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Chapter 1569 Hell's Joke: The Reinforcements Elune Prepared for Her Sister

Eonar must be rescued, but before heading to her sanctuary to rescue her, Azeroth's rear must be secured.

In addition to the internal worries of N'Zoth, external threats from the Shadowlands also need to be taken into consideration.

Thinking about it this way, time will undoubtedly be very tight in the next few years, and Sharlayan even begins to consider whether to take a quick trip to the Shadow Realm before the elemental tide begins.

Don't get me wrong, such a short amount of time is definitely not enough to deal with Denathius and the Warden, but at least we should first rescue the big daddy of the Shadow Realm - the Soldier Master.

Even the military master who holds the power of forging cannot make something out of nothing. Sufficient logistical preparations must be made in advance before any war begins.

Giving this important task to the Winter Queen and Gristia really made Sarlayan uneasy.

Although these two people are also eternal beings and true god-level beings in the Shadow Realm, one of them is a habitual criminal and the other is a rookie who lacks experience in civilian affairs. In terms of pre-war coordination ability, they are completely unable to compete with soldiers who are born for war. Compared with the Lord.

It is true that Sarlayan still cannot completely trust the soldier master, but at least when it comes to defeating the chaos and maintaining the normal order of the Shadow Realm, the soldier master should not jump out and make any mistakes.

"The Shadow Realm..."

After hearing Sarlayan's plan, Algalon touched his chin thoughtfully.

"The Titans and the Eternals belong to two different camps. One represents order and the other represents death. Although they have had some interactions before, they have never had in-depth contact with each other."

"I'm afraid we won't be of much help during your trip to the Shadow Realm. Are you sure you want to leave Azeroth at this juncture?"

Sarlayan spread his hands helplessly: "What else? Once the elemental tide breaks out, we will be tied up in Azeroth for at least 1-2 years and unable to go out at will."

"If we can rescue the leader one or two years in advance and let him start preparing for a counterattack as soon as possible, after N'Zoth is completely defeated, we can efficiently solve the problems left by the Shadow Realm, and we can sharpen our swords without losing sight of the woodcutter."

"Well..." Algalon said noncommittally: "I personally don't agree with your time-sensitive adventure plan, but it is you who ultimately makes the decision."

"In order to increase the success rate of your plan, let me provide you with some information that may be useful."

"About the Winter Queen..."


Sarlayan raised his hand with a strange expression to stop: "If you want to say that the Queen of Winter and Elune on the life side are sisters, I already know this."


Olga was stunned for a moment before nodding blankly: "That's right, Elune also has the title of Moon Goddess in Azeroth. You have personally interviewed the Queen of Winter. It's not surprising to know this. .”

"In that case, let me help you again."

Olgalon said solemnly: "I will make a special trip to the Sanctuary of Life, use the recent situation of the Winter Queen as a stepping stone to meet with Elune, and try my best to persuade her to provide some assistance within my ability to my sister far away in the Shadow Realm. "

[The assistance you are talking about...won't mean killing a group of shadow elves and sending them to the Shadow Realm as reinforcements, right? 】

【Grass! What a hell joke. 】

【Isn’t it right? Isn't this what Elune did in the original history? 】

[That’s not right at all. Elune didn’t kill those dead night elves. 】

[At most, she broke the rule that night elves do not enter the Shadow Realm for reincarnation, and sent the souls of dead night elves into the Shadow Realm, intending to solve the anima crisis in Ardenweald. 】

The rules of reincarnation of the night elves are completely different from those of other races in Azeroth.

I don’t know whether Nordrassil’s ten thousand-year protection has completely changed their life form, or whether it is the blessing given by Elune. After death, the night elves will not be taken to the Shadow Realm, but will transform into Become a unique soul called an elf.

Elves are a type of wilderness spirit and possess extremely high intelligence, but they will forget their memories of their lives and start from scratch.

After accumulating enough natural energy, the elf can be reincarnated and reborn in a new night elf form without having to travel to the Shadow Realm again.

This self-sufficient set of reincarnation rules continues to this day.

Due to the invisibility of elves, ordinary people cannot see their existence at all, and other races have almost never heard of the massive demise of elves.

On the other hand, once the elves suffer heavy losses, the night elves' reincarnation system will suffer heavy losses.

The most recent investment the night elves made without hesitation was the tragic Battle of Hyjal.

In order to ensure the death of Archimonde, the night elves not only sacrificed the world tree Nordrassil, Malfurion also used the ancient horn to summon a large number of elves to surround the Defiler and explode themselves, in order to stop Archimonde as much as possible. Escape.

They succeeded, but suffered heavy losses.

Sharlayan, who has the power of life, has a say in this.

With his current ability, it is easy to pinch a vivid flesh, and he can even customize it precisely according to actual needs.

However, it is even more difficult to create a soul out of thin air.

The soul is the core of an intelligent creature, and a body without a soul is just a meaningless shell.

In the words of barrage, at most it is a high-end inflatable doll.

Rukhmar once created the arakkoa population at the cost of damaging its origin. Since then, she has cultivated it as a natural seed for thousands of years under the careful care of the rangers in Ardenweald before gradually recovering.

Sharlayan boldly guessed that in order to shape the soul without damage, he must have a special power that he is not yet sure of.

Perhaps Eonar, the mother of the gods, will know the secret, and Sharlayan will ask her a question or two later.

The souls of the night elves lost in the Battle of Sea and Mountain have all been transformed into elves. As a true god on the side of life, Elune would not force a cow to drink water and force these elves into the Shadow Realm to be handed over to the Queen of Winter. .

After all, the night elves have believed in her "Moon God" for tens of thousands of years. It can be seen from the divine favor that Elune bestows on Tyrande that she still attaches great importance to her believers.

Now that Azeroth is in a period of peace, it is unlikely that the night elves will die in large numbers. Even if Elune wants to recruit men, she cannot find a suitable target.

If Elune really received Algalon's notice that she planned to lend a helping hand to the Shadowlands... or the Winter Queen, Sharlayan was not sure how she would intervene.

Take action personally?

That's obviously impossible.

Elune is the boss of the life side, while the Shadow Realm is the paradise of the dead. The attributes of the two are completely opposite. She cannot enter the Shadow Realm with her real body.

‘Forget it, let’s wait until Elune really agrees to help. '

Sharlayan will not pin all his hopes on Elune, who sees the dragon and never sees the end. Only by doing it himself can he have enough food and clothing.

Algalon's promise can only be regarded as a surprise, it is best to have it, and there is no need to force it.

After sending Algalon away in a hurry, Sharlayan also planned to return to Quel'Thalas to start preparations for the trip to the Shadowlands.

Before leaving, Odin suddenly stopped him.

"Salayan, don't rush away, I have something to give you."

The one-eyed chief administrator waved to Al, the king of the Val'kyr who had been following him. Al, who was shining with golden light, immediately flapped her wings and flew towards Sarlayan. She was holding a very familiar face in her hand. shield.

The Pillar of Creation artifact - the Shield of Aggramar.

Sharlayan will not use the Pillar of Creation lightly, even if it is used by a demigod, it will wear out a lot, and it will only be used at certain critical moments.

After using the Eye of Aman'Thul, the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, and the Aegis of Aggramar last time, Sharlayan returned them to their original safekeeping places.

The Eye of Aman'Thul forms the core of the Nightwell, and cannot leave Suramar for long.

The Hammer of Khaz'goroth is a treasure that has been passed down from generation to generation by the tauren of Highmountain since the time of Huon Highmountain, and is still kept by the Highmountain tribe.

The Aegis of Aggramar has always been housed in the Aggramar Vault in Stormheim, guarded by a stone giant named Utna.

As Odin moved the Hall of Valor back to Ulduar, he could no longer leave the Shield of Aggramar in Stormheim, which he could no longer take care of, so he simply brought it back to Ulduar as a matter of course.

"Take it, you may face a true god-level powerful enemy on your trip to the Shadow Realm."

Odin solemnly said: "The Shield of Aggramar is one of the artifacts forged by the shaper Kazgoros himself. It will definitely play a vital role when you need protection."

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