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Chapter 1503 Working in the sea? You have no chance

For the Gurubashi clan, which once sat high in the sky and lorded it over them, this life of wallowing in the quagmire is undoubtedly a kind of mental torture.

Jindu and Mandokir, who secretly provoked the war, were not sure of success, but they did not want to continue to live such a humiliating life, so they simply put all their bets and gave it a try.

In the words of barrage... If you win, you will be a young model in the club, if you lose, you will work in the sea.

Of course, this is just a mocking metaphor.

In fact, Gurubashi, who had even bet on the bitter tea seeds, had no chance of working in the sea.

Once they fail, there is only one outcome waiting for them - destruction.

Unlike Mandokir, who was aware of the situation in advance, Jindu, who prided himself on being far-sighted, was still unwilling to do so. He didn't want to understand where the loopholes in his plan were.

Sarlayan was under no obligation to provide Jindo with an in-depth analysis of his seemingly rigorous but actually leaky plan.

At the moment, he was busy fighting the giant beast at the lowest level of the Temple of Atal'Hakkar.

The Temple of Atal'Hakkar is a large altar used by the Atal'ai trolls to worship Hakkar. The possibility of Hakkar living in it was considered at the beginning of its construction.

As we all know, Haka the Soul Reaver is not small in size.

At a glance at this temple, which can accommodate Haka's passage, you can see many details that do not conform to the construction habits of mortals. Many places are made to be ridiculously large.

The destroyed Atalai Trolls never expected that Hakkar, the true owner of this temple, would not use it. Their desperate wish to turn to the nightmare forces for help was answered instead.

Although Nemesis can't fully stretch out in the temple, at least he doesn't feel much constrained when moving.


Seeing Nemesis skillfully retracting his limbs into his shell, Sarlayan subconsciously thought of the unique trick Tortora had used in the Battle of Hyjal.

The barrage jokingly named it Big Bird...ah, the turtle is spinning around.

To put it simply, this move uses centrifugal force to continuously rotate the turtle shell, thereby generating a powerful impact to attack the enemy. It is one of the rare attack moves of Tortola who is good at defense but not good at offense.

If it were in a spacious wilderness, Sarlayan would have at least a dozen ways to avoid this turtle spin (named by Sarlayan).

But the question is, in this temple passage that is just enough for Nemesis to walk through freely, where can Sarlayan hide?

Nemesis, who had begun to rotate vigorously, drove the airflow in the channel. Even if he could use some gaps to avoid the direct attack of the turtle shell, the subsequent violent airflow disturbance would drag Sarlayan into it.

What's even more fucked up is this.

The guys who were hiding behind the scenes and controlling the power of nightmare in Nemesis's diffused body were actually able to form a spatial fuzzy field covering a certain range in a short period of time.

It would be troublesome to explain in detail, and Sarlayan doesn't have the time to analyze it in depth now.

To put it bluntly, Sarlayan is temporarily unable to activate the space teleportation ability, unless he dares to risk falling into the space turbulence and use it forcefully.

"That's awesome! A group of old Yinbi are quite well prepared!"

Sarlayan grinned in pain: "Is it possible that we can only attack head-on? This wave of losses is huge!"

If Sarlayan can prepare in advance, it is not completely impossible to deal with it. He can first distance himself through the corner and enter the central square where the terrain is more spacious.

However, Nemesis did not give him a chance to distance himself.

In just a few seconds, the crazily rotating turtle shell accelerated to the extreme, as if it was catapulted, and it flew towards Sarlayan who was just about to run away.

"Gan! There's nothing we can do, just come on!"

It is obviously impossible to stop this giant top using only human form.

Not to mention other reasons, the difference in tonnage alone is too big, and even the best force-bearing point cannot be grasped.

At the critical moment, Sharlayan activated Ursoc's incarnation and transformed into a giant bear with rough skin and thick flesh.

Limited by the height of the passage, the giant bear transformed by Sarlayan was unable to rise up manually, and could only reluctantly raise two bear claws engraved with magic patterns to protect its head.


As the two giant objects collided, a huge muffled sound exploded in the already deserted temple.

After struggling to withstand the first wave of impact, Sarlayan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was being pushed back by Nemesis, who was still spinning, it was not because his lower body was unstable.

Sarlayan did this on purpose, in order to escape from this cramped passage and enter the central hall with a wider terrain to fight again.

As Sharlayan's strength increased, Ursoc's avatar's defense was further enhanced.

In addition to the simple increase in panel capabilities, Sarlayan also put a solid earth element shield on the surface of the giant bear's body.

The cutting effect caused by Nemesis's rapid rotation was perfectly isolated by these earth element shields that were broken and immediately repaired, and failed to cause any damage to Sarlayan's body.

After finally being pushed out of the corner passage by the turtle, Sarlayan used the force to roll sideways and finally avoided Nemesis' direct attack.


Unable to stop, Nemesis continued to spin forward without any surprise, and crashed into the wall on the other side of the central hall.

This underwater temple, which has existed for more than 200 years, made a heart-breaking sound of the earth shaking, as if it would completely collapse in the next moment.

But it's actually not that exaggerated.

Nemesis, who was demolishing his home, did cause considerable damage to the structure of the temple, but at least it would not collapse in the short term.


After avoiding Nemesis's turtle spin, Sarlayan's transformed giant bear was finally able to stand up in the central hall.

The towering zenith could even accommodate green dragons flying in the original history. Only here can Sharlayan truly let go of his hands and feet to fight.


As usual, he started with Dragon's Roar to add BUFF. The huge Ursoc transformed into a human and ran towards the direction where Nemesis was stuck by the wall.

Even though Nemesis's powerful attack shocked Sarlayan, Sarlayan, who had fought alongside Tortola, knew very well the combat characteristics of the turtle-shaped demigod.

In a word, there is more than enough defense but not enough offense.

After resisting Nemesis's initial attack, Sarlayan had passed the most difficult part of this battle.'s just a question of how to remove the turtle shell.

Due to a congenital flaw, the turtle-shaped demigod's attack power is terrible.

Nemesis, who had lost the power of rotation, could only rely on the power of nightmare remaining in her body to try to corrode Sarlayan's will.

However, in front of Sarlayan, who was protected by the power of dreams, Nemesis' unskilled use of the power of nightmare was nothing more than a three-legged cat skill and could not cause him any trouble.

After being stuck in the wall, Nemesis, who lost his mind, instinctively stopped spinning and struggled to pull himself out of the wall.

Sarlayan didn't give it this chance. The huge brown bear kicked off its hind legs and jumped into the air. Like an enlarged Pandaren monk, it kicked Nemesis away from the restraints.


Accompanied by Sarlayan's strange scream when he made his move, Nemesis was kicked deeper into the wall, becoming stuck even more tightly, unable to move at all.

【……That's it? it's over? 】

[No, how can it be so fast? It is not easy to break through Nemesis's defense, but... the most intense part really ends here. 】

【if not? How much attack power do you expect the turtle to have? It’s okay to think too much. 】

[Nemesis's strongest attacks are the turtle spin in the starting hand and the nightmare corrosion which is not mastered skillfully. 】

[After the three axes at the beginning were defended, this guy had no choice but to rest and see how Sarlayan broke the turtle's defense. 】

Ursoc's avatar has strong defense, but not so much in terms of attack power.

After completely immobilizing Nemesis with a flying kick, Sarlayan immediately transformed into the golden dragon prototype and took a deep breath of air in front of the unable to move Nemesis.

"hold head high!!"

The breath of the golden guardian dragon, which is the fusion of the five powers, illuminates this dim underwater temple.

Nemesis struggled so hard that the whole temple shook. Sarlayan's dragon's breath was like boiling a frog in warm water, slowly increasing the temperature on the surface of the turtle shell.

Archimonde's finger of death couldn't forcefully break through Tortora's turtle shell, and Sharlayan didn't expect to be able to directly cause damage with the same dragon's breath.

By the time Sarlayan finished taking a deep breath, Nemesis had been burned unconscious by the ultra-high temperature turtle shell.

If the soul of the demigod hadn't been tough enough and Nemesis's own vitality was strong enough, any other kind of demigod would have been roasted by the dragon's breath.

Even so, Nemesis, who was quickly defeated, still made the nightmare forces who were hiding in the dreamland and watching the development of the situation from a distance wailing.

"That damn hybrid dragon has become stronger again! Even Nemesis can't harm him. How on earth are we going to complete the mission assigned by the Nightmare King before he retreats?"

"Finding a way to get rid of Sharlayan Deep Shadow? Is this really something we can do?"

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