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Chapter 1500 Blind Monk, you discovered Hua Dian (fog)

Yrel is undoubtedly a genius, and a genius among geniuses.

Otherwise, she would not have been accepted as a personal disciple by Velen, who had tens of thousands of years of life experience, and even planned to pass on the responsibility of leading Delaney's future into her hands.

However, even Yrel encountered many difficulties when reversing his inertial thinking and redefining the concept of Holy Light.

Referring to others, Avern's concern is not just a simple recommendation. This is indeed not a great achievement that can be achieved in a short period of time.

For the broken people who live in darkness and despair all year round, hope and light are the things they desire most but are out of reach.

The corruption of evil energy caused them to lose the ability to perceive the Holy Light.

If you forcibly call on the Holy Light, the only result will be a fierce conflict between the evil energy and the Holy Light within the body, tearing the Broken One's body apart from the inside out.

Most of the Broken, including Avern, can no longer resonate with the hopeful word "future."

However, today, the difficult road to the future pointed out by Yirel allowed them to see the hope and light that they had been missing for a long time.

The Broken Ones who have lost everything are not afraid of hardships. As long as they can see the light of hope, they are willing to fight for it at all costs.

However, as Yrel and Avern said, changing the definition of Holy Light cannot be achieved overnight.

After receiving Yrel's "enlightenment", Avern, who had personally experienced the power of light, had some insights, but he is still unable to sort out these illusory thoughts and teach them to other fellow Broken Ones.

Perhaps in a few months, Avern can become the first Broken One to master the power of light to suppress the activity of evil energy in the body, but that is at least not now.

The light of hope brought by Yrel gave the lifeless refuge camp some vitality that it had not had before.

Taking this opportunity, Yrel proposed another purpose of his visit.

"Gurubashi Troll?"

Arvern, who had just tasted the sweetness, almost offered Yrel as a god. He racked his brains to remember the questions raised by Yrel.

"There are indeed traces of troll activities in the Swamp of Sorrows, but those lunatics are not the Gurubashi trolls you mentioned. They call themselves Atal'ai."

Yrel nodded in approval: "I know that group of followers of the evil god named Atalai, and the water temple in the middle of Natan Lake is their home base."

"Avern, besides the Atal'ai trolls, have the Broken Ones seen any other suspicious trolls when they are out hunting?"

"Well..." Avern turned to look at the female leader of the Broken Breakers who was in charge of hunting in the clan: "Hilmi, please answer Lord Yrel's question."


Huntress Hilmi was once an officer under Ranger Archbishop Nellie. She also participated in the battle to defend Shattrath. Unfortunately, she was contaminated by the evil mist detonated by the Shadow Council.

However, even though she fell into the form of the Broken One, she still maintained many of the habits of a soldier.

Hilmi did not ramble like Avern and reported his findings in very concise terms.

"At around 14:00 35 days ago, when the hunting team went out to hunt, they discovered a sneaky troll near the entrance of the Misty Valley to the west."

"Judging from the troll's clothing and demeanor, he shouldn't be from the crazy Atalai."

"Misty Valley?"

Yirel thoughtfully touched his backward-curved bone horns: "Hilmi, where is the Misty Valley? Do you have a detailed map of the swamp?"


Without saying a word, Hilmi took out a map made of crocodile skin from his waist... Obviously this map was made from local materials in the Swamp of Sorrows.

On the way here, Yrel looked down from the dragon's back and saw many crocodiles.

It has been several years since the Broken Ones moved to the Swamp of Sorrows.

Unlike farmland refuges where people make a living by farming, the Broken Ones must often go out hunting.

Therefore, their understanding of this swamp is far better than that of the Stormwind Kingdom's garrison, and some of the corners are even clearer than the green dragon's.

Through the map Hilmi took out, Yrel could intuitively see the location of the Misty Valley, which was not far to the west of the refuge camp and in the northwest corner of the entire swamp area.

Yrel's fingers followed the Misty Valley southward and tapped twice at the intersection leading to the Deadwind Path.

"The Misty Valley is so close to the main intersection? Why hasn't the Alliance been able to discover it?"

Hilmi explained: "You can't just look at the straight line distance. In fact, there is a hill separating Misty Valley from the intersection that leads to Deadwind Pass."

"Unless you make a purposeful detour, you are unlikely to notice the Misty Valley just by following the main road."

"This also involves another problem, the Misty Valley - as the name suggests, this valley is shrouded in thick fog all year round."

Hilmi tapped the location of the Misty Valley on the map with her finger: "Due to Avern's tendency to adopt a conservative strategy, the refuge camp has a very negative attitude towards its neighbors. We will try our best to avoid contact with all intelligent creatures. s contact."

Yrel was not surprised by this.

Under the guidance of Velen and the Naaru, the Draenei camp has always been strictly orderly and good.

After all, the Broken Ones were transformed from the Draenei. Although their appearance was completely different, due to the moral education they had received, their outlook on the world could not be completely changed in just a few years.

The Broken Ones have very clear self-awareness, and they know that they are like biological fel bombs that may explode at any time.

In this case, a Broken Person with upright views would naturally not think of harming his neighbors.

Occasionally, individuals whose brains have been burned out by evil energy will appear, and they will be quickly killed by executioners who are responsible for executing clan members to avoid future troubles.

Therefore, even though they have long discovered that there may be troll activities in the Misty Valley near the refuge camp, Avern and others have not actively tried to explore or contact them.

It wasn't until Yriel raised this issue that Hilmi fully explained the suspicious things he had discovered more than a month ago.

The Broken Ones, including Avern and Hilmi, all regard Yrel, who seems to have come to save them from the light, as a life-saving straw, the only ray of light that exists in the endless darkness.

When Yrel proposed to borrow soldiers from the Broken Ones, the higher-ups in the refuge camp nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Fortunately, Yrel won't let the Broken One fight alone.

Through the young green dragon waiting in front of the camp, Onyxia and Melinthera, who were not far behind Yrel, quickly obtained this information.

"Misty Valley."

Melinsela looked thoughtfully at the northwest corner of the swamp: "This is indeed the Green Dragon Legion's mistake. At the beginning, we only skimmed over the Misty Valley and did not land in the valley to conduct a detailed search."

Onyxia asked with interest: "Melinsela, do you think the Gurubashi Troll will be hiding in the Valley of Mist?"

Melinsela shook her head with a dull expression: "I don't want to make unnecessary guesses. I will know what the specific situation is. I will go in and investigate in person."

Onyxia shrugged boredly: "You are obviously quite active in relationships, but you are so rigid in your life style."

"You can't win Sarlayan's approval like this."

"What?! Cough~ I mean..."

Melinsela's attitude immediately changed: "Onyxia, are you willing to help me in this regard?"

Melinsela and Onyxia are both second generation dragons, and they have grown up together.

It's just that because of their different views, Onyxia's relationship with Melinthra is not as good as that with her bad friend Chromie.

But...after all, they are still childhood playmates.

Even if it's not for fun, Aoni, who upholds the values ​​​​of the dragon family, doesn't mind letting Melinsela join this big family, and may even be happy to see it happen.

"Ha~" Seeing that Melinsela had taken the bait, Onyxia smiled meaningfully: "Let's discuss this topic in private later. Right now, business is more important."

"You don't want to delay Sarlayan's plans because of personal issues, right?"


Melinsela took a deep breath to adjust her mood: "I will send people to the farmland shelters and urge the Kingdom of Stormwind to send militia reinforcements."

"The number of Gurubashi's group of homeless dogs should not be large. The total strength of the Broken Ones plus the militia of the Kingdom of Stormwind should be enough."

Onyxia nodded: "And we are following behind to sweep the formation, so we will definitely not be able to capsize the boat."

"When necessary, don't worry about the rules and regulations. Take action when it's time to take action."

"What did Sarlayan say..." Onyxia's lips curved into a pleasant smile: "As long as there are no witnesses to testify, who can know that we violated the rules?" (End of Chapter)

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