluded, in order not to offend the three killers who came to the door, the Ogrila clan honestly handed over the information they knew about the ancient gods of Draenor.

At any rate, the Gorian Empire was also the ruler of Draenor. After reviewing the detailed historical records left by the ogre ancestors, the three of Salayan really found some useful information.

"Gah... huh? What kind of bad name?"

The well-learned Jaina couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard Onyxia's strange pronunciation in the clumsy ogre language.

Onyxia immediately squinted and gave Jaina a death stare: "Damn girl! What are you laughing at?"

Jaina tried to suppress her smile: "I think of happy things."

[? ? ? 】

[You also learned this trick? 】

[Normal, Jaina and Sharlayan have been together for more than ten years, and they will be affected to some extent. 】

Sharlayan ignored the barrage of jokes, smiled and tapped Onyxia lightly on the head with a huge stone slab the size of an ogre.

"Stop playing tricks, you ignorant fool."

"Ogre language...or, with the exception of Arakkoa, the mainstream language of Draenor is derived from Titan language. Why is it so difficult to learn?"

"Listen, the correct pronunciation should be...Gorn Am."

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