Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1442 Medivh who dares to try new things

Throughout Draenor's history, Gorn'am has never really had a bright spot. Compared with the few ancient gods in Azeroth who have a sense of presence, they are simply too low-key.

The only thing worth mentioning is the feat of corrupting the wind snake demigod Sethe.

Sharlayan also felt a little amused by Onyxia's complaints: "In any case, thanks to the long-term observation records of the Gorian Empire, I finally know the detailed address of Gorn'am's lair."

"The things on the Blade's Edge Mountains and Frostfire Ridge are about the same. We should go to Alanka to join Medivh and the others."

After returning the slate and saying goodbye to the Ogrila ogre who respectfully sent him off, Sharlayan asked Onyxia for her opinion before opening the portal.

"Oni, why don't you stay in Frostfire Ridge and help your mother hatch eggs together, this ancient god of Draenor...I always feel that its strength doesn't require us to attack with all our strength."

"Hmm..." Onyxia lowered her head and thought for a while, "It's fine, anyway, there are Medivh and Ansu, and that unlucky guy shouldn't be able to cause any waves."

"I'm still a little worried about the situation of the dragon egg, so I won't go with you this time."

Sharlayan activated the teleportation dragon to send Onyxia back to the dragon egg placement in Frostfire Ridge. At the same time, Jaina had already located Anzu's location.

After entering the portal, the scenery in front of the two of them changed dramatically.

The soil in the Blade's Edge Mountains area has long since become barren, and there are barren landforms everywhere.

Although the border of the Talador forest where Ansu and Medivh were located was inevitably affected by the erosion of the land by evil energy, at least the green coverage area was much better than that of Blade's Edge Mountain.

Medivh and Ansu's search below the water surface has just entered a bottleneck period, and the two haven't been out to sea for a while.

Medivh applied the miniature space technology developed by Aegwynn, and threw a finished wooden hut that had already been built by the sea.

When Sharlayan and Jaina teleported over along the space beacon, Medivh was squatting at the door of the hut and grilling a very abstract strange fish.

Seeing Medivh lifting up his robe as if he was squatting in a hole, and Ansu's funny gesture of drooling from the corner of his mouth waiting for the grilled fish to be cooked, Sharlayan unconsciously rolled up the dead fish's eyes.

"...What are you doing? Why not leave this picnic?"

It stands to reason that demigods who can absorb energy from the air no longer need to eat.

But it's one thing to fill your stomach, and quite another to get hungry.

Sharlayan could understand Medivh's desire to eat something good, but this strange-looking creature in his hand...

In the words of the barrage, this thing looks like it has been mutated by radiation pollution. Sarlayan can't even arouse his appetite when he sees this thing.

"Yo~ here we come."

Medivh didn't even bother to get up, and greeted Sharlayan and Jaina perfunctorily with his free other hand, still staring at the strange fish on the fire intently.

"Suck ~"

With great difficulty, Ansu forced himself to turn his head to look at the two bewildered faces with strong willpower.

"We're just looking for something to eat to satisfy our hunger. Don't judge people by their appearance...take fish."

An Su pointed to the strange fish that was still tumbling on the fire with his short wings: ‘Don’t look at this strange looking thing, it tastes delicious. '

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Let's just assume that's the case, so what? How is the search progress on your side?"

An Su sighed after hearing the words: "It's not going well... In a word, it's like finding a needle in a haystack."

"The Naga are still busy, but due to the lack of more clues to narrow the scope, they have always gained limited results."

"Let's not talk about us first."

An Su looked at the two curiously and asked, "Did you find the dragon egg?"

Jaina smiled and explained: "I found it, and there are some unexpected gains on the way."

"We found relevant information about Gorn Am... the ancient gods of Draenor from the remaining historical records of the Gorian Empire."


Medivh, who was busy grilling fish, finally turned his gaze: "Tell me specifically, where is that guy hiding?"

Sharlayan raised his finger and pointed to Tongtian Peak, where the summit could still be vaguely seen: "We looked in the wrong direction before, Gao En'am was not active in Sethek Valley, but near the coastal area near the sea in the south of the peak forest. "

"The south..." Ansu, who was familiar with the topography of the peak forest of Alanka, lowered his head and recalled: "That piece of mud covered with black oil to the south of Bloodmane Valley?"

Sarlayan nodded affirmatively, "At least that's how it's recorded in the historical documents of the Gorian Empire."

"Those black oils that surface are a natural fossil energy source that we in Azeroth call oil."

"Fossil energy?" Medivh continued to turn the fish thoughtfully: "That is to say, Goen Am can strengthen its own strength by absorbing the energy contained in the oil...or in other words, assist it to resist evil spirits." Can it be corroded?"

"No wonder the guy who lived with the planet was able to survive the worst period of fel erosion."

The characteristics of the symbiosis between the ancient gods and the planet have both advantages and disadvantages. For the positive side, Azeroth can be used as an example.

The ancient gods of Azeroth, who have been stealing the power of the star soul for their own use for a long time, have developed very fast. Even if they are compared in the whole universe, the strength of Y'Shaarji can be ranked at the forefront of all the ancient gods, even one of the best.

As for negative effects, Draenor is a ready example.

The more severely the planet is eroded by evil energy, the more damage the ancient gods parasitic on the planet will suffer.

Although evil energy and the power of the void are both classified as evil forces, they are not harmonious with each other at all, and are completely different systems.

Fel energy represents chaos, and void is one of the twisting forces on the shadow side. When the two collide, they will inevitably tear you to death.

The Bloodmane Valley that Ansu mentioned was once the main gathering place of the unique creatures in the Alanka region - the tiger people.

During the period when the old tribe was spreading green replies everywhere, the bloodmaned tiger people were wiped out by the orcs who ran over them all the way, and they have long since ceased to exist.

According to the information provided by the barrage, there is indeed oil in the south of Bloodmane Valley. In a certain version of the game they know, this place was once occupied by goblins who were greedy for money.

Apart from oil, this barren coast has no resources worth mining.

Due to long-term oil pollution, the land along the coast cannot grow food, and neither the arakkoa nor the tiger people have any intention of occupying this place.

This coastal area is not suitable for mortal life, but it is suitable for the ancient gods who can absorb various natural energies to strengthen themselves.

Although the entire Alanca Peak Forest has sunk into the sea, the oil produced from the ground will not be affected by this, and it can continue to absorb energy from the seabed below.

Drilling into the ground was the strong point of the ancient gods. Sharlayan had reason to suspect that Gornam, who was in a weak stage, would probably be hiding under the seabed where the oil production area was located.

With the exact coordinates, the Naga who received the latest instructions quickly changed their scattered action strategy of looking for a needle in a haystack, and concentrated in large numbers in the target area.

"It's ready."

While Medivh was discussing business with Sharlayan and the other three, he was distracted and continued to grill the strange fish.

When the fish was cooked through, the astral mage waved his left hand casually, and evenly sprinkled a handful of arcane powder glowing with blue light on both sides of the strange fish.

Sharlayan asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Medivh: "Detox, you don't want to eat fish with evil energy, do you?"


Looking at the radiated fish that was dying, both Sharlayan and Jaina retched subconsciously.

"No wonder this thing looks like it's been polluted, it turns out it's really like that."

Medivh smiled nonchalantly: "Don't worry, it's guaranteed to be clean and non-toxic after my treatment, try it?"

"no thank you."

Sarlayan immediately took out roast chicken, roast goose, steak and other big meals that the chefs at home had prepared before leaving from the space package.

Since there is no concept of time flow in the space package, the food was still steaming when it was taken out.

"It's fine for us to eat regular food. Let's leave it to you to enjoy this kind of exotic food."

Medivh smiled and shook his head: "Young people must be brave enough to try new things... Forget it, if you don't eat it, Ansu, let's get rid of it."

"Okay!" (End of this chapter)

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