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Chapter 1499 Wishing to go through thousands of sails and return as a young man

Sharlayan, who was crouching in front of Nemesis, was ignorant of the chicken soup Gamalan poured for his subordinates in the middle of the temple... oh no, for the time being, he didn't know anything about the grand wish he made.

The power of nightmare in Nemesis is very pure, it is likely that Varosen corrupted it with his own hands.

Sharlayan has the blood and inheritance of the green dragon, and can enter the Emerald Dream anytime and anywhere.

He planned to use these nightmare powers to reversely track Varothen's location in the Emerald Dream, and try to take advantage of his illness to kill him.

However, it turned out that he was thinking too simply.

Varocen, who was severely injured by Malfurion and his wife, was like a frightened bird, and his defense against the outside world was unprecedentedly high.

By analyzing the nightmare power of Nemesis, it is indeed possible to point to the Emerald Dream in a targeted manner.

However, when Sharlayan was distracted and probed some souls into the dream world, he found that the source of these nightmare powers was erratic.

Obviously, in order to ensure his own safety, Varosen, who was seriously injured, consciously prepared strict anti-detection methods in advance.

"Tut! You bastard."

After the exploration was fruitless, Sharlayan could only withdraw from the Emerald Dream, and looked at the soul of the giant turtle in front of him in distress.

"This guy, how should we deal with it?"

As the shadow of the tortoise demigod Tortola, although Nemesis's strength is weaker than Tortola's, at least he can fight Cenarius who is not good at fighting.

If he is allowed to be awakened by the nightmare forces and make a big disturbance in the Temple of Atahaka, no one in the entire temple can stop him except Sharlayan and Valeera.

Sharlayan didn't care about the survival of the cult's headquarters, and killing the Ata'ai trolls was exactly what he wanted.

However, that should not be now.

As I said before, the situation in the Swamp of Sorrows will affect the whole body, not just solving the Atalai troll will eliminate the imminent border confrontation between the Stormwind Kingdom and the Gurubashi Empire.

The remnants of the Gurubashi who used each other with Atalai are still hiding in a corner of the Swamp of Sorrows to watch the show.

Before finding the hiding place of the Gurubashi remnants, Salayan and his party can't make too much noise for the Gurubashi spies to notice.

After making up his mind, Sharlayan stretched out his right hand to directly touch Nemesis's soul body entangled in the power of nightmare, and activated the colorful protection to strengthen the dream power, ensuring that this big guy cannot be killed by anyone in any form until the dust settles. wake.

"Keep sleeping, big tortoise, and when the temple incident is over, I will find a way to liberate you from the eternal nightmare."

"Now, it depends on Yrel's progress. I hope that girl's actions will go well."

After leading away the main force of the Atalai trolls, Sharlayan didn't think that Valeera and Jaina's well-prepared beheading operation would encounter many twists and turns.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The two groups of Backlight Blade Elite who acted separately have successfully completed the set goals.

What needs to be done next is nothing more than the final counterattack to wipe out the Atalai troll with the momentum of victory.

Now that she has made a move, Valeera will stop pretending and let the showdown begin.

When Sharlayan used the soul link to ask Valeera if she needed help, Valeera, who left her subordinates to clean up the mess and rushed to the north stairwell alone, rejected Sarlayan's proposal without hesitation.

"Leave these miscellaneous soldiers to me to deal with. Your way of annihilating the enemy usually causes a lot of movement, and it is not suitable in the current situation."

Sharlayan had no objection to this: "Okay, then I will leave it to you. Make sure to wipe out all the Atalai."


At the same time that Sharlayan and the others entered the temple, Yrel, riding a young dragon, also arrived at the destination under the secret guard of Onyxia and Melinthra.

When the Green Dragon Army searched for the whereabouts of the Gurubashi remnants, they discovered this group of Broken ones hiding in a corner of the swamp.

Merlinthra had never had contact with the Broken before, and knew nothing of their origins.

After turning into a night elf, Melinthra went to the Broken refuge camp to have a simple exchange with them.

Judging from the results of the test, although this group of broken people who are very indifferent to outsiders have a breath of evil energy in their bodies, they have no malicious intentions towards Azeroth, and just want to calmly usher in this corner of the swamp that no one cares about. their respective endings.

After confirming that the Broken One had nothing to do with Atalai and Gurubashi, Merlinthra did not make things difficult for them, and the two continued to live in the swamp peacefully.

Yrel, who came riding a dragon, caused quite a commotion in the Broken refuge camp.

As a prominent figure of the Draenei clan and a direct disciple of the Prophet Velen who once dominated the Draenor battlefield, Yrel is well-known among the Draenei clan, and many Broken people recognized her at a glance.

Long before the fall of Shattrath City, Yrel was already recognized as the heir to the Prophet, and her sudden arrival naturally sparked heated discussions among the Broken community.

Seeing such a big man suddenly, the broken people were quite excited, but at the same time, they had strong inferiority complex and anxiety on their faces.

This discovery made Yrel's heart feel as if she had been severely pinched, and she felt sorry for what happened to her compatriots, and she even disapproved of Velen's overly conservative strategy for dealing with the Broken.

But the current Yrel is no longer the very green little paladin when he first debuted.

After personally experiencing the Draenor War that almost led to the extinction of the Draenei, Yrel, who has gone through hardships, has matured a lot.

Thinking from the perspective of Wei Lun, it's not that she can't understand all the considerations of her mentor for stability.

But understanding does not mean agreeing.

Sarlayan learned a very reasonable saying from the barrage - the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

It is true that Yrel, who has been reborn from the ashes after going through vicissitudes, is much more mature and stable than before, and considers issues more comprehensively than when he was young, and it is rare to make a decision on the spur of the moment.

But it's like what an ancient poem left in another world said.

Before wearing the sword properly, the rivers and lakes are in the blink of an eye.

I wish to go through thousands of sails and return still young.

Yrel is just as expected in this poem. With the growth of experience, she has smoothed a lot of edges and corners, but deep in her heart she still maintains a rare heart of innocence.

If there is a problem, find a way to solve it.

The Broken, whose body is full of evil energy, does indeed have hidden dangers objectively.

Yrel didn't give up thinking like the conservative Velen, all he wanted was to maintain stability.

After arriving in New Shattrath, Yrel had in-depth exchanges with Nobundo and other Shamans of the Broken, and gained a deeper understanding of the current situation of the Broken clan.

Although due to limited vision, Yrel did not think of a way to cure the Broken once and for all.

However, through an in-depth analysis of the Holy Light... or the power of light, Yrel came up with a relatively rough method to treat the symptoms.

Spiritual leaders like Yrel and Velen have far higher prestige and influence in the clan than the actual ruling archbishops.

However, after listening to the treatment plan proposed by Yrel, the Broken Ones present showed embarrassment without exception.

"Master Yrel, please forgive me."

The leader of the refuge camp, the scholar Avern, as a representative of the Broken, questioned distressedly: "In the general perception of the Draenei, the Holy Light will inevitably restrain evil energy."

"You asked us to change our concept of the Holy Light... At least in a short period of time, it is impossible for us to do it."

Yrel was not surprised by the suspicion of the Broken, and she still had a hearty smile full of affinity on her face.

"I also know that inertial thinking is difficult to reverse. Everything is difficult at the beginning."

Yrel raised her hand and released a pure white power of light to cover Afern's body. Her action shocked Avern, who was still boiling with evil energy in his body.

But contrary to the expectations of all the Broken, Avern did not show pain under the radiance of the light. Instead, he began to feel the unique power of light with his heart in amazement.

"Sorry." After just a few seconds, Yriel withdrew his hand rather ashamedly: "With my current ability, I can only play it for so long in a day."

"But as a proof of the theory I put forward, it should be enough, right?"

Avern stood there in silence for a long time, and under the gazes of the clansmen full of eager anticipation, he withdrew his messy thoughts and took a deep breath.

"As Lord Yrel said, this special power of light can indeed effectively curb the activity of evil energy."

"We... are finally saved!"

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