Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1501 Two-front battle is progressing smoothly

Many years before Melinsela personally came to the Swamp of Sorrows to take over the command of the local Green Dragon Legion, the Misty Valley already existed on this land. It is a naturally formed swamp wonder.

If Sarlayan learns of this, he will soon be able to explain the origin of the Misty Valley based on the climate knowledge provided by the barrage.

The water vapor in the swamp area is very abundant. Once the temperature rises to a certain level, the water vapor will rise to form clouds, and subsequent rainfall will form a complete water cycle.

The terrain of the Misty Valley is quite special. Because of the large number of towering trees, part of the water vapor in this area does not rise to the sky, but floats in the atmosphere in the valley.

This valley with only one entrance to the sky can well lock in the temperature and moisture outflow. Under the influence of the unique environment, the valley is filled with thick fog that is difficult to disperse all year round.

A long time ago, the green dragons who stayed in the Swamp of Sorrows to monitor the Temple of Atal'Hakkar also explored deep into the Misty Valley out of curiosity.

Of course, nothing was found. In that long-ago era, the Gurubashi clan still remained in Zul'Gurub and lorded it over.

Therefore, when the green dragons received Melinthera's order to comprehensively investigate the Swamp of Sorrows, they did not go deep into the Misty Valley for detailed exploration due to inertial thinking.

This is the principle of darkness under the light that Danmu mentioned before. At that time, they joked that they would sometimes look for their mobile phones.

Although the Broken Ones have lived in seclusion in the Swamp of Sorrows for several years, they are still outsiders and are very sensitive to environmental changes in the outside world.

By chance, Hilmi and others who were out hunting discovered the whereabouts of the Gurubashi Troll and recorded it.

Through Yrel's efforts, Melinsela, who had been following behind to protect her, quickly figured out the key to the problem.

A young green dragon serving as a messenger immediately took off and rushed towards the alliance camp in the northeastern part of the swamp.

Just as Hilmi suspected, the remnants of the Gurubashi were hiding in the deepest part of the Misty Valley.

In order not to be discovered by the Alliance and the Green Dragon, Jindu and other spellcasters used the help of black magic to dig a cave directly underground on the side of the mountain.

Even if the green dragon in charge of the investigation lands in the misty valley, in this dense fog environment, it may be difficult to find the entrance to the underground cave that has been covered up layer by layer.

However, as the saying goes, as long as it exists, it will inevitably leave traces.

The remnants of the Gurubashi are not unaware of the existence of their neighbor, the Broken One.

This group of weird-looking guys always maintain an extremely low-key style and never come into contact with any outsiders.

Therefore, in order not to alert the enemy, Jin'do and Mandokir have been living in peace with the Broken Ones who are close at hand, and each of them treats the other as if they don't exist.

From Avern's point of view, there was indeed no need for them to conflict with the Gurubashi trolls.

If there are no interests involved, there will naturally be no grudges or grudges.

However, with the arrival of Yrel, the existence of the remnants of the Gurubashi became related to the interests of the Broken Ones.

After winning the Broken One's trust through actual performance, Yrel unabashedly said what Sarlayan had specifically asked him to tell the Broken One before.

"My plan is only a temporary solution at best, and cannot solve the source of the accumulated evil energy in your body."

The honest man Yrel explained solemnly: "The nature-changing holy light can effectively curb the continuous erosion of your body and will caused by evil energy, but it cannot cure your traumatized body and soul."

"You should also know that the Draenei clan has joined the Alliance, the most important international cooperation organization in Azeroth."

"One of the major members of the of the senior managers of Quel'Thalas once proposed an idea to me."

"He is quite confident that he can completely eliminate the hidden dangers of evil energy in your body through the gentler force of nature, and even... it is possible to transform you into the form of Delaney again."

If Yrel had just arrived, her empty words would have been regarded as nonsense by the Broken Ones.

Trust is something that is built step by step.

With Yrel's previous actual actions as evidence, the Broken Ones, including Avern, were still a little doubtful, but at least they did not immediately jump out to accuse Yrel of making up random stories.

After throwing out the most delicious pie, Yrel successfully convinced the Broken One.

In order to show his worth to the Alliance, Avern gritted his teeth and decided that the Broken Ones in the refuge camp would fully assist the Alliance in wiping out the Gurubashi trolls who were trying to provoke war again in Azeroth.

After making the decision, Hilmi, who adhered to the military style, quickly led a small team of elite scouts to go to the Misty Valley to investigate intelligence.

Since there had never been any conflict between the two tribes before, the Gurubashi trolls also made the mistake of inertial thinking.

The unique environment of the Misty Valley is fair to everyone. The Gurubashi trolls who have been hiding here for a long time are also invisible in the thick fog.

The Gurubashi Trolls did not have an eye on the Broken Ones' refuge camp. Their manpower was already stretched thin and had to be used in the most critical places.

Therefore, Hilmi and other scouts used the cover of thick fog to sneak into the Misty Valley quietly.

Even with a strong purposeful exploration, it took Hilmi and his party three days to find the entrance to the underground cave that was covered up through various means.

The experienced Hilmi had no intention of exploring further into the cave.

The defense strength inside and outside the underground cave will definitely be completely different. In order to avoid incurring the Gurubashi's defense in advance, after finding out the entrance to the cave, Hilmi decisively led the scouts back to the refuge camp along the same route.

The Swamp of Sorrows is very vast, and there are very few roads that can lead to it. If you are not careful, you will fall into the mud like Yrel did before.

As natives of the Swamp of Sorrows, the Broken Ones and the militiamen of Farmland Sanctuary are already very familiar with this swampy area.

Even so, after receiving the military order from the Deep Shadow Archduke conveyed by the Green Dragon Messenger, it took several days for the urgently assembled Stormwind Kingdom militia to quietly enter the refuge camp under the secret guidance of the Broken One.

Due to the sudden incident, even with the militia reinforced by the Alliance, Yrel's available troops did not exceed 500.

Fortunately, the lost dogs of Gurubashi were not much better. Their main force had long been annihilated in the Battle of Zul'Gurub.

The number of people who escaped with Jindu and Mandokir was just over a thousand. Excluding those priests and magician family members who had little fighting ability, the number of combatable soldiers would never exceed 500.

One thing to say is that Sarlayan, whose vision is getting higher and higher, really cannot arouse any interest in this kind of local war on the scale of a village war.

Yrel has not been in Azeroth for a long time, so this is a good opportunity to familiarize her with an ancient tradition in Azeroth - eating, sleeping and fighting trolls.

Yrel had no complaints about this, and it wasn't like Sharlayan didn't pay him.

The reward here is not vulgar money, but the promise of complete healing of the broken.

Yrel knew Sarlayan relatively well, and she knew that the Archduke of Deep Shadow was not someone who just spoke freely.

Since he said there was hope for reversing the Broken One's disease, it must be true.

Winning over the estranged Broken Ones was something even the prophet Velen could not do. Yrel, who wanted to surpass his mentor and take over the burden from his hands, was very motivated at the moment.

Under the secret protection of Onyxia and Melinthera, the heroic Yrel quickly relied on the prestige of the Shadow Archduke and his own military ability to unite the Storm Militia of the Breakers who had cooperated for the first time. Together.

"Oh~" Melinsela said quite unexpectedly: "I have to say that Sarlayan's eye for identifying people is as strong as ever. This child's personality charm and ability to lead troops are very outstanding."

Onyxia smiled and shrugged: "Otherwise? Sharlayan spent a lot of effort to bring this arrogant girl back from Draenor. Of course, she must put her to good use."

While Yrel was secretly preparing for war, Sarlayan and his party also just completed the task of suppressing the Temple of Atal'Hakkar.

Just as Sharlayan expected, Jamalan's ambition was just a castle in the air.

Suppressed by absolute strength, the Atalai lunatics who were beaten to death by Jamalan did not last long, and no miracle happened.

Valeela rode through the barrier alone, and with her own strength, she completely destroyed the morale of the Atalai return troops in just a few days.

When Sarlayan, who was still guarding Nemesis, learned about this, he complained in the Soul Link channel with emotion: "The unspoken rule that demigods do not interfere in mortal fights is indeed reasonable. This is simply a dimensionality reduction attack. .”

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