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Chapter 1502 Furious Nemesis

The demigod-level thief attacks with all his strength, and it is simply not something that ordinary people can stop.

Valeera is like a ghost that comes and goes without a trace. No one she targets can survive the next day.

Influenced by Sharlayan's habit, Valeela also likes to prioritize the beheading of enemy commanders.

Therefore, Jamalan, who had made bold statements not long ago, died early without realizing his ambition, and rushed to the Shadow Realm to start a new life with another Atalai councilman who was at the front and whom he used as cannon fodder.

There is nothing to say next. Atalai, who collapsed during the period, was defeated by the reinforcements of the Backlight Blade.

Under Jaina's blockade, not a single one of these cultists escaped from the temple alive.

Under the influence of despair, the evil priests who were protected by the troll warriors at the rear hysterically sacrificed their lives and the lives of their comrades, trying to call for Hakkar to come again to turn the tide.

However, this is of no use.

Haka didn't respond to the believers' offer of sacrifice at all. He ate the candy without ceremony, but shot the cannonball back.

Seeing that Hakkar was not giving him face, the completely crazy priests could only change their minds and began to seek help from the allies of the nightmare forces.

Not to mention, this move really made them miss the mark.

The nightmare forces have actually been silently paying attention to the development of the situation in the Atalhaka Temple.

However, a combination of punches from Sarlayan and others came too suddenly. Before they could react, Atalai, the evil church that had been hiding under the eyes of the Dragon Legion for many years, came to an end.

Now that things have happened, the Nightmare side doesn't intend to hide it anymore.

They plan to make a desperate move and use the power obtained by the last Atalai priest to sacrifice his life to forcibly awaken Nemesis, who has not yet been completely corrupted, and let this irrational giant turtle completely mess up the situation in the Atal'ahaka Temple.

...At least it will cause some losses to Quel'Thalas' secret intelligence force.

Sarlayan, who was squatting in front of Nemesis, could intuitively feel the changes in this big turtle.

Previously, the power of nightmare had been trying to penetrate deep into its soul body, corrupting Nemesis's will from the inside out.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the nightmare forces hiding in the corner of the Emerald Dream gritted their teeth and decided to give it a try.

They forcibly mobilized the power of nightmare covering Nemesis, trying to awaken it from its seemingly endless slumber.

At this time, Nemesis was in a critical period of being corrupted, but not completely corrupted.

If the corruption is completed, Nemesis will completely become the lackey of the Nightmare Legion, and will still retain extremely high intelligence...wisdom after being twisted.

However, the state of Nemesis between quantum superposition states is relatively ambiguous, and even the Nightmare Legion cannot command it.

In other words, this giant turtle is completely out of control.

The forcibly awakened Nemesis will attack all surrounding creatures indiscriminately, with no concept of friend or foe at all.

This is undoubtedly bad news for the Backlight Blade, which has just pacified the Atal'Hakkar Temple.

There are no trolls left in the temple. No matter what Nemesis does, the only ones injured will be the Backlight Blades who have not escaped from the temple.

Sarlayan tried his best to release the power of dreams to suppress Nemesis's awakening, but the big guy's increasingly violent consciousness was still recovering bit by bit, and it was impossible to suppress it any longer.

"Valeera, assist Jaina in opening the portal and send all members of the Backlight Blade back to the Green Dragon camp as soon as possible."

Valeela, who has always maintained a soul link with Sarlayan, also knows that the current situation is urgent.

These thieves are the elites that the Backlight Blade has cultivated over the years, and they must not be allowed to be lost here meaninglessly.

"Leave the evacuation work to us. Are you sure you can defeat the violent Nemesis alone?"


Sarlayan's right hand stretched forward was still shining with the emerald green light of power: "How will you know if you don't try it? It shouldn't be a big problem."

Even under the full suppression of the power of the dream, Nemesis's closed eyelids were constantly trembling due to the increased sacrifices of the Atalai priests, and he was about to break free from the restraints and wake up completely.

"Move quickly! I'll buy you 1 minute at most!"

The elite members of the Backlight Blade were well-trained. After receiving Valeera's order to evacuate quickly, they did not chatter and ask questions. They just silently carried out the commander's order and walked in Valeera and Jaina quickly and orderly. A large portal opened by cooperation.

In just one minute, more than a hundred thieves from the Backlight Blade successfully completed their evacuation.

Sarlayan also took advantage of the situation to take back the dream power he had released, and while jumping back a step, he drew out the Valajar war sword.


Without Sarlayan's suppression, Nemesis, who was already ready to move, immediately opened his scarlet eyes, and his violent momentum immediately rose into the sky.

Even Yrel and others on the other side of the swamp can feel the ominous aura coming from the distance.

Yrel frowned and turned to look at Avern, who looked confused: "There must be something going on at the temple. The Gurubashi trolls should also take action soon. We must take action first." powerful."

Avern nodded hurriedly and said: "I know nothing about military command. The subsequent battle will be left to Lord Yrel."

"very good."

Yrel took a deep breath and summoned the Holy Light Thunder Elephant Soul again. When she turned over and rode on the Thunder Elephant's back, she pulled out the one-handed sword hanging at her waist and the shield on her back.


As the halo of piety unfolded at the feet of the thunder elephant, everyone present could feel a familiar blessing of power.

"O Holy Light! Give us the blessing of strength to defeat our enemies!"

After blessing the whole army with the power of halo and blessing, Yrel raised the long sword in his hand towards the direction of the Misty Valley.

"Brave soldiers! This battle is to crush the evil Gurubashi troll's conspiracy to provoke war again. We are fighting for justice and justice!"


Yrel shouted in a loud voice: "All the troops! Go to war!"

At the same time, Jindu and Mandokir, who were hiding deep in the Misty Valley, also received information from the scouts who stayed outside.

"Is there anything unusual happening in the Atalhaka Temple?"

Jindu, who was using sorcery to artificially transform the troll berserker, frowned tightly under his voodoo mask.

"Damn it! What are those crazy cultists doing?"

Since the actions of Sarlayan and his party are very secretive, Gurubashi has not yet obtained any information that the temple has been invaded by foreign enemies.

Blood Lord Mandokir walked in quickly at this time, his expression seemed a little uneasy.

"Kindoo, something's not right."

"According to the perceptions of the priests and magicians, this sudden explosion of power did not come from Hakkar, but the equally weird power of nightmare."


Jindu's wary eyes narrowed slightly: "According to Atalai's side, they only have a cooperative relationship with the nightmare forces, and they will not use that big killer weapon unless absolutely necessary."

"That is to say..."

Mandokir nodded solemnly: "I suspect something happened to the temple, otherwise Atalai wouldn't have gone all out to awaken the half-finished nightmare monster."

"I have a bad feeling. Our hiding spot may have been exposed, and the enemy's encirclement is tightening step by step."


Jindu exhaled a long breath, barely calming down his inner irritability.

"Blood Lord, I trust your judgment on the war."

"Regardless of whether the enemy has discovered our whereabouts, we must be ready to fight as soon as possible."

Mandokir nodded: "Leave the work on the battlefield to me. You should first think about how we can get out of the current predicament."

The Gurubashi's political system is very similar to that of the orcs. It also adopts a dual system. The status of the chief magician and the chief are basically parallel.

Blood Lord Mandokir has excellent military talents and strong combat effectiveness. He is responsible for all war matters.

Jindu is resourceful and has many clever ideas. He is usually the one who plans the overall direction of the Gurubashi clan.

But again, no amount of tricks can withstand absolute strength.

The Gurubashi clan has long been in decline, and the successive rebellions of big clans such as Bloodscalp and Skullsplitter sounded the death knell for their complete decline.

Even without the sudden rise of the Darkspear clan, Jindu and Mandokir knew that their clan was destined not to last long.

This is why Jindu desperately seeks help from the evil god Hakkar.

Of course, Jindu also had his own ideas. He didn't just want to turn to Hakkar for help, but he wanted to usurp Hakkar's power for his own use in accordance with the tradition of trolls conquering their superiors.

However, it turned out that he was out of luck and lost everything.

Jindu and Mandokir could only take a few of their confidants to escape from the capital city that no longer belonged to them, hiding in this barren swamp, trying to fish in troubled waters and make a comeback with the help of the war between the Empire and the Kingdom of Stormwind.

"Finally...has it come to this time?"

Jin Du, who has a very flexible mind, has actually half guessed and half analyzed the development of the situation.

This time, the Gurubashi clan may be doomed.

The dejected look flashed across his eyes, and Jindu's eyes soon became fierce.

"Even if we are destined to perish, we will still struggle until the last moment!"

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