Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1567 Tina Gosa: Raise your hands! Something happened to you!

Just after finishing her day's work, before Chloe had time to sort out today's experimental results, the blue dragon who had seen through her identity at a glance appeared in front of her without any warning.

Tina Gosa looked at the little green dragon girl who was still wearing a lab coat with a half-smile: "Little guy, your incident has happened. Come with me, the lord wants to see you."

Chloe didn't know Tina Gosa's actual age, so she could only estimate it through strength according to the dragon clan's usual thinking.

Although she didn't know exactly how strong Tinagosa was, Chloe could vaguely sense that the seemingly petite blue dragon in front of her could definitely kill her easily.

Chloe is self-aware. Compared with those talented people, her talent is not top-notch. She has been able to grow to this point in more than 300 years mainly because she works hard enough.

...Of course, the effort mentioned here is compared with other lazy dragons.

Referring to others, under the influence of inertial thinking, Chloe didn't think that Tina Gosa was younger than herself, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with the little guy in her mouth.

As everyone knows, this is just Tinagosa deliberately making a fool of herself.

Seeing the tired look on Chloe's face, which showed an expected expression of fear and uneasiness, Little Tina nodded with satisfaction.

"Don't try to run away. You can't outrun me. Just follow me."

Chloe is not an impulsive person, and she knows that Tinagosa's words are not just bragging.

Compared with the mobility of the blue dragon that can flash and teleport everywhere, it is just asking for trouble.

In desperation, Chloe could only bow her head in resignation.


When Sharlayan saw Chloe in his lord's office, the little green dragon's face was full of uneasiness, and Tinagosa, who was leading the way, deliberately pretended to be arrogant. .


Sighing helplessly, Salay glanced at the little naughty boy who was still raising his eyebrows to take credit.

"Daughter of Melinsela, Chloe, right?"

Sarlayan knew that too much was too much, so he did not put any more pressure on the frightened little green dragon. He raised his hand to signal her with a gentle attitude: "Don't be so nervous. I don't mean any harm. Let's sit down first."

After obediently following the "order" and sitting down, Chloe carefully raised her eyes and glanced at Sarlayan with a soft smile on his face: "Lord, what are you going to do with me?"

Sarlayan shook his head helplessly: "I have told you that I have no ill intentions, and you have not done anything to harm the territory. I never planned to 'dispose' you from the beginning. Don't be frightened by the prank of that girl Tina. .”

Tinagosa, who had successfully completed the prank without any need to be greeted by Sarlayan, jumped onto Sarlayan's desk, smiling and swinging a pair of fleshy short legs.


There was a huge contrast between Tinagosa's performance at this time and her previous harsh words, and Chloe didn't react for a moment.

Sarlayan smiled bitterly and patted Tinagosa's little head: "Calm down first. This girl is spoiled by me and her sisters. She always likes to be naughty and mischievous. Don't take what she says too seriously. "

Seeing that Chloe's face still looked wary and uneasy, Sarlayan briefly explained his purpose of inviting her to come here to talk.

"I know you... or why you came here. As long as you don't do anything that threatens my territory and its people, I will not place any restrictions on your free movement in Quel'Thalas."

Sarlayan smiled and promised: "Whether you want to join the biology laboratory to study, or settle in Unicorn City to enjoy the new life style of mortals, you can."

"I am not afraid of the shadows. I ask myself that there is nothing worth covering up. My relationship with Melinsela... is rather complicated. This matter is not as simple as you think."

Sarlayan also felt a little headache about this. He rubbed his brows and said to Chloe, who was still dubious: "In a word, this is a decision made by the head of the green dragon clan out of political considerations. Decide."

[You might as well just name them...]

[Ysela: That’s right, that’s right. 】

[Not only Ysera, Melinsera’s father Eranikus also acquiesced. 】

Chloe originally thought that she would be severely punished if her identity was exposed, and she was even mentally prepared to fight to the end.

However, the development of the situation was completely different from what she expected. Her smart but scientific brain temporarily fell into a shutdown state.

Sarlayan could probably understand what Chloe was thinking, and he complained angrily: "You think I caught you for corporal punishment? I'm not that stingy."

“Actions are more effective than words of persuasion.”

"What kind of person am I? You can continue to stay in the territory and investigate slowly. As long as you don't violate the laws of the mortal world, you can move freely as you like."

"Okay, that's all I have to say. You go down and calm down first and collect your thoughts."

Sarlayan waved his hand to indicate that Chloe could leave: "I'm often on the road. If you need help, you can convey it to the lord's office through Tinagosa, and my team of secretaries will try their best to help you solve it. It’s a question of what we can do.”

When Chloe walked out of the lord's office in a daze, her mind obviously hadn't turned around yet.

It wasn't until Tina Gosa opened the portal and sent her home that Chloe regained her normal logical thinking ability as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"...It seems that it is necessary to contact Soresus first."

Sharlayan did not monitor the private actions of the heirs of Melinthera any more.

As he said before, as long as these green dragons do not do anything that endangers the security of the territory, he will not interfere with any actions of those children.

Today's Unicorn City has long become the most open and inclusive city in Azeroth, where people of any race can be treated equally.

At least the officials of the Deep Shadow Grand Duke Territory will keep things straight when facing disputes between various ethnic groups. The local aborigines have been influenced by their lords for a long time, and they also treat visitors of all ethnic groups who come to the territory to play and do business. Very welcome.

In Sarlayan's words, these people are here to generate income for their territories, and the extra income will be fed back into the daily lives of local residents in the years to come, improving their quality of life.

In this case, the local residents will certainly not look at these unjust people who come to the territory for consumption... ah no, they are tourists.

The local residents treat outsiders equally, but tourists who come from all over Azeroth still hold old racial discrimination concepts towards each other.

The Archduchy of Deep Shadow will not tolerate these people who like to cause trouble. As long as they violate Quel'Thalas' laws against racial discrimination, they will be arrested and sent to a detention center to be forced to calm down without exception.

It is not easy to completely change people's inherent ideas. However, under strict management and clear statements from the authorities, at least on the surface, there are almost no open cases of racial discrimination in Unicorn City. .

You can see any race known in Azeroth in this city, from the mainstream humans, high elves, dwarves, etc., to the less popular furbolgs, kobolds, and even dragons.

That's right, the dragon.

Does anyone really think that dragons sleep all day just because they like it?

After all, dragons like to sleep for years, even decades, mainly because they are bored.

Before Sharlayan brought diversified entertainment methods to Unicorn City, Azeroth, where civilization was not yet developed enough, had only a few entertainment options.

The lifespan of dragons is extremely long. No matter how new things are, they will get tired of playing with them after hundreds of years. When they are bored, they can only bury themselves in sleep to pass the time.

Under the deliberate promotion of "big player" Onyxia, Unicorn City's endless new entertainment methods have attracted a large number of dragons of all races to come here to have fun... and most of them don't want to leave once they come.

At first, when these dragons came, they would consciously maintain the disguise of mortals. When they found that the dragons living here would not attract too much extra attention, these people gradually let themselves go.

Nowadays, you can see several giant dragons flying over the Unicorn City from time to time, and maybe you can hear something from them: "Wow, good fight", "Broken Yaojiu", "Guilty of Quel'Thalas" Terrible words like "frontier".

[...God, those who violate the territory of Quel'Thalas are prospering? 】

[If you keep doing this, I’m going to give Three Kingdoms Abyss a good review! 】

【How vicious! 】(End of this chapter)

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