Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1504 N'Zoth's Anxiety

The Nightmare King Valothen left three kill orders for the Nightmare Legion before retreating to recuperate.

One of them was Sharlayan Deep Shadow personally appointed by N'Zoth, and the other two were of course Malfurion and Tyrande, who beat Varocen so hard that he couldn't take care of himself.

One thing to say, the distressed Nightmare Legion would rather trouble Malfurion and Tyrande than provoke Sharlayan.

After all, the couple had just broken through and became demigods, so they would definitely be much easier to deal with than Sharlayan.

Even the forces of Nightmare, who are hostile to the forces of the Guardians of Azeroth, can tell who is the greater threat.

Since Sharlayan was born and gradually emerged in Azeroth, troublemakers including N'Zoth almost watched him make rapid progress like a rocket.

Even the well-informed Old Gods have never seen a mortal progress so rapidly.

In just a dozen years, he broke through the threshold restricting mortals with unprecedented efficiency, and steadily stepped into a higher level of life form, the demigod realm.

And Sharlayan still did not stop moving forward.

Due to the limitations of the power of the five-color dragon, he was indeed forced to stand still for a while.

But Sharlayan's hard work and accumulation during that time would not be in vain. Once he broke through the bottleneck, he quickly reached level 63 through accumulation.

After formally mastering his natal power, Sharlayan had an inexplicable premonition.

He will never encounter any obstacles again until he touches the final barrier between demigods and true gods.

Sharlayan's seemingly endless progress made the scalps of all enemies who secretly followed him feel numb.

Known as the strongest demigod, Malorne's strength is well-deserved number one in Azeroth.

Unfortunately, Malorne died at the hands of Archimonde in order to protect his son Cenarius in the War of the Ancients.

This great white deer is still waiting to be revived in the Emerald Dreamland, and he cannot be counted as the top combat power of Azeroth for the time being.

Today, the most powerful people in Azeroth are the Great Guardian Raiden who sits in Ulduar and the Chief Manager Odin.

The ancient gods in their heyday may be able to surpass the combat power of a single titan guardian, but the ancient gods in a sealed state cannot exert their full strength at all.

Layden has the hard power of the peak level 66, and Odin is slightly inferior, but his fighting skills are stronger than Layden, who is more inclined to civilians.

Under the leaders of these two titan guardians is the overwhelmed Deathwing. The fallen black dragon king barely stepped into the threshold of level 66, but his actual combat power is a bit worse than Odin and Raiden.

Then there are guardian warriors like Hodir and Thorim. They have the peak strength of level 65, which is equal to the four guardian dragons. However, it is Freya, Azadas and Mimiron who are not good at Logistical guardians of combat.

Further down are combat wilderness demigods such as Goldrinn and Asaman, as well as top loa such as Bwonsamdi and Rezan.

The above is the first sequence of Azeroth's combat power, followed by the second sequence composed of other demigods and Loa.

After fully mastering the power of colorful protection, Sharlayan can already stand firmly in the front row of the second sequence.

No kidding, except for those famous bosses in the first sequence, Sharlayan can completely walk sideways in the second sequence.

This can be seen from the results of his daily sparring with Onyxia.

When meeting Onyxia for the first time, Sharlayan was powerless against her.

In just over a dozen years, the current Sharlayan has been able to suppress the Black Dragon Princess with all his strength.

Onyxia is not the top of the second generation of dragons, but she can still be ranked in the upper middle position. There are only three or four people in the younger generation who can stabilize her.

Nefarian counts as one, and Anachronos, who has the power of time and has a strange and unpredictable fighting style, counts as one. Arygos and Karen are only a little stronger than Onyxia. Merlinsera and Chromie They are all the same as her.

Such a horizontal comparison, Sharlayan is also a top-notch combat power in the Dragon II group.

Even with all the cards out of both sides, Nefarian can't say that he can win against Salayan, and the probability of overturning is very high.

It took Sarlayan only more than ten years of accumulation to grow to this stage, and he is still making progress visible to the naked eye.

None, Sharlayan's enemies and allies alike, doubted his potential.

As long as he is given enough time, sooner or later, Sharlayan will grow up to be invincible all over Azeroth.

And judging from his progress over the past ten years, this day may come earlier than many people expected.

Such a high-threat target is undoubtedly a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh for N'Zoth who is trying to escape from prison and make trouble.

N'Zoth had already made up his mind to get rid of this serious problem before Sharlayan grew too big to handle.

This is just a calculation of Sharlayan's personal combat power. His layout planning ability is also excellent, and he has destroyed the plans of the Alliance of Ancient Gods and the Burning Legion more than once.

In the tragic battle of Hyjal, Sharlayan even relied on all the resources available in his hands to calculate and kill the polluter who stepped into the threshold of the true god—the mighty Archimonde.

This made N'Zoth feel even more fucked up.

Sharlayan, who is proficient in calculation, is not so easy to be calculated by the enemy.

Unable to think of a perfect solution, N'Zoth could only hold back for the time being, pinning his hopes on Deathwing who had not recovered from his injury.

As long as Deathwing strikes, everything will be fine.jpg

N'Zoth is not blindly confident, because Deathwing's return does not just bring back his own powerful combat power.

The natural disasters caused by the elemental tide will inevitably sweep across Azeroth, and all the powerful elements that have been sealed will take this opportunity to return strongly.

N'Zoth really couldn't believe that Sharlayan could survive the joint attack of Deathwing, Ragnaros and Al'Akir.

If Sharlayan knew the plan behind N'Zoth's gritted teeth and patience, he would definitely sneer at his face.

what? Only you can play righteous three-on-one? When the time comes, come and compare and see who has more flags.

Sharlayan knew nothing of the gnashing of teeth of the Nightmare Legion, and he was not interested in paying attention to the impotent barking of the defeated dogs.

After confirming that Nemesis was stunned by using the dragon's breath, Sharlayan immediately changed back into a human form, and leaned in front of Nemesis, who had not moved at all.

At this time, Nemesis, who was steaming all over his body, really felt a bit like the flame tortoise in the mouth of the barrage... Of course, the principle is actually completely different.

Sharlayan didn't want to touch the hot tortoise shell with his hands, so he activated the power of death to collect Nemesis' soul body into the withered world of Zlos, completely cutting off the last point between Nemesis and the Nightmare Legion. connect.

Just as Goldrinn's strength increased after devouring Lycanthos, as the shadow of Tortola, the soul of Nemesis is also a great tonic to the tortoise demigod.

When things in the Swamp of Sorrows were over, Sharlayan planned to visit Mount Hyjal and deliver the Shiquan Dabu Pill to Tortola's mouth, further strengthening the strength of the guardians of Azeroth.


As Nemesis, which was supporting the temple structure, disappeared out of thin air, the battered underwater structure finally failed.

A large amount of lake water poured in along the cracks, and the turbulent water flow further accelerated the collapse of the temple.

After dealing with Nemesis' soul, Sharlayan activated the teleportation spell on the spot without hesitation.

At the same time, Valeera and Jaina, who returned to the Green Dragon camp first, witnessed the whole process of the destruction of the Temple of Atahaka.

However, the two of them didn't worry about Sarlayan's safety because of this. As the people next to them, they were very aware of Sarlayan's strength.

Even if he couldn't defeat Nemesis in this short period of time, at least he could protect himself.

"Hi~ I'm back."

Sure enough, when the two were whispering to each other about when Salayan would return from the temple, Salayan's voice sounded behind them.

Valeera turned her head and looked over without any surprise: "Where's Nemesis? The capture failed?"

"How can it be."

Sharlayan smiled and pointed to his chest: "It's 'another world', we'll talk about the specifics when we go back."

"Let's get down to business first."

After suppressing his smile, Sharlayan turned to look northwest of the swamp.

"Any news from Yrel?"


Jaina showed the note she had just received: "Yrel has integrated the militias of the Broken and the Kingdom of Stormwind. Before she left for the expedition, she entrusted a Broken scholar to send the latest news."

"The remnants of the Gurubashi are hiding in the Misty Valley not far from the Breakers refuge camp. At this time, the vanguards of the two armies should have already made contact."

I have something to go to my hometown tomorrow. I don’t have time to code on the way back and forth. Please take a day off and update the day after tomorrow. Please forgive me.

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