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Chapter 1565 Cloela gradually forgets her original intention

The last time he returned to Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan heard Tina Gosa mention this matter.

However, he was busy dealing with matters related to Mysler at that time and could not spare the time to ask about the specific situation of the young dragon.

Coincidentally, in order to ensure that the Broken One's treatment plan was foolproof, Sarlayan had been wandering around the biological experimental area recently.

The playful little Tina also thought of the neglected guy yesterday, and then hurriedly came to remind Sarlayan not to forget to see her before setting off again.

Yes, it's her.

The green dragon who came to Unicorn City to live temporarily while hiding her identity is a female, and her name is Chloe.

This name does not conform to the naming rules for core members of the Green Dragon clan, which shows that she does not play an important role in the clan.

Speaking of which, let me mention the naming habits of the five dragon clans.

Take the blue dragon family as an example. Among their core members, most of the male blue dragons have the suffix Goos, while the female blue dragons have Goosa.

For example, Malygos, Senegos, Sindragosa, Stellagosa, etc.

In the same way, the core members of the red dragon like to add Taz and Thasa after their names, the black dragon likes Ga'an or O, and the bronze dragon is the full name of Mu and Mi, the green dragon Weisi and LS Leian's mother Inasi. The name is Elena Strasza. From this naming rule, it can be seen that her parents mainly follow the naming method of the red dragon clan, which can be regarded as in line with the identity of Inas as a hybrid of red dragon and green dragon.

According to the habits of the green dragon clan, if she is a core member of the clan, the female green dragon's name should have "La" as the suffix.

For example, Ysera, Melinthera, etc., and the male representatives are Eranikus, Isarios, etc.

Of course, this rule is not absolute.

For example, the guys who were called the Four Green Dragons in Dreamland by the barrage, their names are Laythorne, Emeris, Tyral and Isendre, which are almost incompatible with the usual naming habits of green dragons. On what side?

By the way, the name Isendre sounds like a male, but she is actually a powerful female dragon and the leader of the four green dragons in the dream.

Sarlayan has already guessed Chloe's identity. This little girl is most likely one of the children Melinsela gave birth to in her early years.

Described by the rules of Azeroth's mainstream civilization, Melinthera has not yet "mated" and has never mated with any male dragon.

The children she gave birth to were without exception hatched from infertile eggs and could indeed be considered her biological flesh and blood.

When Sarlayan went to the Emerald Dream before, he had heard that Melinthera had a son named Soresus.

It is said that he is the best among the many peripheral members of the Green Dragon clan. He is extremely talented and has the potential to transcend class and grow into a core member.

Perhaps Melinthera saw the potential of Soresus as early as when he was born. Some clues can be seen from his name with the suffix "Si", which placed Melinthela's confidence in the child's future. ardent expectations.

In fact, Soresus did live up to Melinsela's expectations.

He is only over 300 years old this year and has already reached the minimum standard for accepting the coming-of-age ceremony. The only thing missing is the merit required by Dragon Sleep Temple to initiate the coming-of-age ceremony for peripheral members.

Regardless of the fact that Tina Gosa is the weakest among the Sarlayan family, if she were compared among all the blue dragon clan... or even the core members of the five major dragon clans of the same age, this girl would definitely be regarded as one of the most powerful. talent.

Tina Gosa is only about 100 years old this year, and she has already touched the threshold of the peak of the mortal realm under the strict supervision of her sister.

Tinagosa's potential and perseverance are a little lower than Stellagosa's, but if she is given enough time, it is not impossible to break through on her own without the coming-of-age ceremony.

However, neither Sharlayan nor Stellagosa wanted to force this little guy to fully realize his potential.

With so many doting brothers and sisters covering her, Tinagosa didn't have many opportunities to go to the battlefield in person to demonstrate her strength.

To put it more bluntly, Sharlayan and others left the choice of whether to accept the coming-of-age ceremony to Tina Gosa.

If she hopes to further develop her potential and break through on her own, the Shenying family will naturally be happy to see it happen. The family can also gain another high-end combat capability, so why not do it.

But if little Tina doesn't want to work hard anymore and just wants to lie down, Sharlayan and Stellagosa don't want to force her.

When she first learned that the choice was in her hands, Little Tina immediately cheered and gave the expected answer. She wanted to directly accept the coming-of-age ceremony.

However, after calming down and thinking for a while, Tina Gosa changed her original idea and became entangled.

To this day, little Tina, who has already reached the standard of adulthood, still has not made up her mind to go to Longmian Temple to accept the coming-of-age ceremony.

Sarlayan had jokingly told her before that if she continued to hesitate like this, she might suddenly have a sudden inspiration and break through on her own one day.

This scenario is not impossible.

The first thing that can be determined is that Tinagosa's talent is not bad, only a little weaker than Stellagosa.

Secondly, due to the long-term influence of her brothers and sisters who have become involved in the situation, Tina Gosa's efforts are already far beyond the standard according to the standards of the dragon clan.

Third, little Tina, who has Sarlayan on her back, doesn’t have to worry about breaking through experience.

Sarlayan had openly told her family members about her breakthrough experience a long time ago, and her sisters who had achieved breakthroughs since then also made no secret of it.

All joking aside, if Tina Gosa is determined to break through on his own, this little guy will already be ahead at the starting line compared to those outsiders who are still struggling.

Jaina and Tinagosa were best friends who had known each other for many years. Under the stimulation of Jaina's crazy involution, Tinagosa's originally little competitive spirit was inevitably stimulated.

Jaina, who worked harder, reached the threshold of breaking through to the mortal world first, and Tinagosa was not far behind. Just two months ago, she also reached level 60.

If you want to break through the ultimate threshold that restricts mortals, it is meaningless to rely solely on hard work. What is needed more is a flash of understanding.

In other words, Tinagosa has every hope of breaking through before Jaina. It depends on who of the two can burst out with inspiration first.

Compared with Jaina, who is a Kirin Tor councilor, Tinargosa has the advantage of not needing to be distracted by other chores.

Even Sharlayan couldn't guarantee that Jaina, who was shouldering the responsibility, would be able to break through before Tinagosa, who had no worries.

That's too far.

In short, Tina Gosa, who has met a lot of demigods, has a very good vision and a very vicious eye. She can see Chloe's true strength at a glance.

This young dragon, who claimed to be over 300 years old, only had epic-level strength. Applying the digital template that Sharlayan was already accustomed to, Tinagosa temporarily defined her as level 51.

If her self-reported age is true, Chloe's progress is obviously much slower than Soresus's, which shows that her talent is not very good.

However, if we look at it by the standards of the entire dragon clan, at least among the peripheral members of the five major dragon clans, Chloe's progress is not slow.

With the identities of Sharlayan, Inas, Stellagosa, and Onyxia exposed in Quel'Thalas, the residents of Unicorn City have become concerned about the dragons that appear from time to time in the Deep Shadow Archduchy. It’s not strange anymore.

Therefore, Chloe, who has temporarily settled here, can return to her baby dragon prototype and commute to get off work without any worries.

Chloe claimed to be very interested in the bioengineering studied by senior Elena Strasza, so she came all the way to Quel'Thalas to study.

Judging from her subsequent performance after joining the Inas experimental group, this little green dragon, who is still young (by dragon standards), does have a good talent in this area, at least she can justify it.

But the timing of her coming to study was so coincidental that the Sarlayan family couldn't help but think too much about it.

Through Tina Gosa's subsequent secret exchanges with Wyrmrest Temple, Chloe's identity was finally determined.

As expected, this girl is indeed one of Melinsela's daughters.

Then, her true purpose of coming is self-evident.

What surprised Sharlayan, Tina Gosa and others was that during the period of studying in the laboratory, Chloe really developed a strong interest in bioengineering, and seemed to gradually forget that she left her hometown to come to Kui. The original intention of Al Salas.

"Ah..." Sarlayan, who was standing outside the laboratory door, looked at Chloe, who was concentrating on the experiment, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "Isn't this girl a single-threaded idiot?"

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