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Chapter 1564 Dawn of the Broken

The first person to undergo the reversal experiment was Hilmi, the leader of the Broken Rangers who volunteered.

As the supreme leader of this group of Broken Ones, Avern originally wanted to be the first experimental subject himself. However, considering the risks involved in the experiment and considering the overall situation, Avern was finally convinced by Hilmi.

Hilmi walked out of the laboratory and attracted the attention of a large number of Shatters and Draenei, including Yrel.

In order to witness the results of this crucial experiment with his own eyes, even Nobundo put aside his busy schedule and rushed to Quel'Thalas.

After all, this experiment was related to the future of the entire Broken family, so he couldn't help but take it seriously.

Hilmi's appearance has not changed much. Her cheeks and body still look very thin compared with normal Draenei.

However, this was not because the reversal experiment was unsuccessful, but because her body had not yet recovered from the long-term deficit caused by evil energy and needed to absorb sufficient nutrients to regain health.

Hilmi, as the person involved, knows her current physical condition better than anyone else.

It has been 23 years since Shattrath City was breached three years before the Dark Portal.

During these 20 years, the chaotic and uncontrolled evil energy has been stubbornly entrenched in Hilmi's body, torturing her body and mind all the time.

This is a hardship that all Broken Ones will face. If they can survive it, they can continue to survive. If they cannot survive it... the only choice is for the compatriots to give this unlucky guy a good time before he completely loses control.

After receiving the reversal treatment from the high elf biomedical experts, Hilmi was pleasantly surprised to feel the long-lost relief. The evil energy that had been tormenting her before disappeared without a trace under the mediation of Arcandor.

Although from the appearance point of view, Hilmi is not much different from other Breakers, the two are completely different in essence.

Without the stubborn evil energy that continues to damage the body and prevents the body's natural recovery, Hilmi will soon regain the appearance of a normal Draenei as long as she can supplement adequate nutrition.


Nobundo, the chief shaman of the Breakers, personally checked Hilmi's physical condition and repeatedly expressed disbelief.

The problem that had troubled countless Broken People for more than 20 years was solved in this way, and it was solved by an outsider who had never studied the ecology of the Broken People before. This somewhat made Nobundo feel a little embarrassed.

But after all, Nobundo is not the kind of person who values ​​face more than the actual situation. As long as it can solve the biggest problem faced by the Broken Ones, regardless of whether the solution is from the hands of the Broken Ones, it is always a good thing.

Sarlayan had also tried to forcefully use the power of life to expel the evil energy in the Broken One before.

However, it turns out that without Arcandor's special ability to mediate energy, the Broken One's chronic illness is not so easy to solve.

Fandral's treatment plan included two aspects. One was to use a special type of Arcandor specially adjusted for the Broken to reconcile the evil energy in their bodies.

At the same time, Fandral also added special medicine to Akandor specifically for curing the Red Scourge, a two-pronged approach to solve the Broken One's stubborn ailments.

Judging from the results, Vandal's treatment plan was almost perfect.

Saryan, who came to the scene to observe the results in person, took action immediately, and the gentle and vigorous power of life enveloped Hilmi, who was still immersed in joy.

Under the influence of this life force, Hilmi's skinny cheeks and body expanded rapidly like a balloon.

By the time Sarlayan put down his right hand in relief, Hilmi's appearance had changed dramatically.

"I..." Hilmi stroked her plump cheeks with trembling hands: "Have you changed back? Where's the mirror... Where's the mirror!"

As the former right-hand subordinate of Ranger Archbishop Nellie, Hilmi is a mature and stable senior high-level ranger. Even Avern, who has lived with her for 20 years, has never seen her so excited. .

However, as a member of the Broken Ones, Avern can understand Hilmi's mood at the moment.

Avern immediately came to help, and an arcane water mirror appeared in front of Hilmi.

Since being forcibly transformed into a Broken One, Hilmi has not taken the initiative to look in the mirror for more than 20 years.

Seeing her appearance again after so many years, Hilmi had an uncontrollable smile of surprise on her face.

"Really...changed back!"

Including Nobundo, all the Breakers present turned their heads to look at the Arcandor fruit placed on the experimental table.

Noticing the way the Broken Ones' eyes were shining, Sarlayan shook his head with a smile.

"Everyone, please don't be anxious. Not to mention that if it is only used for the existing Breakers in New Shattrath City, the current reserve of Arkandor Fruit will definitely be enough."

As mentioned before, the Broken Ones under Avern, Akama, and Nobundo combined are just the tip of the iceberg of this population.

Before the efficacy of the special Arcandor was determined, Sarlayan did not catalyze a large number of seeds sent by Fandral, but only used the power of life to ripen and grow a giant tree.

After many rounds of improvements by Fandral and Farodin, this single Arcandor alone can produce up to tens of thousands of fruits every year, which is definitely enough in a short period of time.

In the next half month, a fixed quota of 100 Broken Ones entered the biological laboratory for treatment every day. Like Hilmi, they all got rid of the torture of evil energy and recovered their health.

However, Saryan did not personally provide them with nutrition like he helped Hilmi.

Hilmi was just a special case. Sarlayan wanted to see the final effect of the treatment as soon as possible, so he took action to shorten her recovery time.

The other Broken Ones ate on their own to supplement their nutrition and recover slowly, and they had no complaints about this.

Unlike the once hopeless existence, now they can at least see their future through Hilmi's transformation. A little recovery time is nothing to the immortal Draenei.

After several days of experiments to confirm that Arcandor's treatment had no side effects, Nobundo packed more than 1,000 of the fruits into his own space package and hurried back to Mysterious Blue, which was far away in Kalimdor. island.

Fandral's fool-like treatment process is not difficult to learn. Nobundo learned everything about it on the first day of the treatment experiment, and he is confident that he can complete the entire treatment process himself.

This successful treatment experiment even alarmed the prophet Velen who was originally sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. After Nobundo rushed back to New Shattrath to inform his colleagues on the Bishops' Council of the situation, Velen personally went to Unicorn City and sincerely expressed his sincere gratitude to Nobundo. Sarlayan expressed his thanks.

"Your Majesty the Prophet, there is no need to be so polite."

Sharlayan waved his hand freely: "Delaenei are allies who jointly protect Azeroth, and it is natural for them to provide assistance to their allies within their capabilities."

"Besides, the biggest contributor to this treatment plan is not me, but Archdruid Fandral Staghelm who is currently working on an environmental management project in Draenor."

Sarlayan smiled and said to Velen: "If you really want to express your gratitude, why not provide Fandral with some material assistance that will help improve the environment of Draenor."

Velen nodded solemnly: "This is what we should do. I plan to go to Draenor in person and ask Staghelm Archdruid what kind of material support he needs."

Although Velen followed Sarlayan's statement and temporarily changed the topic, he would not forget the important role played by Sarlayan in his heart.

The Draenei are, after all, outsiders to the native residents of Azeroth. If there is no connection between Sharlayan, who is increasingly famous and has wide contacts, why should Fandral Staghelm, who is not familiar with them, come to help?

Velen doesn't like to talk about kindness repeatedly, he prefers to use practical actions to repay this huge favor.

To put it bluntly, Sarlayan had no intention of repaying a favor.

The reason for helping the draenei solve the problem of the Broken Ones is not only to win over the draenei clan who are not very familiar with Azeroth at this stage, but also to repay their full support in many previous projects.

High-level Draenei technicians headed by Romul live almost permanently in Quel'Thalas, providing important input on projects including spaceship development, tank improvement, Rukhmar's Breath repair, and mobile phone iteration updates. help.

Sarlayan doesn't like to owe favors, and he always looks for opportunities to pay back the help he receives from others.

Akama, the leader of the Ashtongue Deathsworn, still can't get over the hurdle in his heart. He doesn't want to meet his old friends like Velen in his current twisted posture.

Therefore, Sarlayan plans to visit the Dark Temple in the near future, hand over 1,000 Akandor fruits to Akama, and personally cure all the Ashtongue Deathsworn.

It happened that Velen was also leaving for Draenor, and Sharlayan made an appointment with him to set off together in a week.

Just as Sharlayan turned his attention back to the domestic armaments research and development in Quel'Thalas, Tinargosa, who had been living a life of peace and quiet after retiring from the job of managing the territory, suddenly wandered to the vicinity of the biological laboratory that was nominally affiliated with Inas. .

At Xiao Tina's reminder, Sarlayan suddenly slapped his forehead.

"Ah... you really forgot if you didn't mention it. There is also a young green dragon living here who has other agendas."

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