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Chapter 1441 Go Eun's Tragic Growth History

Sharlayan is not yet sure whether the name Gorn Am is the real name of the ancient god of Draenor, or the name given to it by the people of the Gorian Empire.

In any case, the ancient god of Draenor has a relatively formal name to refer to.

Sharlayan had read the historical documents of the two sects of the Arakkoa that have been preserved to this day.

As the saying goes, the butt determines the head. Although these documents have many omissions and contradictions in some details, judging from the records of the two parties, they can still restore the whole process of the Apexis Empire from its rise to its decline.

After the orcs escaped from the enslavement of the ogres with the help of the elements, the Gorian Empire, which once dominated Draenor, fell into decline, leaving only a limited number of independent city-states, including Highmaul and Blade Tower Fortress.

Through the relatively complete historical slates preserved by the Mag'har clan, Sharlayan learned most of the history from the time the orcs got rid of slavery to the present.

Until Sharlayan obtained the historical records provided by the Ogrila clan, his understanding of the period between the decline of the Apexis Empire and the rise of the orcs was always blank.

With this history completed, Sharlayan finally pieced together a relatively complete Draenor civilization development process.

The information I learned from the barrage before is not wrong. The establishment of the Gorian Empire cannot do without the help of the Apexis crystal.

The ogres are descendants of Grond, the creation of Aggramar. There is a good arcane talent hidden in their blood, but it has not been properly developed before.

Under the ulterior teaching of the arakkoa who was determined to revive the Apexis Empire, the first ogre to master arcane power showed great potential.

According to the historical records left by Ogrila, his name is Gogg, and he once defeated an adult Gron single-handedly with his powerful arcane power.

Known as the Gron Killer, Goge led the ogres who gradually developed arcane talents to overthrow the rule of the Cyclopes, and then broke with the arakkoa who had seen the poor dagger, and expelled all the arakkoa in the territory.

At this point, the ogre hero began to be called Golgog, which means "King Gog" in the ogre language.

With the support of a large number of ogres, Gogg established a brand new powerful empire - the Gorian Empire.

When reading this, Sharlayan corrected a cognitive misunderstanding.

The ability to learn arcane arts is not unique to two-headed ogres.

In theory, all ogres have the opportunity to activate the latent titan-making genes in their blood.

As we all know, titan creations are creatures on the side of order, and they are born with a good affinity for arcane arts.

The birth of the two-headed ogre was after the establishment of the Gorian Empire and the popularization of arcane arts among the ogre tribe.

Due to the long-term close contact with the original arcane power, the blood of the ogre has been affected, and very few of their descendants will have two heads at birth.

The mages of the Gorian Empire were very curious about this special phenomenon. After some research, they first confirmed one point.

The two-headed ogre is far superior to ordinary ogres in terms of arcane affinity and intelligence. It has a strong arcane talent since birth and is a natural spellcaster.

Therefore, the two-headed kind gradually began to be regarded as a good omen by the ogres.

With the passage of time, the Gorian Empire, whose arcane civilization has become more and more developed, can even artificially catalyze the double-headed ogre.

Except for the first king Gogg, every subsequent generation of Gorian head of state was, without exception, served by a two-headed ogre.

After the destruction of Highmaul, the last magical city-state of the Gorian Empire, the two-headed ogres were mercilessly slaughtered by the old tribe.

Losing the intelligent two-headed ogre leader, the ogre group, who had long been accustomed to this management model, seemed to return to the primitive era overnight.

A large number of ogres were forcibly recruited by the old tribe, and they were driven to Azeroth to participate in the invasion, as a cannon fodder force to consume the enemy's vitality.

Clan Ogrilla were among the few survivors of Highmaul's destruction.

When the old Horde drew near, Mar'gok, the last Highmaul Highmaul, knew he would not be spared.

In order to preserve the hope of the resurgence of the ogres, he handed over a large number of books preserved in Highmaul to the ogre mages of Ogrila to take them away, and personally led the remaining two-headed ogres to fight to the last moment.

Thanks to Mar'gok's dying arrangements, Sharlayan was able to read the records of Gorn-Am.

According to the historical documents left by the arakkoa and the ogre respectively, it can be inferred that Gorn Amu first appeared before the establishment of the Apexis Empire, and Sethe, the demigod of the wind snake, was bewitched by it to embrace the power of the void.

The earliest appearance of Gorn Am should have been around 5,000 years before the Black Gate.

Since Draenor does not have the nourishment of the power of the star soul, the development speed of Gorn Am cannot be compared with the ancient gods of Azeroth.

5,000 years ago, Gounam was not fully developed.

The time when it really became active was at the end of the Apexis Empire and the early establishment of the Gorian Empire, that is, around 1200-1000 years before the Black Gate.

The arakkoa of Apexis, who had gradually fallen into decline due to the civil war, failed to record detailed information related to Gorn Arm, and the ogres who replaced them to dominate Draenor obtained the official naming rights of this ancient god.


After reading all the records about the name Gao En'am, Salayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"The main activity area of ​​Gao En'am is in the peak generation of Alanka... which is the later peak forest of Alanka."

The lazy dog ​​Onyxia ignored it. When Sharlayan concentrated on reading documents, Jaina helped him sort out the historical slates that recorded useful information. She also read a lot about Gornam intelligence.

At this time, Jaina rubbed her brows in confusion: "The Gorian Empire's observation records on Gorn Am only reached 600 years before the Black Gate, but the Gorian Empire's collapse was 400 years before the Black Gate."

"In the past 200 years, why did Gao En'am suddenly disappear? This is not in line with the style of the Old Gods."

Onyxia, who was lying lazily basking in the sun, remarked casually: "Maybe Gao En'am found out that she was being watched by ogres all the time, so she deliberately hid to avoid their sight."


Sharlayan pondered for a moment and then gave a guess: "You carefully read the records from 600 to 500 years before the Black Gate."

Jaina lowered her head from the bottom of her heart to check again, and she was very smart and quickly discovered the clue.

"This period of time... coincides with the rise of the elements?"

"That's right."

Sarayan analyzed with a little thought: "Draenor's elements were used by Aggramar to make Gorond in ancient times, so they suffered a lot of losses."

"In the tens of millions of years since then, the elements of Draenor have not condensed into entities. It was not until more than 500 years before the Black Gate that a large number of elemental entities began to be truly active in Draenor."

"The head of the Gorian Empire at the time was very vigilant against this sudden rise of alien forces."

"The conflict between the ogres and the elemental entities lasted for nearly 200 years. For a long time, the ogres completely enslaved the elements."

"The Gorian Empire was finally overthrown by the orcs because of the wrath of the elements, but the orcs are just a carrier of the wrath of the elements."

"Element entity..."

Jaina rubbed her chin thoughtfully: "I probably understand that the reason why Gorn Amum suddenly became low-key is because the water elemental and earth elemental entities began to expand in the ocean and land of Draenor. .”

"Gorn'am is far from being as powerful as the ancient gods of Azeroth. In order to ensure the successful completion of the task of eroding the planet assigned by the Lord of the Void, it chose to temporarily avoid its peak."

Sharlayan curled his lips with a sarcasm: "It wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but in the end it really turned itself into a pig."

"Since 400 years before the Black Gate, orcs, who rely heavily on elemental power, have gradually replaced ogres as the strongest force in Draenor."

"In order to avoid a head-on conflict with the Throne of the Elements, which was in full swing at the time, Goen Am, who was hiding under the pinnacle of Alanka, continued to hide his strength and bide his time, waiting for the day when the Throne of the Elements would gradually decline."

"Good news, it has indeed waited. The mighty Throne of Elements has been completely shattered by the Shadow Council, which possesses the power of evil."

"Bad news, the entire Draenor has fallen into the predicament of slow death due to the erosion of evil energy, and the ancient gods who lived with the planet will naturally be greatly affected by this."

Onyxia shook her head dumbfoundingly: "Isn't this guy a bit too memorized? Why do you always encounter all kinds of bad things? It's too cheap to be an ancient god. "

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