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Chapter 1580 Meeting Winali for the first time

Of course Sharlayan was joking. Today's Frostmourne is a magic sword without attributes and has nothing to do with the word fire.

However, if Sharlayan really needs it, he can ask him to customize it after rescuing the soldier master, and tailor Frostmourne to the enchantment attributes that best suit him.

However, Sharlayan does not intend to keep Frostmourne for long.

For things like artifacts, the more you hoard, the stronger you will be. In the end, you still have to consider the compatibility with the owner.

Sharlayan couldn't be idle all day carrying Frostmourne everywhere to suck souls. Instead of wasting it in his own hands, it would be better to return it to the Lich King Solas after using it.

Frostmourne can exert its greatest power when used by undead masters who often participate in battles.

Distracted by barrage gags along the way, it took Sarlayan a full hour to get out of the soul turbulence that had a small horizontal coverage.


After being freed from the biting cold wind that penetrated his soul, Sarlayan sat down on the ground and took a deep breath.

Before he could even breathe, the Warden's Eye suspended on the top of Torghast Tower glanced over again as if aware of it.


Sarlayan could only grit his teeth and transform into a black panther form again to start sneaking. At the same time, he cursed and complained: "Odin! I will marry you as an immortal!"

Odin really can't get rid of this scapegoat. If it weren't for the deal he made with Mu'ezara, the Eye of the Warden that can monitor the movements of the entire Maw would not exist.

There was no other way, Sarlayan could only drag his tired body and continue on the road, and then take a good rest after finding Wei Nali's shelter.

Having just left the Sinner's Forge, which was full of ghostly noises, and suddenly arrived in a relatively quiet environment, Sarlayan was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

At the current time point, the Maw has not yet received a large influx of anima, and the size of the army under Zoval is far smaller than when the plot began in the original history.

After leaving the Sinner's Forge, Sharlayan carefully sneaked around to explore.

Except for the hundreds of people stationed in the ruined fort, which has been basically completed, Sarlayan could not see any patrolling soldiers on the road.

Perhaps Zoval believes too much in the surveillance capabilities of the Warden's Eye, and more likely, the manpower currently at his disposal is not enough to control the entire Maw.

After bypassing the Fortress of Destruction, Sarlayan quickly arrived near the Wei Nali Sanctuary under the guidance of the barrage map.

But since it is a shelter, its specific location is obviously not easy to find.

After being the first to find the teleportation monument for the return journey, Sarlayan walked back and forth around the area for more than ten times, and finally discovered an extremely inconspicuous cave entrance.

As soon as he entered the cave with his body raised, Sarlayan immediately felt an inexplicable scanning sensation.

"Wow~ wow~ look what this is? A black panther? What a rare visitor."

A joking female voice came from the corner of the cave in front of Sarlayan, and a weird-looking agent appeared in his field of vision.

Brokers are unique creatures in the Shadow Realm. They have no physical appearance, and their body is just a translucent soul body.

In order to facilitate communication with people, brokers dress themselves up like other intelligent creatures. Outsiders who are not familiar with them can only distinguish different brokers through the differences in clothes and decorations.

The agent who appeared in front of Sarlayan... how should I put it, her yellow and black vertical striped outfit easily reminded Sarlayan of the clown at the Dark Moon Circus.

If nothing else, this broker is the Wei Nali that Sarlayan is looking for, a subordinate member of the Yuan Wei Consortium.

According to the intelligence collected by Sarlayan before, the Broker clan comes from an unimportant country under the Shadow Realm.

This group of disembodied intelligent beings are natural businessmen. Their position is similar to the goblins of Azeroth and the ethereal spirits who speculate everywhere in the material universe.

The thinking patterns of businessmen are very similar in some aspects, for example, businessmen sign up for a consortium to keep warm.

The goblins have the Steamwheedle Consortium, the Bilgewater Consortium, the Venture Capital Investment Company, etc. The Voidlings also have the Astral Consortium, and the same business brokers will of course form their own consortium.

The Wei Consortium that Wei Nali once belonged to is just one of countless brokerage consortiums. In addition, there are the Ba Consortium to which Ba Har is affiliated, the Suo Consortium to which So Lan is affiliated, the Austrian Consortium, the Philippine Consortium, and the Ta Consortium. wait.

Let me emphasize again that the Shadow Realm is not Sarlayan's home field. He has no interest in dealing with the various broker consortiums, and he does not care about the reasons why Wei Nali was expelled from the Wei Consortium or even exiled to the Devouring World. deep.

After all, he is just a passerby in the Shadow Realm.

As long as these brokers do not threaten the Shadow Realm...or even the entire multiverse, Sarlayan has no intention of investigating their details in depth.

With a wise and courageous military leader sitting in the Shadow Realm, Sarlayan didn't think these profiteers could make any big news.

"Anti-invisibility barrier?"

Wei Nali can see her own body, which means that the previous scan is probably a special effect of the barrier, and its main function is to break any form of invisibility.

To be able to survive alone in the crisis-ridden abyss so far, Wei Nali must have relied on more than just geographical advantages. This level of vigilance is natural.

"This is our first meeting, dear Ms. Broker."

Now that he had been exposed, Sarlayan stopped covering up and turned back into his human form on the spot and politely saluted Wei Nali with his breasts pressed against his chest.

"I am Sharlayan Deep Shadow. For some reason, I came to the Maw to perform a mission. I hope to get help from you, a local snake."

"Hello, Mr. Deep Shadow."

Wei Nali's attitude was pretty good, and she responded to Sarlayan's greetings with a smile.

"My name is Wei Nali, a poor person who was exiled to the Maw and struggled to survive."

"If I guess correctly..." Wei Nali said meaningfully: "Your Excellency should be coming from Oribos, right?"

"You entered the Maw but did not absorb the influence of the environment and began to complain. This aura in your body... did you forcefully rush through the Sinner's Forge?"

"Even so, you can still remain calm and restrained...Who are you, Your Excellency?"

Sarlayan smiled and spread his hands: "I'm just an ordinary living person. Maybe it's because I still have a physical body. Although the Sinner's Forge is so cold that my teeth tremble, I can barely bear it."

"The living..." Wei Nali was silent for a moment and then said thoughtfully: "So it turns out that the Shadow Realm has not been visited by the living for a long time. I really did not consider this aspect, which was a mistake."

"Let's get back to the topic." Wei Nali put away her joking attitude at the beginning, and her tone became serious: "Mr. Shenying, you said you wanted to get my help... but you can, but I need to know first that you have entered What is the mission goal of Maw Abyss?"


Sarlayan pretended to hesitate for a while before answering: "I need to sneak into Torghast, the Tower of Sinful Souls, to rescue a prisoner. His name is the Talisman Carver."

"A talisman carver?" Wei Nali lowered her head and pondered for a while: "I've never heard of it."

"I know something about Torghast. Are you sure there is such a person imprisoned in the Tower of Sinful Souls? Could it be that you have misremembered his name?"

"No." Sarlayan shook his head firmly: "I am very sure that the Talisman Engraver must be imprisoned in the Tower of Sinful Souls, but he is different from ordinary prisoners. The warden should hide him Very deep.”


After listening to Sarlayan's explanation, Wei Nali made a gesture of rubbing her chin with interest... although she actually touched nothing.

"I probably know where the talisman carver you mentioned is being held. The mezzanine space that I didn't have time to explore last time indeed contains a big secret."

"I can help you." Wei Nali took a business-like attitude after some consideration: "But as you know, I am a broker and a businessman, and I will not do business at a loss."

"As long as your bid is appropriate, I can help you as much as I can. So... what can you pay for this transaction?"

Sarlayan smiled confidently and said: "Freedom, this is what I can provide you."

"...I'm sorry? How do you say this?"

Judging from the fact that Sarlayan dared to take the initiative to go deep into the Abyss to find someone, and still had such a calm attitude, Wei Nali had been vaguely aware of some important information.

But before Salayan admitted it, she didn't want to have too high expectations. After all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Sarlayan's acting style has always been vigorous and resolute. He did not intend to use riddles to trick Wei Nali into serving him, and he told his trump card straight to the point.

"Let me tell you the truth. If you can help me rescue the Talisman Engraver, I can promise to take you out of this dark and dangerous hell and let you return to the world full of light."

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