Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1568 Algalon Returns

In recent weeks, the Lord's Office has received three reports of drunk dragons accidentally colliding in mid-air.

To this end, Sarlayan specially summoned officials of all sizes in the territory, planning to formulate a traffic regulation specifically for dragons... or flying units.

However, just when Sarlayan had the rare chance to stay in the territory to handle the official duties that should have belonged to the lord, Mimiron, who was supposed to be working on technical problems in the laboratory, suddenly rushed into the conference room with a head full of oil.

"Salayan! There's big news!"

The motion under discussion was interrupted, and Sarlayan frowned slightly and looked at Mimiron's mechanical face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Although there was no change in his demeanor, one could guess from Mimiron's raised voice that the important news he said was true.

"What's going on? Which technology has made a breakthrough?"

"No, no, no!" Mimiron continued speaking faster: "It's not our problem, it's Ulduar!"

"Lei just sent a message through the Guardian's internal channel. Algalon, who has been exploring the universe before, is back. It is said that he has also brought back an important piece of information that you have been concerned about."

Sarlayan, who was originally in a relatively calm mood, suddenly had his eyes flashing: "Don't tell me... let's go! Let's go to Ulduar now!"

Before leaving, Sarlayan handed over the leadership of the meeting to Chief Secretary Stella Gosa. He believed that Little Star could handle this small issue in the territory on his behalf as always.

At the end of the Battle of Ulduar, Algalon, the Watcher personally appointed by the Pantheon, was physically persuaded by the Guardians joining forces.

Afterwards, Sarlayan revealed a major news to him - the destruction of the Pantheon, and also gave Algalon an important commission.

As a member of the Star Saint clan, Algalon has the special ability to jump around the universe at will with his physical body.

It is precisely because of this special ability that the Star Saints were appointed as observers by the Titans, monitoring all the planets in the universe that the Titans visited and left their footprints on their behalf.

By the way, because Aggramar left too quickly at the beginning and failed to make up for the registration due to his sudden death, Draenor cannot be regarded as a planet favored by the Pantheon, at least from a procedural perspective.

Although the Star Saints are very mobile, they cannot travel around the stars all day long. They usually only go to the destination to check the situation when they receive a warning from a planet within their jurisdiction.

Such is the case with Algalon.

Azeroth is not the only planet under his jurisdiction. Because Loken deliberately blocked contact with the Pantheon, Algalon has not received intelligence from Azeroth for tens of thousands of years.

Star Saints, like Titans, are an immortal species, and time is meaningless to them.

Therefore, Algalon didn't think that Azeroth's continued lack of contact was something worthy of extra attention. He subconsciously thought that everything in Azeroth was normal.

It wasn't until he arrived at the scene after receiving the alarm from Loken that Algalon realized how wrong he was.

If Sharlayan and the Guardians hadn't stopped him in time, this guy would have used the authority granted to him by the Pantheon on the spot to remotely activate the earth reshaping function of the Forge of Origin, completely destroying the civilization that Azeroth has developed to this day after countless years. Erase.

From the perspective of Azeroth's native creatures, Algalon's decision is undoubtedly drastic.

But from his point of view, if he only draws conclusions based on the existing data, the civilization of Azeroth, which is completely dominated by flesh-and-blood creatures, does seem to be "hopeless".

Fortunately, Sarlayan set an example and proved to Algalon that flesh and blood creatures are not necessarily lackeys on the void side.

The mainstream countries in Azeroth are not of the same mind as the Old Gods. Instead, they are enemies of each other.

After personally confirming the current situation of Azeroth, Algalon, who was worried about the safety of the Pantheon and the Titans, hurriedly left Azeroth with Sharlayan's commission.

Since then, Algalon has used his natural leap ability to search and investigate around the universe.

Facts have proved that the information provided by Sarlayan...or the barrage was accurate.

Algalon used the power fluctuations left by the Titans to find the battlefield where Sargeras and the Pantheon battled. He even found a body fragment that still retained part of Aman'Thul's power.

It was only then that Algalon truly believed Sarlayan's words. As a senior manager of the Star Saint clan, he officially called on all Star Saints in the universe to join the search.

Hard work pays off.

The intelligence acquisition efficiency of the Star Saint clan, which is operating at full strength, is not comparable to that of Illidan, who can only hit his luck everywhere.

When Sarlayan and Mimiron rushed to Ulduar as quickly as possible, Algalon had already begun to explain to the Titan Guardians headed by Raiden and Odin his... or the Star Saint clan's investigation. situation.

When it comes to the safety of the Creator, the Titan Guardians have serious expressions.

"...To sum up, most of the secondary galaxies under the Pantheon such as Orabod, Typhon, and Kormos have fallen."

"Markov, Asami, Drakan and other first-level systems are still resisting with difficulty under the continuous attack of the Burning Legion."

"Thanks to the full containment of the Holy Light Legion that broke into the Legion's lair, and the chaos in the Legion's command system caused by Azeroth's killing of Archimonde the Defiler."

"At least within a standard cosmic era (100 years), many first-level galaxies under the original jurisdiction of the Pantheon will not fall easily."

"But we must seize the time to resolve the major damage caused by the Burning Legion's ravage in the universe as soon as possible, revive the Pantheon, and clean up the chaotic post-war mess."

Algalon's attitude was still businesslike, but everyone could hear an obvious sense of urgency in his words.

"Fortunately." Algalon breathed a sigh of relief: "The information provided by Sarlayan Deep Shadow is correct. Eonar, the mother of the gods, successfully escaped from the pursuit of the traitor Sargeras and hid alone in Tiansu. In the subspace within Galaxy No. 5.”

"But the confirmation of this news also means that the souls of all Titans except Eonar have been captured by Sargeras, and the situation is not optimistic."

"According to the latest intelligence from the front line, Eonar's shelter has been discovered by the Burning Legion."

"Before I set off to return to Azeroth, the Xivalla Coven, a secret service agency directly under the fallen titan Sargeras, was tentatively attacking the sanctuary."

"As you all know, the Star Saint clan's combat ability is not very strong. Even if we expose our whereabouts and come to our aid with all our strength, we cannot stop the continuous reserve reinforcements from the Burning Legion."

"If the Burning Legion maintains its current intensity and continues to attack, the sanctuary can last for up to five years."

"You must resolve the crisis within the planet as soon as possible, concentrate all your forces to counterattack Argus, the home of the Burning Legion, and end this disaster that spreads to the entire universe before the souls of the Titans are completely corrupted by Sargeras."


Raiden frowned and turned to look at Sarlayan and Mimiron, who had been listening for a while: "Two, what do you think?"

Mimiron was the first to report: "Based on the technology left by the Draenei, the research and development progress of the spacecraft is still progressing steadily, and it is expected that the results will be available within one and a half years."

"Taking into account the time required for subsequent mass production of spacecraft, it will probably take about three years before we can launch a full-scale counterattack, and... the premise is that Sarlayan can find a way to solve the jump distance problem."

Mimiron rubbed his bare mechanical head with a headache: "The Draenei's jump technology is very mature, but that's all."

"It took them more than 20,000 years to escape from Argus to Draenor. We obviously don't have that much time to waste on the journey."

"Therefore, we must come up with a reliable solution that can span the vast distance from Azeroth to Argus."

"Leave this to me."

Sarlayan solemnly gave a guarantee: "Through the intelligence provided by the demon spies who instigated rebellion from Argus, Illidan Stormrage has locked the specific coordinates of the broken world of Marton."

"In order not to alert others, he is staying in the Dark Temple to hide his capabilities and bide his time in the name of recovering from his injuries."

"When the time comes when I have to move, I will personally join the attack team to attack Marton, and gather superior forces to break through Marton's defense in one fell swoop."

"Marton has a collection of special artifacts that can open portals to worlds controlled by all legions - the Sargrith Keystone. With it, we can reach Argus directly in the shortest time and start the final decisive battle with the Burning Legion. "

Odin stroked his lava-like beard thoughtfully: "I have a question, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, will he really sit back and watch us break through Marton and get the Sargerit Keystone?"

"Ha~" Sarlayan smiled meaningfully: "It's not up to him."

"Before I attack Marden, I will use Kil'jaeden's absolutely irresistible temptation to lure him to Azeroth in advance and eliminate him first."

"Without the Trickster, the Burning Legion is nothing more than a band of stragglers made up of chaotic demons."

"But before that, we must first use the coming elemental tide to solve Azeroth's last internal trouble - N'Zoth, the Thousand Bearded Demon."

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